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Advertising ideas anyone??

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Hi everyone

I have recently opened my website, that was the hard part, so I thought. Have a fair amount of products available. As I live in the UK, and as the rest of you know that suppliers for candlemaking are few and far between over here. I started with my shop on Ebay and so I'm bringing customers from there over to the website with just my candles and a few FO's. So I thought the next move would be to really get into the supplying side, ordered a load of FO's from the US. That was easy, now I need to get the customer's in, I've already listed as a supplier on a few community forums, am being an active member of every message board I can find and adding to details to search engines. Am I missing anything? Oh, nearly forgot had adverts on ads by Gooooogle too.

I'm not expecting overnight miracles and realise that building a business isn't an instant thing. I just need to know that I'm heading in the right direction

Any help really appreciated :)


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Got from a friend so thought I would share with everyone trying get their business jumping. sow and you reap!

63 ways to advertise:

1. Bumper stickers

2. Flyers

3. Business cards (Self-Made or Vista Print)

4. Stayin’ Home and Lovin’ it T-shirts

5. Message boards

6. Free classifieds

7. Ezines

8. Paid ads

9. Postcards

10. Purchased leads

11. Bookmarks for libraries

12. Co-ops

13. Newsgroups

14. Word of mouth(friends and family)

15. Forwarded emails (Signature Line!)

16. Inexpensive lapel buttons

17. Pens to hand out

18. Welcome baby cards for hospitals

19. Request 5 mins at the beginning of different mom groups (Mops, Breastfeeding

classes, Lamaze classes, etc..)

20. Create a tri-fold: More info type handout that briefly explains The MOMTEAM. Do a

sort of mini presentation. Don’t take up too much of their time and hand out the flyer

with your biz card attached and maybe a free sample of the Tough and Tender or the

Trail Size Gold Bar

21. Welcome baskets of samples + business card to newcomers in the area

22. Community Colleges (lots of moms w/computers there)

23. Put a business card in all outgoing mail including anything that has a postage paid

envelope! Credit Card offers, etc.

24. Visit local doctors, chiropractors, natural healers, massage therapists (the REAL ones)

health food shops, and ask them if you can leave some pamphlets!

25. Car magnets - You can put magnets all over your car without asking anyone

26. Bookmarks in library books should be cleared with the librarians first

27. Index cards - leave in restrooms at restaurants or on cork boards around grocery


28. How about on the shelves of where those awful, nasty toxic products are sold!

29. How about leaving either a postcard or a pamphlet about toxins with your business

card with your hairdresser?

30. Or have a sample basket with your biz card attached

31. Creating a flyer about a home business and/or toxins in your homes and

32. Under windshield wipers of cards of people who attend your Church

33. Sending a pamphlet with a business card with your child to hand out to everyone in

his/her class to take home to mommy and daddy (or to each teacher)

34. Buy a pre-inked, personalized stamp and put your ad on it. Stamp the back of all your

envelopes that you mail out. Do you know how many people look at an envelope

before it gets opened by the mail department? A LOT!

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35. Biz cards in the side pockets of diaper bags while shopping

36. Junk mail with the postage paid envelopes, I send a flyer back to the company and it's

free postage!

37. On our light poles are clear tubes for the park owners to put flyers and stuff in

38. Gift basket raffles at Church bazaars, fish fries at your local community hall, any small

town function (biz card in the basket) and biz cards on the table next to it

39. Lots of people love raffles –

40. ALSO make gift baskets for family, friends, neighbors, etc. for birthdays,

anniversaries, Christmas, baby showers, bridal showers - you have to buy a gift

anyway - make it a VERY SPECIAL one!

41. Replying to spam email with MOMTEAM mail.

42. Give your business cards to friends and family and ask them to give them out to

people they know that might be interested. But turn your business card over and put

their name on it and say if someone asks for more info and shows you that card they

can get a free sample. Once they try the gold bar, solumel, etc they will be sold on the

products and they might enroll as a customer or you can put on the back of the

business card that if you show this card you will receive a free trial size product and

free info

43. Put up flyers at the local colleges and large grocery stores

44. Slip biz cards into kids books and toy packaging

45. Slip RM Barry pamphlets (Let's stop poisoning our Children) into children's books at

the bookstore

46. In the women's devotional bibles in the Christian book store I put my card and a


47. I left pamphlets by the change machine in the mall arcade too!

48. Use vinyl letters on the sun visor for your car to show your site

49. Use the old metal Band-Aid or gum tins & recover them, put a magnet on the back,

then put your business cards in them. Attach this to your car when you go into a store

50. If you go to garage sales, ask if you can leave a few of your flyers there.

51. My husband and I own a Tractor Trailer (18 wheeler Rig) that travels all over the USA.

We have a sign company preparing a MOM Team AD for the back of the trailer right

now. If anyone knows any Owner Operators, they could approach them to ask how

much they would charge for advertising on their trailer!

52. My husband keeps a supply of my business cards with him at all times. Whenever he

stops at a truck stop he will hand them to waitresses with their tip.

53. I keep a supply of brochures in my car and each weekend when I take my girls to their

soccer games, we spend some time placing MOM Team brochures on car windows.

54. I really like the idea of purchasing cheap seed packets (WAL-MART for $.10/each) and

putting a cute tag on them with my pertinent info on it as well as a saying such as

"I'm in the business of helping people grow". I will be using this idea during our

Community Days parade.

55. Another one I'm in the process of pulling together is using baby food jars, filling them

with two uses of Mela-Power, Mela-Soft, and Mela-Brite, wrapping them with a cute

label and handing them out to interested people at our booth this summer in a small

paper bag basket. Of course, they will fall in love with the products and have to call

me back to find out how to get more!!!

56. Business cards with a magnetic back really "stick" in people's minds as well as on their


57. I have a magnet on the back of my car that actually has gotten me lots of questions

and hits to my website as my URL is on the magnet. Also I have SHALI Team

brochures that are about the size of a legal envelope that I hand out to moms or

others instead of just a business card...gives them just a little more information.

58. I also try to call all the malls and hospitals in my area to see when they are having a

baby expo...when they are I go and walk around and pass out my business cards and/

or brochures.

59. putting your URL on your placemat at the restaurant

60. having your URL on the side window of your car with vinyl letters

61. having catalogs in your vehicle when you are at ball practice with your kids, so that

you can be looking at "your " order at that moment

62. baby shower gifts

63. My absolute favorite offline ad idea is that each month when I send out my bills, I

insert one of my business cards into the envelope. It is so easy to do this and I have

generated leads each month consistently! Of course I have also posted a flyer on the

community board at my local Wal-Mart, in addition to leaving a few business cards in

the kids' section around the diapers and formula. I have even been to the library with

my son and left my business cards as bookmarks in the kids' secti

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