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Everything posted by chuck_35550

  1. Personally, I love the Blackberry Jam Butter Cookie and it has an amazing ht but no sales. Some things just don't click and NGs 7up Pound cake is my all time fav.
  2. AH/RE has one called Sweet Amber Musk that is so beautiful and I love Blue Skies and then there is Daystar's Tuscan Lace (same as Indonesion Teak to me). Poured up some eucalyptus last night with spearmint, some with lavender and some with a little patch and they were all good. I'm getting people who want more summery botanical scents right now and so anything like (gag) Gardenia or Jasmine is good and they mix well with sandalwood or patch IMHO. Anyone remember that GL scent Magic of India? I still have some of that and love it. Steve
  3. Thanks for the feedback everyone. Distilled water sounds nice but sodium hydroxide doesn't (doubt anyone would notice). The shrink wrap would be less of a headache but anyway you look at it...I hate to wrap soap. Its fun to make it all day but then comes the wrapping and planing and beveling (sometimes). Got to think about this one for awhile longer. Steve
  4. yes i did. I liked the new location much better than the old store and then usually went to the Pottery Barn for more spending, lol.
  5. My candles leave a good half inch at the bottom and that hasn't been any problem for sales. I tell my customers to expect leftover wax because of the safety issue. That last bit of wax is pretty foul anyway but some of my customers tell me they put the jar on a warmer to get the last bit. I don't recommend that either but that's their choice and not mine. I have never had a complaint about a fiery candle and hope I never will. HTH Steve
  6. Vanilla and cinnamon always cause me a headache due to shrooms and soot. IMHO steve
  7. Thanks for the positives. I wanted something that connected on a more personal level but did resist using the Little Stevie character to describe the fragrances. Customers still rip the lid off first to sniff and then look at the label but overall there have been a lot of positive comments on the change. Steve
  8. I'm not sure what you mean by recipe. If you mean wick/wax/fo/color/jar formulations or fo combinations; just a little too sketchy to tell. The candle business is suffering in this economy just like all other businesses and I would think that in itself would require really extensive knowledge for success. I would want a look at current accounts and get step by step instruction and detail from the owners. People buy out the owner and then have to call them up to get information about how they did everything, because they can't duplicate and get the same results. I advise extreme caution. IMHO Steve
  9. I have the one from Kangaroo Blue and it came with a replacement blade. Very well made and the wood is smooth. Steve
  10. No, I don't include those ingredients (so you are saying I should?). I kinda cringe when people handle the soap with the cigar bands cause the ends are open and you can't see the entire bar of soap. I thought with this design I could even punch a hole in the top and hang on a rack for display purposes. The bags are made for holding soap but you don't get much fragrance without opening the bag. What if I left the bag open at the top covered by the label? Would that work better you think? TIA Steve
  11. That's me at about 5 years of age, lol. I'm getting good feedback from customers. Little Stevie
  12. http://www.craftserver.com/forums/images/attach/jpg.gifhttp://www.craftserver.com/forums/images/attach/jpg.gifhttp://www.craftserver.com/forums/images/attach/jpg.gif This is a new package I designed. I think there should be holes punched in the bag so the soap can breathe and the customer can smell the fragrance but my dw says no. Feedback on the design in general and whether to punch or not to punch. (That is me at about age 5) TIA Steve
  13. i always wondered if the new building was part of the financial problem. It is a very nice warehouse and storefront but a little hard to locate if you've never been there. I wish they would carry my brand of wax but will be satisfied to get other supplies without shipping costs.
  14. I used to buy all my glassware there and some of their fos are really good. Yay!!!!
  15. Count me in! I bought a Prius hybrid and it won't cost me $5.00 to drive there. If they will just stock up on good stuff at a decent price, I just might stay in business. lol. Steve
  16. well crud. Yup, it was nice to driver over and pick up supplies way back then. Oh well, I figured as much. Thanks Steve
  17. Thanks! Rats, I just ordered and didn't include the Red Sedona. All her oils are marked down to $10.00 so I picked up the lavender vanilla and a few others. I may have to go back and order that one too. Steve
  18. Ok, the letter from Todd confirms Alabaster is feet up but does anyone know the location of the new company (Community)? Just curious. Steve
  19. I just ordered the Autumn Jubilee from Sockmonkey and am thinking of using Elements Satsura for the sandalwood. What ratio did you find came closest to Hemingway? Oh and thanks for the update and excuse my late reply. Steve
  20. Oh sorry for the misinterpretation. Besides, Sharon can take care of herself without my help. lol Cat hair wicks are awesome! They crackle better than wood wicks IMHO. Steve
  21. They look like moth wings Babs. Very beautiful to me. I poured my first one a couple of weeks ago and it was fun. I think my column is too high but the pops look good. I bought the Hamilton sb from wally world with the whisk attachment and it really mixed my colors up swell. I've been sick for a couple of weeks now and haven't felt like doing much of anything; getting sick in the summer is so uncool. You ladies are just the most talented folks. Steve
  22. Lighten up, Sharon's a peach. A little humor goes a long way IMHO. I can't belive this got six pages of discussion anyway.
  23. So the final answer to the original question? No. Nobody on the Board makes an all natural candle as defined within this discussion. You have been chopped. lol Steve
  24. http://deforestationwatch.org/index.php/Key-Papers/Palm-Oil-and-the-Image-Problems-of-Environmentalism.html It is well established too that palm oil is the most sustainable of ALL the oilseed crops with a yield close to 10 times that of its nearest competitors such as soy, rapeseed or sunflower. For instance, palm oil has a typical yield of 4 to 5 metric tons per hectare planted which dwarfs the typical yield of 0.5 tons per hectare for its competitors.
  25. Well I don't know about Kosher but the next time you pick up a major name brand candle...tell me if it even states the type of wax used or any other ingredient. Don't make any claims and let the consumer beware and make their own decision about the purchase. We're gonna fool around and run ourselves out of business over this stuff. I never have given two hoots or a holler about whether my candles were enviromentally correct. All that stuff shifts like sand and what was once safe yesterday causes cancer today. Most people use paraffin for the bright colors they can get and most people use soy for the challenge and then the rest of us use a blend which is the best of both worlds.
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