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Posts posted by Belinda

  1. On 4/21/2019 at 9:43 AM, Moneypenny said:

    Hi all!  Happy Easter!  I have always used and have never had an issue with Indiana Candle Supplies!  Her clams are great and at a great price.  I think they average out to be about .31each.  I use parasoy and I pour at about 152 with no issues whatsoever!  Kathy is very fast and efficient and she has wonderful fragrance oils too!  So if you are  looking for  a new clamshell supplier, I completely recommend Indiana Candle Supplies!! 

    I"ve used her clams before and liked them too but hers are higher than the ones from Maple Street and also Fillmore. Have you ever used anyone else's?

  2. I make these and use a lot of leather in mine, either alone or blended with other scents. I also like Butt Naked, Toasted Marshmallow (RE), Black Ice, Cool Water, and several other scents that seem to last. Toasted Marshmallow lasted a long time and was very strong. Right now I have beads soaking in leather, Fruity Pebbles, Country Berry Hotcakes, and some of the blends from Texas Candle Supply. I'm not sure which ones I could say lasted the longest but I do remember TM lasting a long time. 

  3. 23 hours ago, gigglefits said:



    Maple Street has the round clamshell coming soon.. I saw some pictures on Facebook of it! I think that might be the round one you're thinking of. Also if you search "round pie melt clamshell" on Google another supplier comes up as well..I've never heard of them though. But yes those are super cute!


    I got a box that of Maple Street clams that says PVC on them, however I did see on Facebook before in the Maple Street group that they are PET. So I'm confused on that. However I did melt a scent that kind of picked of the plastic skunk smell and it did not hurt the throw, or throw off the scent, so that's promising :)

    I got 50 in from Fillmore today and they look exactly like the ones from Maple Street, same exact size. I've ordered from ICS before and they were a little different than these are. 

  4. On 4/17/2019 at 3:35 AM, ShelleyF said:

    I didn't realize you worked a full time long hour job. I don't know how you do that and this. You must never sleep. I find that the clams take longer because it's hard to see in them and I overfill lol There is one clam I would use if I could find it. It is cute and round with wedges but read it is from out of the country. I can't afford it. 

    I work with special needs kids and I also drive a special needs bus. I get up at 3:45 and leave my house a little after 5 and punch in at 5:30. I'm picking my first rider up at 6. After I finish my route at 7:30 I start my teachers aide job. I punch out of that at 3:45 and get back on my bus and finally finish my route around 5:20 P.M. It's a long day but I love what I do. I don't have much time to make anything so that's why I don't go public and only sell to friends, coworkers and a few outsiders by word of mouth. I can't offer good customer service right now.


    I overfill mine too! I always think I'll stop right at the top but then they start spilling over LOL! Then it looks SO messy!

    I've seen the round wedge clam you're talking about from candle lite I think? I've never seen any empty ones for sale though.

    • Like 2
  5. On 2/23/2019 at 11:32 AM, kissluck@18 said:

    Hi I'm new to making aroma beads and have ordered from buy it ship it & aroma beads online. My scents aren't very strong or lasting as long as I'd like. Where do you order beads from and how long do they last you? I was thinking about ordering from Cajun candles because the site says they absorb 40% of the fragrance oil. Also where do y'all order fragrance oil from? Who has ordered from PlasticPellets4fun? I need help and your opinions 

    I quit ordering from Aroma beads online and Buy It ship it when they changed their beads. Don't order Cajun's either. They are bigger beads and don't soak up as well as the small beads. Plastic Pellets 4 Fun are great! So are NG's and BCN's beads. I believe the ones from Lone Star are the smaller beads too but I haven't tried them.

    • Like 1
  6. 13 hours ago, ShelleyF said:

    I used all the clam shells and had them curing to sell. I had to throw all of them away that is a lot of waste of product and time. I had used their oils and they are very weak. I now make melts and use cello bags so much nicer and the scent throw is out of this world.

