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Posts posted by Nickie

  1. I also think it some cases it has to do with the additives used in the preblended waxes.  I have found that 6006 releases better on its own for me then when I blend it with another harder wax. Makes no sense to me, other than the two waxes and their additives won't work well together. 


    In the past my usage of vybar and steric have, I swear to you, caused additional stickage. I don't have a solution, but that is my thought as to why it could be happening. 

  2. The KY is very hard, not as hard as 4625, but plenty hard. I have actually been trying to make it softer for slicing and I can't seem to make that happen without major stickage (I think it has to be with the additives that are in it). I think you will find it plenty hard if that is what you are looking for....it releases easily. 

  3. I am still in the testing phase and have been for nearly a year. Still testing with several wax combos. But it is looking like my wax blend will be 4797 votive and 4630. I have tried 6006 and I can't get that wax to work for me (and it's too bad cause I really love it). I have had a few successes with flaming candle oils in the above waxes, but mostly duds.  I would say it's about 1 success for every 10 failures. Again, I have purchased tons of oils from them. 


    I am heating to 200, adding frangrance at 180-185, pouring around 160. I'm testing in both 13w and 20w burners. I have a very wide open space, but I am able to get other vendor wax/frangrance to throw in my house, so I know it's possible. I'm really at a point where I'm frustrated and don't know what to do. Thanks for helping me! 

    3 hours ago, bfroberts said:

    I use several of their oils with great success.  I use 6006 and/or 4630.  What wax are you using?

  4. On 5/4/2017 at 1:03 PM, Glassfishy said:

    Nickie, I'm all to aware it's gone. We bought a crapload back before last holiday season so I was unaware it was going bye-bye until February when we were almost out. I can't wait until they decide to come out with something that "might" be as good as the previous. So we're starting over with another wax. Had we known we would have bought 2 or 3 pallets to get us by until they came out to see if it was worth retesting. I found (3) boxes a month or so ago from Cajun Candles and paid $120 shipped for each box. Those are almost gone and I bought (10) 10# bags of the ecosoya to try and keep our shelves stocked. We're making candles in half batches so as not to use it all up. I know what you're going through. I've been testing the 464 and just can't get it to throw like the ecosoya did. We are going to try the 6006 which is a blend to see how that turns out.

    I feel for you in having to start over with a business the size of yours. And you're right, you can't wait for them to release this stuff. Plus you shouldn't have to.


    I can get 464 to do more for me than 6006. The best I can get out of that wax is really 5-6 hours (for tarts).  I love the look of it, love how it is sliceable and it will release from cups when poured at a lower temp, so if you get it to work, please let me know if you have any tricks to it. It does tend to mottle for me as well, which I didn't ever fully fix either. Good luck. Please keep us up to date. I know how frustrating this is.....so many of us do. 

  5. I know they are out for 4627 for certain as I have been trying to buy it for quite some time now. At least 3 months. This wax is out of stock in all in all sizes actually, not just the sample size. I wanted to test this wax, but if I now will be forced to now buy a 25lb. block of it. 

  6. 7 hours ago, Glassfishy said:

    There's no more Ecosoya... At least currently.


    No. All of us using their brand (or even wanting to use their brand) can't right now. And when they decide to finally release their new stuff we will have to test and retest, even after we have already tested. Every single wax of theirs is currently sold out, with an unsecured release date months away. I can't believe a company of their size would do business like this.....leaving every one of their loyal customers high and dry, who no response, no guarantee, no wax.  It's business suicide, if you ask me. I'm over waiting for them. 


    Ok. Off my soap box. ? 

    • Like 1
  7. As lovely scents suggested, go to Peak and to Flaming Candle to get samples of waxes to try. This will save you lots of money. Flaming candle has great stuff....fragrance oils too. 


    If you have decided you want to go with a parasoy for sure.....Have you tried the KY parasoy wax?  It has great throw for me. And many others on here.  You prolly need to go back to those parasoys you have tried and retry before you start blending. It is strange that none of them would work for you. It sounds as if it is likely to do with your process if you are getting no hot throw from any of them. I would heat to 190, add frangrance no lower than 180 and pour at the temp you wish.  What temp are you adding the FO?   It could also be the warmer....what wattage of warmer do you have?  I recommend testing in a 20 watt warmer. 


    If you want to blend, you need a paraffin and a soy wax, one pillar and one container, start with a 5050 blend and go from there based on the characteristics you are after. For an all paraffin blend go to IGI 4630 for paraffin and 4796 votive and start with a 5050 blend, then adjust based on results. Some people also use the 4625, but I didn't have great results with that one when I blended with the container. I would recommend buying a large bottle of a frangrance known to have great throw and test all waxes with the same frangrance. You then will know that it is the wax and not the frangrance. 

    • Like 1
  8. Those scents you have are not guarenteed to work in the wax you and they aren't even guarenteed to work the same for you even if you had the same vendor's recipe.  In fact, I have come to realize that it doesn't work the same for all. On here people say I have 5 plus days out of this exact wax and this combo, I try that combo at this percentage of FO,poured at this temperature....and the throw wasn't the same for me. That is what makes this a long, frustrating process where testing never really. I have beeen testing for over a year now. And I still don't have the perfect combo. Close, but not there yet. 


