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Posts posted by Belinda

  1. On 8/14/2018 at 10:30 AM, katmeltswax said:

    I can remember going thru Clevand back when I was growing up ,we traveled to Tenaha & Center to visit my grandma . I think back & cannot believe how Houston has just swallowed up all the smaller towns . I do not see much country living around the area anymore .

    It's really a huge mess .I have no desire to ever go back kwim.

    I did enjoy Onalaska & Livingston when we had our lake house for a couple  years ,we practically lived there most of the time. We did finally return home to Ganado ,as we still had our home here . 

    Belinda at least you have 10 acres to enjoy the quite when you want .

    I hardly recongnized Conroe area the last time I went thru the town , certainly has turned into a mini Houston that's for sure .

    I love South Tx overall ,no traffic to deal with is a huge bonus . I only have one complaint & that is Hurricane season .It is looking great for now & no chance of one coming so far this year .I hope the water stays cooler to avoid getting another Harvey ,can do without those monsters lol. 

    You had family in Tenaha? My grandparents and dad were from Bald Prairie, up around Centerville I think. I think that's a couple of hours from Tenaha though.

    • Like 2
  2. 19 hours ago, cp0421 said:

    I have tried several myself and have found that Bittercreek is the strongest.

    Really? Have you tried the one from Lonestar and Texas Candle Supply too? I may need to order some from BC then. Leather is my biggest seller, especially in aroma beads, but I just can't get it to hold like it used to.


    Where in Houston are you located? I'm in Cleveland, about 50 miles north of Houston. 

  3. On 8/14/2018 at 3:59 PM, Margie Grajek said:

    Hi.  Sticky beads are caused from too much of certain chemicals.  They also use these for glue, so you are getting some bad beads.

    Also, not sure where you live but if you are having issues with 350, drop the temp down to 340 degrees. When it is really hot outside, it helps a lot.  I have been making freshies for a long time.


    Are you curing your beads too?  That has a lot to do with how long they last.  I have a couple of great places I get them from and they are always the same and reasonably priced.

    If you don't mind sharing, where do you get your beads? Several of us have had a terrible time getting quality beads.

    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, katmeltswax said:

    I can imagine how it has grown by now .

    I remember Porter being a country town back years ago ,lol many years ago,in the 70's.

    I also recall when Cypress was a country town ,not anymore it has turned into the big city ,same as being in the middle 

    of Houston .I lived in Cypress many years &my dad lived there his last 30 years of his life . It is all city now , horrible traffic .I do not miss Houston at all .

    I live down south near the Gulf waters now , pretty comfy here ,without all the big city issues ,traffic ,noise etc.kwim.

    You should see Porter now! The new 99 over pass has gone through and shopping centers, RV parks and a waterpark and I don't know what all is there. It's like Houston has become the Blob and just taking over everything. When husband and I married and moved to Cleveland (that's where he was from and I was from Houston), Humble was nothing. Then it grew and so did Conroe. Porter and New Caney were still sort of out in the country, but not anymore. New Caney has really grown along with Porter with the new theme park and all that stuff going in. We still live in Cleveland and have 10 acres and I used to feel like we were in the country but even those walls are closing in it seems. 

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  5. On 8/5/2018 at 6:51 PM, Trappeur said:

    You know I miss her....I have thought about her many a time......She was so funny with her posts and the concoctions of blends she would come up were just unbelievable and so caring and giving that woman always was with sharing everything with everyone here...I'm going to send her a message.  I don't know if I have her email...I'll have to check.



    I've been wondering about her too. I think I did send her a message on here months ago and never got a reply. If you hear anything please let us know. She was always so pleasant and like you said, so helpful. I miss her and several more that used to be on here a lot that you never see anymore.

  6. 8 hours ago, cswilson said:

    Yes our area has grown so much in the last couple of years! When we moved here 32 years ago it was our ideal of country living, but not anymore!  It continues to grow by leaps and bounds and country living is gone!!

    Do you live in Conroe?

  7. On 8/7/2018 at 11:50 AM, CLVC said:

    Hey Belinda and everyone else who recommended Cajun's Creme Brûlée. I'm getting ready to order from them and wanted to know if you still recommend this FO from them. Thanks!!

    I'm sorry, just now seeing this. I personally love their cream brûlée. I did have a bottle become a little sour once though. 

  8. 1 hour ago, Skk5233 said:

    I’ve been using TCS because that one and Lone Star smell the most authentic to me but they just aren’t as strong as they should be. Maybe you’re right. Maybe it’s the beads. I’ve been using Plastic Pellets 4 fun and Natures Garden

    Those beads should be good but even before Aroma beads online changed their beads I had some leather ones that just weren't strong. I thought it was the leather FO so I bought from DS, TCS and LS. I still can't seem to get them to be really strong but they are defiantly stronger than they are in ABO beads since they changed them. I have some beads from Plastic Pellets but haven't tried them yet.

  9. 25 minutes ago, Skk5233 said:

    I think She uses the same one that i do. 