    I like making the melts and shapes in bags better myself. Clams are just so stinking convenient right now with working a full time, 12 hour a day job. Hopefully when I retire I will switch to shapes and brittle only. The scent defiantly smells stronger in those. 

    • Like 1
  7. Does anyone know if the ones from Maple street are PVC or PET? I just got an order in but don't see anything on the box. The ones from Fillmore do say PET and I'll order from them if the ones from Maple aren't PET.

  8. 14 hours ago, gigglefits said:


    Do you know if they’re PVC or PET? I saw a PVC label on my box when they arrived but I could of swore I read PET somewhere before. Also that some soy blends don’t have that problem whereas paraffin will.. it’s tricky. I really like them too so I’m hoping to figure out what’s off for me. 

    I have noticed when using a para/soy blend in my clams that I don't get the skunky smell too. I have a new box of clams from Maple street so I'm going to check it and see what it says. I did notice the ones from Fillmore say PET and I ordered a few of those to compare. I have bought them from other places but Maple had the best price and I sure don't want to pay some of the astronomical prices some places charge.

    • Like 1
  9. On 4/7/2019 at 6:24 PM, Trappeur said:

    And you have no problem with the plastic tart trays melting or warping?



    I had to pour below 170 in clamshells. In cups it didn't matter so much if it was the oval cups. They seem to be a bit thicker. By the time you stir for two minutes it's cooled down enough not to warp.

  10. On 4/8/2019 at 2:06 PM, LivInTX said:

    Thank you. I ordered "Vanilla Butter Fudge" from RE and a "Vanilla Fudge" from The Candle Maker Store. Will see how the two compare.

    Have you received them yet? I've tried VBF from RE and love it but not the one from TCS. Just wondered which one you prefer.

  11. 8 minutes ago, Trappeur said:

    Well, I'm getting ready to place another order from Fillmore.

    I have pretty much all their scents now....I love their stuff!

    I use 464 and was wondering if anyone has some reviews on the following scents I have in my shopping cart.


    Berry Triffle

    Avocado Cilantro (Seems like this might be really nice but light)

    Lavender, Sage and Rosemary (my one account this right up her alley and sounds nice to me)

    Sea Salt and Peony (I'm not a floral person but I see a lot of sea salt fragrances out there)

    Blueberry Muffin

    Vanilla Mint (Now I got a sample of this and made a candle and it is really quite beautiful) so I'm ordering a pound of it.

    Mayan gold (The name sounded nice...lol)

    Pumpkin Spice Chutney (Sounds like me but I don't know what a chutney is)

    Sweet Tobacco Vanilla (I'm having a hard time selling Tobacco Fragrance but this sounds nice with vanilla and a blend like Belinda makes with leather I bet this wold be nice)

    Cocoa Therapy (It's been ages since I ordered this.   Guess I will try again)





    I think I had a bottle of their pumpkin spice chutney and didn't care for it. I don't remember why though.

    The sweet tobacco vanilla does sound like it would be something that would sell for me here so I might have to try that one and blend it with leather LOL!

    I love their Nutmeg ginger and lemon biscotti, Christmas Tree, and warm caramel vanilla. I haven't used many of their oils but I think I might try some different ones. What all do you use from them?

  12. 2 minutes ago, bfroberts said:

    I'm using beads from NG.  I've never had any problems with them, but I only make ornies on and off.  When the mood strikes. 
    I am really liking the Leather/Vanilla Tobacco blend.  I am eally anxious to try some more leather blends, so I'm gonna order from LS today.  Are there any other must-haves you'd recommend from there?

    I've used beads from NG too and they're good. The ones from Plastic Pellets 4 Fun are the same I think, just less expensive and free shipping. 


