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Everything posted by chuck_35550

  1. You can use vanilla destabilizer and titanium dioxide but eventually the soap will turn. I look fo suppliers that state they don,'t accelerate or discolor and read reviews. Natures garden tells you the maximum % to use and is reliable and cost effective. HTH Steve
  2. I have quite a few customers who prefer unscented soap.
  3. I agree with Chris on this one. I have a really good formula that uses no coconut and moderate amounts of palm but babassu is so expensive. I also add jojoba beads in the soap for a mild exfoliant and extra skin care. I love the way the pko changes the texture of the soap too. HTH Steve
  4. I offered a $1.00 off on returned jars several years ago. Some were returned all clean and seemingly undamaged but most were real wrecks that took a lot of time for me to refurbish and I began seeing small flaws in the glass. Needless to say I stopped that policy. Occasionaly someone will ask me to fill a container that they really like and I tell them no. Liability is a terrible thing. HTH Steve
  5. Okay, you decide on 6006 for your wax,now what? You plug 6006 into the search tool and come up with about 8pages of discussion about what jars,wicks and fo everyone likes. You find out favorite pouring techniques and then armed with all that good data begin to add your own data; which saves you time and money. Steve
  6. Adding the honey to your lye mixture caused the color change and may have accelerated the temp causing a caramelization of the honey. I think you have nothing to worry about and should get a fine result (hopefully). It is odd that you had to work so long for medium trace with your sb. You could have left your soap in the fridge over night but you won't know if gel occurred until you unmold. Cut that sucker and lets see what you did. Steve
  7. Only if you put your nose right on my skin will you smell a lingering fragrance. Some of the bakery scents are so nice to just sniff your arm or whatever all day and get that nice little bit of fragrance (TMI?). Steve
  8. Try Creme Brulee from KY and or any of the KY fragrances now available at AH/RE. Totally awesome and huge sellers for me. I mix pineapple from KY and coffee with the creme brulee and sell a lot of those blends. You can't go wrong with those fragrances IMHO. Steve
  9. First, Welcome to the Board. Second, find your nearest source of supplies. I started with a paraffin votive kit from Cajun Candles and started reading this forum which turned me into a full-fledged addict. The kit was reasonably priced and included most everything I would need to produce a candle and gave me instructions to follow. I use a 70% soy and 30% paraffin wax known as a parasoy. This has been my wax for a long time and I know just how it behaves with all my applications. I started with jelly jars and worked through several types. Keep it simple and don't jump around and eventually you should be able to produce a fairly decent candle. Everybody has opinions on this board and some are stronger than others but everyone has knowledge that is valuable. Hope This Helps. Steve
  10. I've used Tap Plastics. They have good video.tutorial on Youtube.
  11. Celestial purples are really good.
  12. I cut up about three or four strands with a little pair of scissors until its mincemeat. But I don't weigh. Steve
  13. I air dry my soap for at least a month and then store in plastic boxes with the lid on and use a paper towel for liners and this has not affected the soap in any negative way (so far). I label the outside of the boxes for easy retrieval and stack them in the shop. I can't remember if its the triangle with the 5 or the 3 in it that is supposed to be safe for storing scented products. Somebody help me on that one. HTH Steve
  14. Sure. The description is low moisture but the tag of like cp is because of the ingredients. I would never think of that base as being the same as cp but it might imitate cp if that makes sense. Most people are never going to look at all those ingredients, unless they know to look or have an allergy (hypo-allergenic) so it just depends on what you are willing to pay. Just make sure it is low sweat. HTH Steve
  15. Look for a good low-moisture soap base and make sure the fragrance is approved for melt and pour and at what per centage for maximum use and coloring specifically made for m&p. I use m&p for imbeds in cp soap but only offer guest sized soaps in pure m&p. I sell my soaps in crystal clear zip lock bags that do not absorb the fragrance and tag them with my label. Be sure that the soap is low-moisture and list all ingredients on your label because people are allergic to some additives or fragrances that contain cinnamon, peppermint or other essential oils. I do not use essential oils in my m&p but that is personal preferance. HTH Steve
  16. KSRanch, I think you made your point about the pig tail wick with being honored by Ah/Re. The wicks are tastefully done on those beautiful pillars. Grats.
  17. Yes and it is so good I don't care if it sells or not. It would be perfect for b&b.
  18. Ok, where is Scented?? See, you pick on me (jk). Saw it in my email and am in the process of voluntary commitment. Steve
  19. Full gel or no gel? Give it some more time and make sure and cure in a dry enviroment, what percentage of water do you use and or do you use milk and what % SF? Sometimes butters make my soap go kinda wonky for some reason. HTH Steve
  20. I unmold the next day while the soap is still kinda tacky and make up a one pound recipe for icing. It doesn't separate and it does not draw moisture like m&p but you have to use td and or vanilla destabilizer if you want it to stay white (although eventually it will turn). I don't think you will get any dimension by drizzling inside the mold and then pouring on top IMHO. Icing should stand out and be purely decorative. I cut my bundt soap into slices and then placed them on their sides like a slice of cake on a plate and then poured icing on top and let it drip half-way down the side (the soap is thick enough pour but not too thick or it won't look right) place a m&p imbed like a cherry or whatever, a little glitter and you have a neat looking piece of soap that fits the hand real well and is a great showpiece for the bath. HTH Steve
  21. I sell all mine to customers looking for something different and not too expensive for gifting. Don't do farmers markets or shows.
  22. I had mmy dw believing that Coach Phil Fulmer was my "Uncle Punkin Head", that's what we nicknamed him at family gatherings, lol. She's a rabid Bama fan and despises Tennessee because Fulmer ratted them out to the NCAA. Are you crazy? You can be for any other team here in Bama but not Tennessee.
  23. Actually, I grew up in Knoxville, Tennessee, so I'm a vol in Tide clothing, lol. It would be my great pleasure to teach you what little I know about the art of soapmaking. Just give me a buzz when you are in the area and we'll get a session first thing, no charge. Steve
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