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Everything posted by chuck_35550

  1. Welcome to the Board. I would suggest you try a sample of 6006 and mix 85% 6006 with 15% 464. Heat to 190 and pour about 185 degrees into clean warm jars and then let cool openly away from drafts. Remember that 6006 is very picky about fo load. Start at 6% and try a cd wick. I have tried to blend the different waxes and they aren't good but this is a really good blend. You might try adding about a teaspoon of coconut oil per pound to improve adhesion. These will set up perfectly (slight dip around the wick) and then eventually begin to develop wet spots; especially after you begin burning. The blend colors well but is just fine without color IMHO. Good luck. HTH. Steve
  2. I'm really confused. Are we talking Tennessee Candle Supply? Are you referring to their paraffin container wax? TN125? Do we have some comparisons at this point between the KY, the CS and the TCS? I need to try out some wax and would like to start with one that generally gets good reviews. It seemed like KY was the bomb but now its a bomb? Thanks, Steve
  3. The medium sized heart shaped Libbey heart at Wally World is not one of my favorite containers. I used three wicks and positioned them to form one large melt pool that covered the major part of the center. It worked just fine but customers didn't buy many. I still have a stack of them that will sooner or later be used to hold potpourri, tarts, votives or maybe even some more candles. I used the Glad wrap that looks frosted and really makes a nice tight seal and flipped the heart over to make the pattern. Then stuck a round label on the middle and then placed them sideways in a cello bag with a label. HTH. Steve
  4. I would try an 8 oz jar first. Jars work best when they are just about as tall as they are round. I always sold more 8oz jars than the 16 oz in my area but they worked a whole lot easier for me. If you pour up 15 oz of wax and 1 oz of fragrance oil you have two nice candles. I have a pair of bent nose needle nose pliers that are just right for pulling wicks out when testing. You want your jar to be warm not hot to the touch and the flame to be about an inch high. sooting and mushrooms are going to happen whenever the wick is not efficiently burning the wax. Your temp is not going to burn off your fragrance oil but if you use too much it has the opposite effect (more is not always good). Stick with that combination of wax, wick and jar until you have it down. HTH Steve
  5. I had an off brand one of those and it was great. Unfortunately, it started leaking around the heating element that was underneath a plastic covering. I tried sealing it but nothing worked and it had to be chunked. It was really handy but never could find that Rival pot. Let me know how it holds up. Steve
  6. My soaping group will do a big order in December. You just have to be creative in times like these. Thanks for the support guys.
  7. I can get a 50 pound cube of tallow from Columbus for $40.00. I just don't need 50 pounds of tallow but it looks like nobody is getting anything anytime soon. I can always go back to my recipes withouth tallow. Went ahead and ordered cocoa butter and other stuff from Columbus but didn't grab the tallow. It would ship by itself anyway. This seems to be a problem with everyone out of stock on stuff way before the rush. Thanks, Steve
  8. Do you render the tallow or does the butcher? I hate to buy a 50 lb cube from Soapers Choice. How long is the shelf life for tallow? Thanks, Steve
  9. I have used this wax for several years now. I use cd or cdn wicks and never liked the eco wicks for this blend. Some people use the lx wicks or http. Pour your wax hot and cool down slowly for good adhesion. I pour at 190 degrees into clean heated jars and then place in a large box that has a lid and position the jars a couple of inches apart. You might get an occasional dip in the wick and some fos may give you a problem with adhesion but 90% of the time this wax works great with any fo. Cure time in not necessary but of course only makes the ct/ht better. If the wax is brittle you might need to add a little petrolatum but doubtful. I have fewer issues with this blend than anything else I have ever tested. HTH Steve
  10. Used to use it and had no problems with it other than having to cut it and apply it. It does leave a residue on the glass. HTH Steve
  11. "PanOxyl Bars are unique, solid, soap-free cleansers for acne treatment." You have to be realistic about lye. Additives are a guess at best as to how much escapes the saponificiation process. Anything is worth a try but I'd hesitate to say that your product brightens skin. I believe this is the area where Scented would best help you. HTH Steve
  12. The best advice would be to add some to your wax in varying amounts and see for yourself. If you are only adding a small amount pp then that's not much extra cost; especially if it produces superior results. HTH. Steve
  13. Looks like she got a lot of stuff from Cajuns. Go to their web site and see if you can get a little better ball park figure. Hey, I've got a whole basement of stuff like that if you are interested. I would be careful and eyeball and inventory before making any offer. HTH. Steve
  14. Just take reasonable precautions with breathing fumes of any kind. Wear a comfortable mask (if such a thing exists) and have good ventilation wherever you making your products. I should take my own advice. These fumes are at times quite intense and can easily overwhelm or tax our respiratory systems; so I keep my big window fan on to pull those fumes out. It helps a lot. Hang in there and I'll mention you in my prayers tonight. HTH. Steve
  15. No it won't affect anything. It's very simple to put the candles to bed for the night and then the next day have your labels ready and they look great. Set up time is even shorter during the colder months. HTH Steve
  16. Thanks Jill. I was afraid that the govment had decided to crack down on yet another item used by handcrafters. Kinda getting paranoid, I guess. Steve
  17. If you're like me, I hate to use gloves and wash everything up after a session. The raw soap makes my hands look like I'm 100 years old but that's what I get for not wearing gloves. I hereby promise to buy a box of gloves and will wear them from start to finish. Amen.
  18. I use the blue ice bags to keep the candles cool in the cooler. No wet candles and they last longer than ice. Fortunately, I quit doing shows. Not my cup of tea.
  19. Lids can be tricky. I used a jar that would only take lids with plastic fitments and the customers never could figure out how to get the lid off. I switched to a jar that used a lug (twists off) and comes with the jar and saved money. I would suggest using a plastic lid that just fits over the opening and maybe putting your label or warning label on it to improve appearance. I try to keep my jars well under a $1.00 apiece (lid and all). The only jars my customers won't buy are jelly. HTH Steve
  20. I have a nice big cardboard box with the lid flaps and a wood bottom that is level. Place your candles about 2 inches apart and keep the lid closed in between placing candles inside. Heat builds up within the box and keeps the candles from cooling too fast. There is a good thread on here about building a cooling box. HTH. Steve
  21. Add about 15% soy to it and see what you think. Steve
  22. The automatic response is to pick it up and do something with it like put it in the sink or take it outside. A really good way to get some serious burns; I might re-think adding a warning about not picking up a hot burning jar. The bottom line in civil law is that anybody can sue you for any reason at any time but that have to show you are negligent in some way and that they have been damaged in some way. Hey Stella! Where you been hiding? Steve
  23. I went to buy some tallow and found out there is a shortage. Triple A said they are expecting a shipment any time. I have enough to last a little while longer but not at the rate I'm making soap. I really need to sell some of this stuff. Steve
  24. So creative and cool. The lips would be perfect for Valentines Day. Steve
  25. You really have a signature with your soapmaking. I think your soaps are so well thought out and they have such style. Wow. Steve
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