    From Lonestar I like 

    Blueberry Cobbler

    Butt Naked


    Apple Cinnamon

    Butternut Pumpkin

    Candied Yams

    Caribbean Escape

    Cinnamon Sugared Donuts-smells the same as the others I've used

    Dicken's Christmas

    Coconut cream pie

    I've read where French Market is really good. Haven't tried that one myself

    Hawaiian Blast

    Honey lavender gelato-Haven't put this in wax yet but it smells nice OOB

    defiantly Leather

    Marshmallow madness-A very different marshmallow. Smells good to me

    Moose Munch-Haven't put this in wax yet but it smells good

    Sugared Cronut

    Vanilla Cotton


  13. On 4/11/2019 at 1:29 PM, bfroberts said:

    Wow, Belinda, Pistols and Petticoats is an awesome name!  I love it!  You've inspired me to try some leather blends.  I'm soaking beads in a blend of leather and vanilla tobacco.  I only have the leather from CS, and I don't love it.  I was looking for a way to use it up.  I really should try the leather from LS.  

    Thank you! I hope you have fun with your blending!


    Where do you get your beads? I bought from aroma beads online for a long time but they changed their beads and they're horrible! I now use Plastic Pellets 4 Fun.

  14. On 4/12/2019 at 3:08 AM, Hotpinkao said:

    What leather do you use? TIA

    My favorite leather is the one from Texas Candle Supply or Lonestar. I do order leather from The Candle Source too which is a very different leather but also good. To my nose it's a more noticeable scent in aroma beads but I really do need to do a side by side comparison. When I blend I use the one from Texas or LS though. I'm not crazy about the blends with the other leather or at least not so far. But the leather I've bought most is the one from Texas. It's almost identical to the one from LS so either one of those would be great.

  15. 1 hour ago, ShelleyF said:

    Yes it was and it was awful. I think they sell cheap for a reason. Their oils are so bad and weak I wouldn't sell or give away. I threw them away too. I had bought fresh from them. Never again. You do get what you pay for. 

    I use their clams and have noticed a funky smell at times but not with all oils. I noticed the same smell at times with other clams I used also. Where do you get yours from? I really would like to do shapes only or brittle in bags but clams are so convenient right now and I'd love to not have the funky smell!

    • Like 1
  16. 1 hour ago, Trappeur said:

    Belinda what are some of the names you have come up with on these blends?   You always have great names.



    I use Cowgirl Lace for my vanilla and leather blend, Cowgirl Candy for strawberry and leather, Cowgirl Kisses for cherry and leather. For tobacco and leather I call it Maverick. Another one I call The Bunk House but I can't remember which one it is. I think it's one from Aztec. Oud Wood maybe. Then I've mixed cotton and leather and called it pistols and petticoats LOL! I googled old western movies and shows and used their names on some of them.

    • Like 2
  17. On 4/7/2019 at 4:29 PM, lightmyfire said:

    what ratio are you mixing your leather/vanilla?

    I'm going to try mixing leather from RE with some Tobacco & Caramel (FC); T&C is my #1 seller--I think this would make an awesome combo

    I usually mix 50/50 with scents like vanilla, cherry or strawberry but some scents are so strong like tobacco from Aztec that I use more leather because the other scent eats it up and you can’t smell leather. 

  18. Right now I only sell to coworkers and friends (hopefully when I retire I'll sell to more people)

    My #1 seller is leather mixed with vanilla

    My #2 seller is leather

    My #3 seller is anything mixed with leather LOL!

    I do occasionally sell a bakery scent or tropical scent or two and that would be Cherry, or Caribbean from NG or Monkey Farts, something like that. Florals run about the same which would be lavender.

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    • Haha 1
  19. 14 minutes ago, NightLight said:

    Yes and get same blah result.  The 4625 pours so well it’s scary. Flat backs like glass.

    i just had a couple couple clamshells to play around with, but if they don’t pour easy with a wax bye bye.

    I've used that blend and also the one from KY (same wax) and I never get smooth tops unless I pour half of the clam, let it cool and pour the rest. That's the only way I've ever gotten that wax to be smooth on its on. I've blended with container wax (4630) and also 4794 and it's smoother but you won't get smooth tops by itself. It's not a one pour wax.

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