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Everything posted by chuck_35550

  1. I understand Top's point but am not in total agreement. Yes, you should understand the technical nature of your product (why it works) but most often innovation is by mistake or accident. Testing, hands on learning, education and experience are all necessary components in the process of hand crafting. We do not possess the unlimited funding to hire a team of scientists with labs but we can read good technical books that help us understand the nature of our product and not merely the asthetics. Not one formula will insure that all who use the product will receive the same results and claims should be carefully made as to that effect. I totally understand your fascination with hand crafted soap. I stopped using commercial soaps long ago and wouldn't dream of returning to the harsh, over processed, mostly artificial substances that are passed off as good for your skin.
  2. This is not about politicians but rather about attorneys. They have created a litgious society that delights in suing over the slightest of damages. If you are a hand crafter who is producing a poorly made product that creates complaints on a state or local level; well thanks a lot. We live in a different world that has little respect for the little guy. Politicians are merely the knee that jerks to the strings pulled by a complaining public that on one hand demands the government to protect and on the other to stop meddling. Apparently, it is not enough to carry insurance and kitchens and basements are not appropriate for free enterprise.
  3. My wife gives me the "dirty' look whenever I launch into one of my soap rants. Nobody understands the process and they think I'm a huge nerd. I just made a batch with a new recipe and an fo blend that is all my own. It makes my skin feel so good and the smell is a perfect combination for either a man or woman. I have to brag on myself because no one else understands the accomplishment. oh well
  4. It doesn't matter. Whatever is convenient for you. You can make a one pound sample bar for testing purposes. There are usually threads available on most fos that you can read for other people's findings about how the fos worked in their soap. HTH. Steve
  5. Go back to just your blend of 6006 and soy with only 1 oz fo pp and leave everything else off (including color). Remember that 6006 is very unforgiving on fo amounts. Vanilla and some bakery related ingredients are going to give you soot and mushrooms. Those are indicators of a failed efficient burn. At least with your basic formula you will be able to determine what works and what doesn't. Add your other ingredients at smaller amounts and work your way up from there. Try lx or cd with that blend and forget about zinc if you don't like mushrooms. HTH Steve
  6. Thanks Sharon, I'll give that a try. Steve
  7. I rarely have a sticking problem if I cpop. Milk soaps are the worst to stick if the formula makes a soft soap. My last batch of a new recipe was flawless without any prep at all. The bars are perfect. I use a formula of 11 oz oils per pound and formulate for 33 oz in my 9 bar Kelsei. Each bar is 5 oz and of a size that is easy to handle. HTH Steve
  8. I believe that 38% is the default on water as percent of oils on calc. I use a lye concentration of 35% and Miller Soap recommends using 2:1 water/lye ratio. There are a lot of variables and you really have to pay attention to whatever calculator you are using as to those variables. HTH. Steve
  9. Hi Carole. These are straight sided salsa jars with the 12 0z being 3.19 tall by 3.38 wide and the 16 oz salsa being 4 1/4 by 3 1/4. I use the Clarus 70/30 which isn't good for a zinc. I had been getting the cdn wicks but they seem to be out of stock for the 18 size. If this were a smaller cd then it would be a much thicker wick but these wicks are really skinny and barely waxed. Thanks for any help. Steve
  10. TCS carries the Pumpkin Souffle as well. It seems like I have a ton of pumpkin fos in stock but my best seller is pumpkin creme brulee. I can sell anything mixed with creme brulee. HTH. Steve
  11. Thanks for the response Sharon. I like the cdn wicks but can't find them in the 18 size. The mp is just about right for the jar and the flame heighth is good too; so I hate to mess with it. Maybe I can locate some better quality wicks. Thanks, Steve
  12. I use an 18 in my current line of jars. The wicks are centered but about half way through the candle I notice that the wick wilts and begins to burn off center. Trimming doesn't seem to make any difference and different sources offer the same result. Does anyone use a cd 18 or thereabouts that stays rigid and doesn't wander? Could you strengthen the wick with something that wouldn't cause sooting or effect the burn? Thanks, Steve
  13. Try some of these with the 70/30: Creme Brulee JBN (biggest seller and awesome throw, great mixer with pineapple, ect) Fresh Linens JBN, 7 up Pound Cake NG, Indonesian Teak JBN, Apple Jack Peel and Christmas Cabin NG. Heck, I get some great throws from almost everyone but those fos are year round best sellers; especially the Creme Brulee. HTH Steve
  14. I try to keep the iodine lower than 55 and the INS somewhere in the neighborhood of mid to upper 150s with 160 being balanced. I have a recipe that shouldn't be a great bar of soap but for my tastes it seems really good. People with sensitive skin would not be able to tolerate a highly cleansing bar of soap. IMHO.
  15. My 12 oz jar holds 8 oz of wax and fo and is listed as an 8 oz jar and my 16 oz jar is a 12 oz jar. You have to make allowances for the addition of wick and holder and room at the top of the jar for the lid. You could nearly pack enough wax into but not quite and there wouldn't be room for anything else.
  16. I see Brad cleared things up. The coconut is the solid stuff you get at Walmart. HTH Steve
  17. The Clarus 70/30 wax goes by whatever name the supplier gives it (TN 70/30) and I don't know specifically who else carries this wax. Brad Ford is a rep who is very helpful and might be able to give you more information. I love this wax and have found it to be very consistent over the years. There are occasional bad batches but they are usually when soy crops are poor. I'm afraid the day of price breaks on bulk is drawing to a close. You start talking pallet prices and you will have to go to Clarus would be my opinion. HTH. Steve
  18. I was in a very nice department store Saturday and they had these great 16 oz candles in crockery jars that were $5.00 apiece. They weren't selling many of them from the looks of the display but then most people are buying vacation stuff. I gave up on 4 oz and votives because people just wouldn't pay more than a couple of dollars for a small candle. You might try describing them as room fresheners or gift basket candles. People are always open to things they can throw in a basket for gift giving. I used to call them fragrance samplers and offered them in groups. HTH Steve
  19. I did speak with them and they declined any type of offer on a partial pallet. SKS is having to ship the 30 cases on a pallet by truck because UPS refused to ship it and that discussion was by phone. SKS had to confirm the address for the size truck they would need to ship and stated that there would be no charge. Fillmore offered me a pallet and nothing else. So I have about 600 jars in inventory now. I should be good for the long haul (I hope).
  20. 1. Pineapple Slices JBN 2. Creme Brulee JBN 3. Pumpkin Frappuccino JBN 4. Wild Honeysuckle Elements 5. Fresh Linens JBN 6. Green Irish Tweed 7. Nothing 8. Hansel and Gretel's House TCS Apple Jack & Peel NG Creme Brulee outsells them all at any time of the year. BBW should be a category unto itself Coconut Lime Verbena and Black Raspberry Vanilla CW
  21. I ordered 30 cases of 12 oz jars and lids with no shipping charge. Fillmore could not offer a better deal but they were very nice. I feel better knowing that there will be enough on hand raw materials for the upcoming busy season; so that if I need to order extra it won't catch me with empty hands. HTH. Steve
  22. Ask Wal-Mart if they will give you a wholesale deal. I have my wholesale account card with Wal-Mart that allows me to purchase supplies without paying tax. HTH. Steve
  23. Cure time never hurts. Light fos demand enough time to build a decent cold throw IMHO. Heavy hitters are good to go from day one. That's the attraction of this wax that keeps me using it. If I get a special rush order, I don't have to worry about the ht or ct being strong enough without a lengthy cure time. Steve
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