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Everything posted by Kimberly

  1. Oh I just got a sampler from them. I cant wait to soap the True Musk.
  2. Tristate has a freakin awesome one!
  3. I do my eyebrows all the time with wax. I have tried the sugaring methods before but didnt seem to work for me. Can this be used on...well...lets just say "private areas"?
  4. For case pricing I would try www.uline.com If you dont want to buy a whole case try www.cottonblossomcrafts.com
  5. LOL...hey I said I would post a pic. I am sort of a perfectionist and want it DONE before I show it to everyone. I am excited though!
  6. Thanks guys...I am going to expiriment this week. I like the rubber stamping or the stenciling idea. I like the bling bling idea too...but for what I am going to use them for I am afraid the glitter will come off. And nope...not using them for drawer sachets Heather...I just gave that as another use for them. I have a great market for what I am doing with them here......I will take a pic of my finished product. Thanks for the ideas everyone!!!!!!
  7. No Prob Gump...glad to do it!..lol 90% of my B&B labels are black and white. I dont think you will have a problem if you incorporate that into your packaging. I do colors that will accent B&W labels. My packaging is a mixture of WHite, clear or frosted jars...with black or silver lids. I think you will be fine in B&W!
  8. *SLAP*...snap out of it girl! You are very creative from what I have seen. I think Prarie Annie does logos. I know there are a few gals on The Dish that do logos. I think there are some of them that will print your labels for you....or you can get them to design an overall label and then take it to a local printer to mass produce your labels. As far as a printer goes. You can get awesome color inkjet printers for less than $100 at Walmart or Staples. I got my Color Laser printer from Staples for $299.
  9. Dont think so as they are HEAT SEALABLE...you use an iron to seal them shut:p LOL...I had already thought of that.
  10. I was trting to think of something to JAZZ up the heat sealable tea bags. I am not using them for Tub Teas so water will not be a problem. Other than ribbon...I am stumped:sad2:
  11. Tri State Candle Supply...their Lovespell is CLEAR..and STRONG!
  12. YAY SCENTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let me know how the liner worked for ya. I LUV mine.
  13. Once again...TRISTATE CANDLE!! One of my best sellers with my Fall fundraisers.
  14. Then you need a BOP....Business Owners Policy. It will give you coverage for your building, contents and Product Liability.
  15. OMG girl...who you tellin! I think we should all make this the standard when talking to Heather about soaping! :p
  16. Amen Sisah! I was not impressed with her oils....but I do wish her luck!
  17. I think they are digging themselves out at Almost Heaven...and I am so excited! I have gotten 2 shipments from them since Christmas! They have awesome prices! I will definitly keep giving Lea orders as long as she keeps shipping to me in a timely manner.
  18. gotcha covered girl!:smiley2:
  19. Actually, if you had a claim ...lets say starting a fire with your wax....your Homeowners Policy would have to pay because they are already on the risk. Yes, they will non renew you but the claim would be paid. I am not trying to give you a hard time. I deal with this all day long at my office with people calling in with questions and statements just like this. I even have Lawyers calling asking questions because if they are not Licensed in Insurance they dont know the correct answers. Guess I just need to keep to my policy and not answer any more Insurance questions on here.
  20. OK Bunny...STEP AWAY FROM THE REFRIGERATOR!...lol Girl just because it can be soaped does not mean it HAS to be soaped...lol You have been missin this for far too long...it is very evident now...lol
  21. I can bet you NO AGENT will flag your account. No agent will Cancel your policy....they cant. The company can. The Agent will lose the renewal premium and it will affect their retention rate...so most agents look the other way. Most Homeowners will not allow you to have business on premisis. If a company finds out that you do have a business on premises they cannot cancel you on the spot. They can, however, non renew you. The company has to give you ample notice so that you can place other coverage.
  22. I am afraid he is AWOL. IHe was working on my B&B logo and them *poof* he was gone. Luckily I hadnt set my heart on it yet. Hopefully he or his wife will see this and contact you. But I dont think I would hold my breath.
  23. OK, a big misconception....Insurance Agents do not set the price for the policies. I know you were joking..Hopefully. Insurance Actuaries set the rates and each state Insurance Dept has to ok it. Yes, 6,000 is an outrageous premium. Keep callin. I just paid my premium for the yr of $187 for 1million PL.
  24. I have used Peak's Jasmine and it was good...I also use Tri State Southern Jasmine...VERY STRONG cold or hot!
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