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Everything posted by Kimberly

  1. Just as long as I can get the time off from the office I am in! LOL...I even went to my office tonight to see if anyone else had those days off. :yay: :yay:
  2. Bunny, If I get to go is the name on my nametag gonna be the same as the Chicago Conference?...lol Yep, I am going to try to swing this. Airfare isnt that bad from NY to TX. I just hate traveling alone. Bunny, Sherie, Scented...I will keep ya posted. I should know by the middle of the week!
  3. I have used BCN Smoke and Odor Elim....but Tristates S&O out sells it 10 to 1. Always a top seller for me. I have several Indian customers that swear by it to cover the scrnt of curry. I also sell a lot of it in the summer to the "Lakers" around here. They use it in their lake houses in the summer to cover the fish smell. If you are looking for a great soaping scent to cover odors..Tristate Lemongrass and Orange...awesome soaper and very strong!
  4. To my knowlegde when a FO cystalizes you will see clear crysltals in the bottom of the FO. NOT crap floating in it. I have had 1 fo crystalize and it was during shipping in the winter. Usually Vanilla FO's are the ones that crystalize and all you have to do is warm the FO and the crystals will dissapear.
  5. Julia, That is a great opportunity for some of the folks here. I really think that the coverages needs to be posted before anyone commits to purchasing the policy. I would love to see the proposal.
  6. White is a hard thing to layer. We do our Glory candle in red white and blue scented red mac, cake bake and blueberry. You will find them to be an awesome seller in the summer....keep it up! My best selling votive in the summer is my "glory" layered. Pain in the ass...but sell great!
  7. Exactly...ENOUGH ALREADY! We are not going to agree on this issue. You seem to get upset if anyone says anything bad about JS. I actually think my post was rather nice. Look back. The thread started over "floaties" and then all the JS fans were saying they had no floaties and even had the nerve to ask the poor girl if it was really a JS FO. Jolsen had a legitimate question...then a lot of people chimed in with the no floaties here and made it look like an isolated inncident.....it isnt. JS has a few FO's that I would still use, but we have been over that. I will find replacements or drop them from my line. She does have great customer service, I will not argue with that. Seems there has been a whole lot of defending JS on this board. In my opinion if the oils were the bomb then the company wouldnt need so many of its clients to stand up for it. Becky is on here enough...she knows who says what....LMAO Ask me how I know...seems she should defend herself. Miss melly, I have nothing against you or any JS users. Just like you said...enough already...let it go.
  8. Bunny darlin...whats up with the french? In Lousianna I think that would have been a good idea...but you are in Texas. I definitly do not think French when I think of Texas. Personally, when I think French...I think arrogance, snooty and hairy legs and armpits...lol (Please, not trying to offend anyone...just what comes to my mind) You are definitly not arrogant...snooty...and I know you shave every now and then....lol You are more fun and whimsical....just my two scents...lol HEY there ya go...My Two Scents!...lol
  9. BCN Cin Bun is ok....Peak has a good one. TriState has a great one. I just smelled Cinnamon Roll from Lebermuth over the weekend...MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
  10. I really think you need to look at some of the Posts about this supplier....it is not the same people everytime. I have had negative interactions with this supplier and all I have said is that most of her oils do not work for me. There are a few that do but most just do not throw for me. I think Becky is a nice lady...I have said that on a couple different occasions, but that does not change the fact that most of her oils do not work for me. 9 times out of 10 if someone is posting a problem they are having with a specific oil or supplier they are trying to see if it is an isolated incident...they are not trying to cause problems. Someone did post just a few days ago about "floaties". One person had this problem a while back....and I know and trust this person...so yes, there could be problems. I could care less. I will not, I repeat...WILL NOT order from Just Scent ever again. For those of you that JS Fo's work for, I am happy for you....you have found a supplier that you like and that means a lot. I have a wonderful supplier that I strayed from trying to save money...I definitly learned my lesson. We all have different opinions where FO's are concerned...we all as a group will NEVER agree on one single supplier.
  11. The Conference was good. I dont really understand your reference to "Extra Credit" activities. There were some good presentations and some networking opportunities. I guess it all boils down to how experienced in this business you are. If you have been in the biz a long time then maybe you would not find it worthwhile...a newbie would definitly find it worthwhile. I think everyone took something positive away from the meeting. I learned some things and there were some good demos. Some of us also go because it is a chance to spend time with good friends and have fun. Also to shop so we dont have to pay shipping on supplies.
  12. Ginkay and I just checked into our room...WHERE IS EVERYONE?????
  13. Well, I have something for the Chinese Auction..and so does ginkay...but I dunno about anyone else:cry2:
  14. WOW! I am glad you said something about being closed on Friday. I was going to leave early to be able to make it on time to WSP.
  15. WOW...slowburn lives near Findley also. I am looking so forward to meeting everyone...and seeing a few familiar faces!
  16. That keeps me from ordering from them for a lot of things. I did call them and they said it was because I was all the way in NY. I clued the girl in on the fact that I was only 5 hrs from them.:rolleyes2 I really believe they inflate their shipping.
  17. Not to beat a dead horse here...but I would not use a FO with "floaties" in it. I dont think I should have to waste my time straining a FO. Good luck to you with whatever you decide to do.
  18. Wow....I get AWESOME throw from Peak's GCA. I use J50. Great seller for me
  19. Well I am not near a DOW...but I sure as hell live in Corning!...lol I have been talking to some of my insureds that are chemists and engineers at Corning....they are looking but so far no dice!
  20. Best Perfume Dupes IMO are from Save on Scents. I mostly use their dupes in B&B but the ones I have put in candles are awesome! Ask mystical_angel...she has used several of their oils in soy.
  21. bumping this up! If anyone is wanting to participate in the Chinese Auction Friday night with us....Please contact me. THANKS!!!
  22. Anyone know of a good Lemonade scent out there? I am looking for a Pink or just straight Lemonade. NO JS FO!!!!!!!!!!! I REFUSE to buy from her ever again...that is another story. Thanks!
  23. There is an angle I havent tapped into yet...turnin tricks!....maybe we should limit it to the UPS or Fed Ex guys!...LMAO
  24. Bumping this up! I am getting excited about seeing everyone again! The ride out there will be fun also, mystical_angel, Deb, ginkay and I will be driving from NY to Canton. Will be bringing a Van....WE HATE PAYING SHIPPING!!!!...lol
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