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Caravan Canopy Review...


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I posted earlier about the 10 x 10 Caravan Canopy I bought and said I would give you an updated review after my shows..

Excellent!!!! This tent was easy to put up and take down..

No Problems!!:wink2:

So anyone looking for a good tent for shows, you may want to check this one out..

Costco has this tent for $199.00 with sides, rolling bag, stakes..

(Shipping Included)

Now I did have a problem with the carry case when it arrived.

It was torn.:undecided

Called Carvan and they shipped out a new rolling bag without any problems. Good customer service and warranty.

FYI - This tent is 5"' long and may not fit into car trunks.

Just stay away from the EZ UP Embassy II tents.

That is the one I got first (From Sams) and the first time at a show 2 trusses bent and one broke!!

The Embassy II is a piece of junk.. IMO

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Thank you for the update I ahve been looking at the Carvan for a few years thinking this one might be the one I replace my EZ up with.

I do have a question does this one have the cross struts in the center. I hate any of the tent that have no support in the center.

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I was going to get the one from Sams this week....uugghhh. I need a new one before the end of the month. Need a good sturdy white one that will alst more than 5 years. I have one that is almost 10yrs and is in excellent condistion yet.

There is no COtsco around here, so the membership wouldn't do much good....:undecided

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Call Caravan Direct.

See if they will give you the costco deal..

Caravan are the ones who shipped it directly to me, not Costco.

( I just ordered thru Costco)

Here is a link to the one I got.


For more information regarding this item please contact Caravan Canopy toll free at (877) 9-CANOPY

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