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Everything posted by Kimberly

  1. Being an Insurance Agent myself I know your senario all too well. And what this Agent told you about the experience really is true. With Business insurance it is rated on amount of experience and your gross annual income. The Insurer needs to know the exposure they are taking on. If you have zero experience then they see it as a fly by night operation. It isnt that you have zero yrs experience...you have obviously been making for a bit...thats what you need to say. And the policy Declarations you posted...you are right..that is not Product Liability. They quoted you a BOP (Business Owners Policy) or at least that is how our BOP policies look here in NY. You could function under that policy but the only thing that has me worried is the "Completed operations excluded" thing. That is what PL Ins is COMPLETED PRODUCTS OR OPERATIONS. When you talk to a potential Agent tell them if you are going to have an actual Store Front...if you are then you go with a BOP policy. If you are like the majority of us here, then you want Product Liability. Most Homeowners WILL NOT cover in home business/manufacturing. A Homeowners policy is just that...for your home. Most companies do not want to take on that sort of exposure. So please do not assume your Homeowners will cover you. There are people here on this board that have coverage under their Homeowners but I can tell you it differs from State to State and from Company to company. I just hope that it is sufficient coverage. It is good that you are looking around now for coverage. SOme people here have been looking for a while for affordable coverage. Good Luck!
  2. YAY!!! getting close! Everyone up for the Chinese Auction again this yr? Each person who wants to participate bring a gift in the $15 range. It can be something you made or something someone else made. Lets try to go with Handmade creations. Lets see who wants to participate! 1. Kimberly 2. mystical_angel 3. slow-burn
  3. I dont know of you did this or not...but it is possible to over whip! If you do that it will fall once you package it. Also, I dont use cocoa butter...I would think that it would make the batch too hard once it set up.
  4. I have ordered THOUSANDS of labels from Online Labels and have never had a problem. When I do label co ops I only deal with them because they are cheaper and I get my labels quick. Did you oder on the web???...or did you call them? I always call them and I usually get some uptight rude guy...but I just throw it back at him and I always have my order correct and within 3 days. Good Luck
  5. CHristina I have never used Jojoba oil in this. I would try a lighter oil. When I make it it doesnt come out greasy...I think it is your choice of oils.
  6. Angie...I just pump mine in. Put the lotion in a jug with a pump and fill them that way...EZ as pie!
  7. YAY!!!!! Deb that looks awesome! I expect to see many more pics from you!!!
  8. S4C = Supplies4candles.com Meridith...that would be great! Thank You! Mystical...oh no girlie...We will not have time next weekend to do Ricks soap..I think we will be busy enough with the 370 Air Fresheners and the 26 pounds of Mica!!!
  9. I use 6228/J50 in tarts and it throws like a bitch!!!!!!! I made some for my momma...will definitly not be adding this scent to my candle line...WAAAY too expensive for my blood!
  10. Ok guys here is the 411. My BF likes to hunt...I suspect because he likes to wear safety orange....lol He is asking me to make a soap that will take away Human smell. Is their such a thing? Also, he is asking for a soap that will be used to attract critters. The scents he mentioned were Oak, apple, rotton leaves, fresh earth. Anyone have experience with this sort of soap? Thanks!
  11. Pastry scrapers....got them at the Dollar tree...stainless steel. Looks just like my regular straight soap cutter. 16oz disposable plastic cups. Great to measure out Lye in. Dryer sheets.....take one and rub the rim of your disposible cup...NO MORE JUMPING LYE!!!!
  12. LUV my liners made from these things! You can get transparencies at Walmart, Staples...any office supply. I would reccomend you do not get the ones for inkjet as they have a film on them...but it can be washed off if you cant find anything else. I have used the same liner for over a yr now....just lay it in the sink and wash it off...easy as pie!
  13. I use the stand up Foil pouches with the ziplock top.
  14. I dont have an actual store front and I have PL Insurance. If you are selling your products I definitly reccomend getting PL Insurance. Good luck finding it.
  15. My basic recipe has canola in it and I have never had a problem. I love to make soap with things I can get from the grocery store!
  16. But if the candlemaker has Insurance then their information HAS to be on the product in order for them to be protected properly.
  17. Like Chris R said...if it is a round object then just seal as usual...but when you shrink it push in the corners. When shrinking round soap I just rolled it on my table to smooth it out. Also, it never hurts to use a stick pin to poke air hole before shrinking...makes it much smoother and easier.
  18. Hot apple pie IMO is terrible!!!!!! Will not throw in my J50. Peaks HAP is awesome! JS Cinnamon Bun is decent. Creme Brulee...I will not use anyones but tristate...I think Peaks creme brulee smells like Maple Syrup. JS Fruit SLices is ok also. This is my opinion.
  19. As far as my WHolesale accounts...SLOW. But my personal customers...pretty steady. OMG FUNDRAISERS out the arse! I have 1 fairly large one starting on the 28th. I have had 3 smaller ones going on this month and tons of requests for fundraisers.
  20. I bought a mold that had mylar attached to the sides and it too broke apart. I think I would make sure the glue I used was not heat sensitive!
  21. I think it looks great! The only thing I would change is the C touching the fireplace. Nice work!
  22. I have used the one in my 2lb mold since I started soaping over a yr ago.
  23. Grumpy, I use just regular Transparencies for overhead projectors and I have never had a problem with warping or anything.
  24. Again Tri State! Their Purple Liquid dye is DEEP purple. When I made Grape candles, they were a DEPP DEEP Purple...30 drops of purple per 5lbs of wax.
  25. Girl you know it on the Tristate! I use their Red liquid dye. 10 drops per lb in J50 wax gives the truest red I have seen in a candle.....with NO fuel smell!
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