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Everything posted by Kimberly

  1. I have FO's that I got when I first started making candles and they are just as strong 4yrs later as they were the day I opened the bottle! I would suggest you get your Scent List down first before you start buying in bulk. You stated that you are new....so you will have to test each FO in your wax, container and wick combo. So I would just buy a bit at a time until you see what is going to work for you.
  2. Dont usually post on this section but the Turk n Surf is AWESOME!!!!!! I have been using mine all weekend and have had no problems. For the one who asked...YES...you can reheat unused hardened wax...no problem. However, I would turn it on the lowest setting and let the wax start to melt before I turned it up. Only problem I have found with it is that the spigot does not come out too far from the pot. So, we built a stand to where a pot could slide half underneath the turknsurf so that missing the pot or spills is no longer a problem! I would definitly reccomend one...definitly if you do large production like I do.
  3. Unless you are using their oils for B&B I wouldnt waste my money. I think their oils are very weak in candles...and I use J50. You can make vanilla extract throw in J50...lol I use their Gentlemans Bay Rum...and OMH. but only for B&B and Soaping. The Sage Sweetgrass and Cedar STINKS to high heavens! Again, just my opinion.
  4. Yeah, I got some of those plates at my local Dollar store...and NO SHIPPING!!!...lol The burners are a great price...but I dont sell a lot of burners. I get those from the Dollar Store also. I LOVE my Local Dollar Store!
  5. LOL...girl you are the first I have heard that burns Incense in your car!!!!! OMG that just cracks me up. I cant stand Incense let alone NAG CHAMPA Incense...lol You are too much!
  6. I do add dimethicone to my lip balm. It is a very good skin protectant. I add it at around 3-5%.
  7. BUNNY!!!!!!!!!!! My little research queen!..lol I have looked at all those things...I was hoping someone here had used them and would be able to reccomend based on how they work for them. THANK YOU so much because at least now I know someone is leaning toward the same things as I am.
  8. No Shutter...its not emulsified or anything like that. But thanks!
  9. I have been working on a Facial Serum for a few months now. I finally got the right mix of oils and EO's. The mixture feels really good on the skin and soaks right in...but when I pump it out of the bottle it is too thin. Can anyone reccomend anything that will make the mixture thicker? THANKS!!!!!!
  10. SlowBurn sent me a candle a yr or so ago in the Coconut banana blast. It smells just like Crack Cocaine burning....dont ask me how I know...lol I told Slowburn she could make a killin with the right target audience...LMAO
  11. They have the plastic ornaments that you want at Michaels. I bought some there last yr. Walmart has them too this time of yr.
  12. Angie....since the heating element is exposed, I really dont think doing it all in the pot will work. I basically just got one for Fundraisers so that I could keep a lot of wax melted.
  13. I got one over the weekend but havent had time to use it! Just talked to SlowBurn...she got one and says she LOVES it!!!
  14. I just bought one today at Gander Mountain. They were on sale for $79. I dunno how this is going to work because I melt, scent and color all in my presto pot. This will take a bit of getting used to.
  15. Yep, I use transparencies. They fit a 2lb mold perfect. If you have a bigger mold your main piece will have to be made by using two pieces of transparency and overlapping them. Or you can go to a place like JoAnn fabrics and buy quilting mylar.....it is sold in big sheets. You will love it!
  16. here ya go...I put a pic of my liner http://www.candletech.com/forums/showthread.php?t=10604
  17. I use a flat seal element and have no problems what so ever. The only thing I can tell you is that I do shrink from the bottom up. I shrink the bottom then press it against my table to get it flat...then go up the side and I just use my fingers and press the corners in...they tend to shink right up so it doesnt really look that bad. Sounds like you may just be a little too critical of your own work as we all tend to be.
  18. No maam...not at all. It is a very snug fit. And you have to remember, the soap is a little thick to begin with. I think I have had one batch leak just a tad into the mold...all I had to do was take a butter knife and go around the end and it slid right out.
  19. SCENTED! We will bring you over to the dark side! lol Just ask SlowBurn aka Heather...I got her started on B&B too. I will bring all the nasty, stinky patchouli your little heart desires!
  20. And here it is going in the mold
  21. OK guys...the pics are sort of crude but hope it sheds some light. here is a pic of my liner and end pieces
  22. To line my molds I usually use Transparencies....like for overhead projectors. If you have a bigger mold you can look for Quilting Mylar. It is sold in big sheets...will cost you about $11 or so but it is so worth it because all you have to do is rinse it off and it is ready to use for the next batch!
  23. Landa, basically all ya do is put the mylar in and make creases in it to fit the bottom and sides. Then I cut 2 pieces to fit the ends. easypeasy
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