    Honestly the easiest thing you can do at this point is add your FO an the increased temp I suggested. Also another easy thing, as already mentioned, is to test the frangrance by putting salt in your warmer with the added frangrance. If the frangrance has good throw, you know it is not the frangrance (or even possibly your warmer).  Then start looking at your wax combos. 

    • Like 1
  9. Overall, I would say you are adding your fragrance oils too low. The flash point has nothing to do with tarts really. A flash point is the tempature at which a fragrance oil BECOMES combustible IF exposed to an open flame. It's a moot when talking tarts, as there the oils or wax should never be exposed to an open flame. 


    The wax has to be hot enough to bind with the oils so I would try adding the oil at no less than 180-185. Stir for a bit then pour. I don't find at 2 mins is required for stirring. If this still doesn't work, you need to look at your oils. Than your waxes. But I think this will fix it. 

    • Like 4
  10. This may be a silly question or maybe not....when you have candle nose, does it effect your ability to smell all scents or just ones that you've poured lots of recently?  


    I ask cause I can smell most all of my scents that have been using lately, but there is one that I can't smell at all. And it is the one that I have been pouring the most. Thank y'all for your help!  

  11. 12 hours ago, evesorto said:

    Jo Malone Grapefruit from Just Scent was NOT even close to the original.  When I emailed owner, she responded in the most horrific way.  I actually want to post our communications here, as a buyer beware.  Is that allowed and which section would I post that in?


    I also had a very recent negative experience with the owner. She is crazy rude, not helpful and totally disrespectful. If you read her FAQ.....wow, you can see how horrible is is to work with from just reading that. And the FAQ are public on her website. Just shocking. That should be the name of her business. ? 

  12. Thabks to all of you for your advise!  I really thought that RE had quality oils, so I can't figure out what is going on. 


    Pleaee note, that I have tried these oils with other waxes as well, including 4630, 6006, 1343, flaming candle 450. Still nothing. It seems that the only answer here is it is the oils in this case?  Is there such thing as a bad batch of oils?  

  13. 5 hours ago, GoldieMN said:

    I've never had a problem with Rustic Escentual oils differing from 1 ounce to larger bottles.  


    What wax are you using?  Did you use the exact same box of wax for the test candle as this batch?  I ask because I recently had some problems and found others were also having problems with a particular lot of wax.



    I forgot to mention these are wax melts. Sorry about that!  The wax I use is from flaming candle.....550 straight paraffin with no additives which is similar to 1343 and 400 a very soft container wax similar to 4627. As for the batch of wax used....the 550 was the same batch, but the 400 was a new batch. Thanks Goldie for you help!  

  14. Hey y'all!  Reaching out to get your opinion on a recent issue I had with 2 FOs from RE. About 6 months ago, I was testing wax  combos with the fragrances lavender vanilla and pink sugar. I came up with a wax combo that had a hot throw for around 24 straight hours with these fragrances. When I did the testing, I was using RE one oz sample bottles of these fragrances. Since they worked so well in my wax, I went back and bought larger bottles and tested it again recently in the same wax, but this time, I had zero hot throw. And I mean nothing!  


    Since all all variables are the same except for it being the one oz.bottles vs. 4 oz. bottles, I can only come the the conclusion that it is the larger bottles of the same frangrace.


    Is this company known for diluting their oils?  I always thought they were a quality brand, so I am utterly confused. What else could it be.....a different batch of wax?  A different batch of fragrance?  The latter doesn't make as much sense, as I was using a combo of 2 oils to get this throw, not just one. 


    Help!  I'm just sick over this issue!  

  15. I would highly recommend Flaming Candle. You can get sample portions of any of their waxes, strong throwing oils and even better VERY reasonable shipping. And they ship same day. I always have my order from them within 2-3 days. 

    • Like 1
  16. On 4/1/2017 at 7:29 AM, GoldieMN said:

    I'm surprised the Walmart container doesn't melt.  But then, I have never used this warmer.


    They are not a light bulb warmer, but have a heating element.  The heating element is exposed, so there is nothing between the direct heat and the plastic cup.  You could not set a plastic portion cup, or any other regular plastic, on the warmer without melting the cup, as my heating elements get up to as high as 145. 

  17. Flaming candle 400 will not release in the summer or in the dead of winter. It is very similar to using 4627 only worse....it's similar to a vasaline. The throws on 400 are amazing and I've tried to make it work with over 12 different wax combos, both with two wax and three wax wax, at percentages ranging from 10-90 percent.  I've tried using every additive you can imagine.  It won't release.  Period. Learn from my stubbornness, Not worth waisting a year like I did on trying to make this wax work ?.  It's too bad cause the hot throw is crazy good. 

  18. 400 has a great scent throw, but I have found after messing with it for nearly a year that it is just too soft to use and make the percatangws work out in favor of the 400 being the dominate wax. 

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