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Everything posted by DasBreenee

  1. Had anyone every used it, or even vybar in melts? I'm wondering if it affects melts badly? I've found so many good container waxes but I just can't find a good pillar wax to even out the consistency and still have a good throw. It's driving me insane. Has anyone uses stearic acid in container wax for melts? Does it harden it up pretty decently? Does it affect throw or anything? Same for vybar!
  2. And no I've been using about 8%
  3. I try 20w and 25w hotplate, bulbs and tea lights all when testing my melts. The reason I try not to put too much pillar wax is because they tend to have a lower fragrance load. Silver 500 and the 400 waxes are just different types of waxes I have tried. I'm not sure what you mean by what are they lol.
  4. Does anyone have some suggestions? I've tried quite a few different waxes. Even if you have Ratio suggestions. Ive tried: silver 500 4630/4625 at 60/40 ...50/50... 70/30 problend 400/4625 at 80/20 400/450 at 80/20 and 70/30 and 60/40 400/ecosoya pb at 80/20 and 70/30 and 60/40 600/650 at 40/60 so far the best and longest throw for me was the 80/20 with the 400 and ecosoya PB but it was far too soft. It also could have been the oil I used. It was an extremely pungent oil because the other times I tested these two together, the more soy I added the lighter the throw got. I want to have strong and long throw like everyone else. I just feel like I'm running out of options. I want to avoid soy because I don't seem to have luck with it. Any suggestions at all please lol I'm also trying to find sites that have sample sizes so I don't have to buy 10lbs + of wax and not like it. /sigh
  5. I think long lasting is 6+ hours. That is what most vendors melts last for that I have tried. I don't like when people advertise that their melts last days. I've seen a vendor advertise here as lasting 3 weeks. I usually keep my warmers on 24 hours a day. So there's no way any wax melt in existence is going to last days. Some people melt for 2 hours a day and claim something lasts a week when in fact, that week was only 10 hours of melt time, not even half a day. I have had one vendor and one vendor only whose wax has lasted more than 24 hours. Other than that, everyone else is a good 6-10 hours. But if wax lasts 4 hours I don't write it off. I change my wax a lot.
  6. I'm letting them sit for a couple days before testing. It's all paraffin so it doesn't really need cure time like soy would. I tried out green apple from the flaming candle and it was pretty weak. I got a small throw from a 24w hot plate. But almost nothing from a bulb warmer I have. I could really only smell it within the area with the hot plate. Then I tried birthday cake from flaming candle as well and it seemed to throw pretty well. I put about half an ounce into a hot plate and bulb. Only problem was it seemed to take a while to melt completely. It would have smaller pieces left that would take a bit to melt. Then my dad made a mistake and used a WHOLE shape I made in our hot plate. About 1.05 oz lol. It did throw like a champ though!
  7. Okay so I purchased some 4630 container wax and 4625 pillar wax for making Tarts. I have tested the two together with only two scents so far. The first one gave a week throw (im assuming it was the oil) and the second one is giving me a pretty decent throw but not knock your socks off like I would prefer lol. So the 4625 states it has a 6% fragrance load, while the 4630 has 8-10. So I've been doing 8%. I have some left over 450 that I was testing with other waxes. It has a 7% load, which obviously sounds better than 6% lol. Has anyone tested out 4630 with either of these that cares to give their feedback? The problend 450 is also in pellet form which makes it so much easier. The 4625 is a rock hard slab. /sigh. I didn't have much luck with 450 with the other waxes I tested it with. Which concerns me. I tested it with 400 container wax and it didn't do very well for me. But 400 in my opinion holds oil CRAZY well. I'm also currently doing a 60/40 mix. 60% 4630 and 40% 4625. I would do 50/50 but I'm afraid it will be too soft. I feel it's a little too soft now, but I don't want to up the pillar wax because it has less fragrance load Opinions please?!
  8. I would be interested in this as well. This isn't even something I had thought about; thermometers reading differently. I do see people use the infrared ones a lot. The heat guns. But I'm waiting to get one of those until I've gotten my wax right.
  9. Thank you both for your answers. So then I am doing good by measuring by grams when I do my fragrance oils? I didn't know if measuring by oz or grams was more accurate. I find myself measuring in grams because I find the math easier to do.
  10. I make tarts. So I'm not sure if that makes a difference haha. I just meant weighing fragrance oil to mix with the wax itself. Like, when it says use 12% or whatever the FO load is. I didn't know if it was more accurate to weigh it by grams or oz or something else. I've heard a debate on people adding fragrance by weight instead of volume, and vise Versa. And which is right or wrong. Because obviously one fragrance oil can be more dense than another causing it to take up less volume.
