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Everything posted by von691

  1. Thanks for the compliments. These were wickedwith 51z in J-50 wax
  2. Thanks everyone I have 4625 and1274 on the way. I can't wait to give these a whirl
  3. looks very nice. Let us know how it burns.
  4. Here is the picture of the Unity candle I did. I didn't do the flower base around it. The lady who did the flowers set it in wrong. It was suppossed to set up higher
  5. Here are the pictures of the candles I did for my cousins wedding. The purple hearts are scented Lilacs in Bloom, the wine glasses are scented French Vanilla & Vanilla- Lilac. They smelled wonderful. They burned great as long as they were not near a fan:rolleyes2
  6. they look nice ,just spritz with alcohol for the bubbles
  7. looks good almost like whipped cream
  8. those look edible, I would have a problem not eating them
  9. wonderful colors, bet they smell great too
  10. congrats! they look good for a first time. Like some of the others said make sure your wicks are centered.
  11. congratulations! Hope you enjoy it. It is very addicting
  12. very neat idea. bet they smell great
  13. Those are gorgeous. Bet they smell wonderful
  14. Thanks for the input ladies I think I will try the 4625. Now to find what is closest and cheapest shipping
  15. Those are very pretty. I like the name English Garden
  16. I am wanting to make pillars. Not sure of size yet, maybe 3X9 for Unity, Memory etc. candles. Smooth , not mottled or rustic (not yet anyway) What is the best wax or waxes to use and the best place to get it? I am looking for a starting point to test and see what I like. Any ideas or suggestions will be appreciated. I found the link but would like others ideas.
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