    Which one are you using right now? 

    I have used Texas Candle Supply leather, Lone Star and The Candle Source leather all with good results. For awhile I was using Texas exclusively but for some reason it got to where it didn't smell strong in my aroma beads so I switched thinking maybe it was their leather but now that I've had so much trouble with beads lately I think it's the beads that aren't working right.

    Which beads are you using if you don't mind me asking? Did you settle on a brand?

  10. @Trappeur, I am SO sorry you had to deal with this sort of thing. How sneaky for them to do someone like that! What goes around, comes around. Let's hope some of his candles don't burn someone's house down and he gets sued! You handled yourself very well and you're much better off not having to deal with people like that. Their reputation will be the ruin of them while yours will remain intact and people will know they can trust you and you make an outstanding product versus their amateurish candle making.

    If they'll do you the way they did then they'll do others the same way. It won't take long for word to get around about them. It's really sad that there are people out there that have no conscience when it comes to how they treat others. Hold your head high and be glad you're rid of them! You deserve better my friend!

  11. On 7/31/2018 at 7:42 PM, GoldieMN said:

    @ShelleyF Great names!  I wish I was that creative as I prefer to change the names of the oil used as well.  But then I forget to write the original fo down.  Now what oil did I use to make "Cabin in the Woods"?  lol


    I do the exact SAME thing! I forget everything (sadly, as you well know!). I have to type it into my computer to remember and then sometimes I forget to do that and then I'm just up a creek!

    • Like 1
  12. On 7/25/2018 at 10:45 AM, cswilson said:

    I go to Bethel Baptist off of loop 494 and Roberts Rd. It's right over the rail road tracks on 494 sort of sideways to Food Fair. 


    I keep having to change my password on here to get on and view messages, so if I don't answer right away it's because I'm too busy to reset my password! For some reason this site won't remember my password, it's frustrating!


    It's a small world for sure! 

    • Like 1
  13. On 7/27/2018 at 9:31 AM, Skk5233 said:

    Mine from Cajun didn’t even last a week. I had To bite the bullet and purchase from Bitter Creek. I am Still playing with the ones from Plastic Pellets for fun. They soak up really quickly (even leather) and have even soaked up double my recipe once they dried but i haven’t baked the double recipe yet!

    I bought some from them too (Plastics Pellets 4 Fun) but haven't soaked them yet. Let me know how yours turn out. This has become so frustrating! 

  14. On 7/25/2018 at 11:29 AM, cswilson said:

    Don't waste your time!! I just tried to salvage the beads I bought from Aroma Beads online by making sachets out of them and the scent didn't last but two days. So now the beads I bought from them not only won't work for making the car freshies, but they are useless as sachets too.

    I just dumped all of mine that I had from them. They used to have such good beads and now they're terrible! Try the ones from NG or Cajun or another website that I'll have to look up that I can't remember right now.

  15. I'd actually forgot all about this thread and I was SO excited last year when I read it LOL! Now I've got to try the salt thing. Where did y'all buy your salt and what exactly is it called? 

    • Like 1
  16. 2 hours ago, katmeltswax said:

    Belinda I received my beads from Plasticpellets4fun .

    I love the fact they are the smaller type .The price is great too. I have some soaking now & excited to get results .I so want these to work out ,as the price is wonderful.

    This company ships speedy fast , received my order in 2 days ,packing was great as well ,so professional .Just wanted to let you know . 

    Your right on the dye ,has not effected the scent at all for me either . I sometimes add alot to get the color I am wanting , especially black & navy blue . 

    Great to hear! I placed an order with them so it should be here any day. Thank you so much for letting me know about this company. Hopefully it'll work out for both of us!

    • Like 1
  17. 1 hour ago, Marleigha said:

    @Belinda  I'm sorry 😬  I was asking if there were any others from RE that you liked.  I certainly am eyeballing their Southern Pecan Pie and their Pumpkin Bread!  They both look yummy!  I've also been eyeing Pumpkin Creme Brûlée.  That

    one looks lovely! 

    Oh, sorry! I thought you didn't see my list LOL!

    I do like their pumpkin creme brûlée too. I actually have that one too but didn't list it. I don't use it very often because here in Texas it's not a good seller for me. People here love their leather! YUK! LOL!

     I don't think you'd be disappointed in that one or southern pecan pie. They're both good!

    • Thanks 1
  18. On 7/13/2018 at 8:14 PM, ncraiders said:

    I am thinking about trying to make some aroma bead ornies.  Does anyone know of a place that sells a white liquid candle dye.  I am wanting to make an ornie that requires the use of white to make it look correct but am having issues finding something that will give me a white bead when i am done adding the fragrance.  Any help/suggestions are appreciated. 

    I make white ones by not putting any dye at all in the beads. I've also used white mica powder if I wanted to make it look not so translucent. I think I got mica from RE or Aztec. Also, I have made black ones too. You just have to use enough dye to make them black and not grey. It doesn't seem to affect the scent.

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