  11. Thank you! I Actually use grams myself. I just didn't know if using FL oz was more accurate than grams.
  12. What exactly would be the most accurate way to weigh FO? (Sorry if this doesn't belong here? I didn't know if it should go here or general) i usually do the math for whatever FO load my wax has. Then I put my container on the scale and tare it. But what exactly should you use to measure it? Is it more accurate to use grams? Or oz? Or what? I just wanna make sure I'm measuring correctly! Ive heard discussion about volume versus weight or something for FO which confuses me?
  13. The melt time isn't an issue at all actually. The wax melts decently fast, it just takes for ever for the fragrance within the wax to actually warm up and start smelling.
  14. What a great idea! I'm waiting until I get my formula just right and then I plan on investing a presto pot with a spicket. Making wax on a double boiler gets so tedious!
  15. The Collie breed is a very smart breed! My neighbor had one when I was younger and used to walk him around all the time and I'd go with her. Sweet dogs!
  16. Thanks for the welcome everyone! @OldGlory he's actually Australian Shepard! Which, they look pretty similar. I don't think border collies usually have brown though. He's the sweetest boy!
  17. Thank you! also, is it possible to add the fragrance oil at too low of a temperature? I know most say to do it around 180 degrees or so, but would the scent throw become lesser by adding the fragrance oil, at say maybe 140 degrees or something?
  18. If you're using thick enough clamshells, I wouldn't imagine it would melt the plastic. But some people use hair dryers, which wouldn't be nearly as hot as a heat gun. So maybe try that.
  19. What's your name? My name is Brittany! How old are you? I am pretty new to being twenty years old. Where do you live? In boring old Iowa of courses. How long have you been making candles/soap/whatever? I just started my testing phases in the last few months! How did you get started making candles/soap/whatever? Well, I became really addicted to a vegetarian cruelty free company called Lush Cosmetics. I'm a part of a few Facebook groups for Lush, and most people there love wax melts. So I decided to try some vendors for myself and loved it. Just recently I decided to take it up myself because I finally have a job with a set schedule so it makes me feel less stressed to have hobbies lol! Are you married? Any kids? I am not married, but I'm engaged to my boyfriend who I've been with for over 4 years and we have a super cute dog! If candle/Soap making isn't your primary job, what do you do? I am a graphic designer for my local newspaper and surrounding areas!
  20. Hello everyone! I'm new around here. I'm also pretty new to tart making. I've only just begun my journey into the wonderful world of trial and error of creating the perfect blend of wax. So far i have purchased different waxes including EcoSoya PB, Problend 400, Problend 450, Problend 600, and Problend 650. I bought all these waxes from The Flaming Candle to avoid buying in large quantities while still testing, since they sell in two pounds. I have a couple of questions. When you blend two waxes that have completely different fragrance loads, what do you do? I'm assuming you would average it out? Say one wax has 6% and the other has a 12% load. Say you load it with 9% to sort of average it. What happens to the excess FO that can't be held by the wax with a lower load. Would it just.. disappear? Also, when blending waxes with different melt points and different FO load heats. Do you melt the waxes separate and then combine them? Or just combine and heat, does it make a difference? And finally, FO load. When they have different FO load heats, when do you add them? Average it? Edit: Ive been considering trying 4625 with 4627, I hear good things. Does that sound good? Has anyone tried it? That's mainly why I'm asking as one seems to have a 6% load while the other has a 10-12% load. As of now this is still me testing and giving everything away to friends and family, but I would love to make this a side job since I have SO many ideas running through my head!
  21. Hello everyone. I'm new here and I'm in the process of creating my own wax tarts to start my own mini business. I have been making my own parasoy mixture for my tarts, but I'm having a few issues. Currently, I am using Ecosoya Pillar Blend. I've just now started hearing, apparently bad things about this wax? So I'm wondering if that's what's causing my issue. So I would like to test out a different pillar soy wax. Thing is, I'm having a hard time finding websites that have anything but Ecosoya. I'm also wanting a fragrance load of 10% at least. Maybe you can help me decipher my issue. I make my wax, and I get a GREAT throw using this Ecosoya wax with the paraffin wax I use. But, it takes about an hour before it really starts to throw. And that's in a 24w hot plate. I've also tried bulb warmers as well. I love the container paraffin wax I'm using because it has a good fragrance load and really holds the fragrance. The pillar soy was just to harden it because I was also having a hard time finding a pillar paraffin with a stronger load than 7%.
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