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Laura C

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Everything posted by Laura C

  1. I can't comment on wine FOs specifically but overall I have really enjoyed scents from Nature's Garden, Flaming Candle and Aztec.
  2. Can you not just set out an unwrapped sample candle of each scent? IDK
  3. They gave me a refund and said I didn't need to return it. That works for me, the mold has other cavities that I can still use.
  4. Probably just a bad streak, hopefully. I've been ordering stuff lately from different suppliers and everything has been fine except one wax melt mold had a hole due to a staple in the packaging. They are going to refund it or send me another one.
  5. We eat a lot of yogurt, cottage cheese, sour cream, etc. so I recycle those containers for my melts, it's a win-win. I also recycle glass jars such as pickles, jelly and the small beef bullion cube jars are really cute. And less trash for me to take out.
  6. Hi Jenni, hope you enjoy your weekend.
  7. Hi @gigglefits. I've never heard of that problem and I've never had that problem so far. I have been using a few different sizes of clam shells from Aztec and a shop on Amazon without any problems. I usually pour between 160-175 and the melts look and smell great. If I pour any cooler than 155-160 I usually get jump lines, bubbles or soft round edges. I use different waxes and blends of paraffin and soy. I don't know for certain if my clams shells are PVC or PET, I've seen both and some websites tell you and some don't. Maybe that's your issue?
  8. Thanks for the heads up, I'll keep an eye on my melts. I'm currently testing some recycled storage containers for my lose melts that are PP #5 plastic. They've been in them for a few months maybe and nothing is out of the ordinary. Other than clamshells, what do you store your lose melts in? Tin cans?
  9. Regarding the topic of this post, I use 4625 but not blended with 4630. With 4625 and basically any wax or combo I use it seems like those same temps always work great for me with candles and with wax melts.
  10. You bring up a good point. I too have noticed the same thing about florals, I don't get it. Some scents will smell terrible or some scents I like right away but then the more I smell them the less I like them. It's disappointing.
  11. Oh that sounds like so much fun, making wedding favors. After reading comments and thinking about it, I believe a wedding cake/vanilla cake type scent would be a good and safe choice. Aren't cake or vanilla scents popular with lots of people? Some people may not like chocolate scents nor florals as Trappeur suggested. Does the bride not have a preference for the scent?
  12. Hello @babanangoo and welcome.
  13. FYI, not too long ago someone else was asking the same thing and I believe it got several responses. Have you done a search on here yet? You should be able to find it.
  14. Hi @Forrest. I like doing that too, burning 2 or so complimentary scents together, it's interesting not to mention a great way to market you products too. I can't speak for paraffin candles because I've mostly been working with coconut wax and some soy. I've had pretty good luck with blending my own custom scents or at least that's what my nose and my husband tells me, LOL. I usually start out with equal amounts/percentages of each FO and adjust from there. That gives you an idea of which scents need to be weaker or stronger or even eliminated. It's something I enjoy.
  15. Hello @Rheganshealingcandles and welcome to Craft Server.
  16. LOL, I've been there too. I have this wax and I really like it except it is a rock hard slab and I've been having to do 2nd pours with it in order to get flat tops on my melts. I was not comfortable beating on it and chopping it because I can be a klutz and I didn't want to lose a finger or hand in the process. Here's what I have started doing with my rock hard paraffin slabs and it is time consuming but it doesn't make me or my husband nervous, LOL. It's basically like making wax chunks. Break the big slab into 2-3 big pieces w/a hammer and chisel, small enough to fit on a large cookie sheet and put in a low temp oven. I put two pans in the oven at a time. You have to heat them low and slow or otherwise they just melt, I don't think I heated the oven over 175-200. Once they got soft enough to cut, I used my soap cutter to dice them up into 2-3 inch cubes or whatever size you like. After doing this to my 4625 and 4794 paraffin waxes I enjoy working with them, so much easier. I'm glad I took the time to do that but I just hate to have to do that every time I order a case. Wish the wax companies would sell it like that in the first place, they'd for sure have my business.
  17. Myself, I can't answer that with just 1 or even 2 suppliers. There are several suppliers that I buy FOs from that I really like and they have strong c&h scent throw and seem to perform well in different waxes. For instance; Wellington Fragrance, Nature's Garden, The Candlemaker's Store, The Flaming Candle, Bramble Berry, Candles and Supplies, Aztec and so on. I just know what I like so I buy it from whomever but it would be nice to only have to buy from 1 or 2 suppliers.
  18. Thanks for letting us know your experience. I've been wondering that since I have only tested the one scent, I simply could have gotten one of their stronger FOs to begin with.
  19. That's true, you never know, they can basically call things anything they want, I think just about all of us on here have experienced that with one product or another. LOL. I'm glad you mentioned that and it alerted me to my mistake. Specifically regarding the "Ultra" FOs from General Wax that I mentioned, the "Ultra" means they are supposedly made for their "Ultra" coconut wax, I failed to mention that and I just assumed that their word "Premium" indicates uncut or concentrated but that may not be the case and it was a mistake on my part. Didn't mean to mislead anyone.
  20. They are intriguing, I've been wanting to try them. I have tried only one of the Ultra FOs, Sage Lavender, from General Wax/CandleMakingSupplies and it is really strong in the bottle and in wax melts. It's a pretty nice scent and I used it at 10% in a mix of IGI 4794 Paraffin and 444 Soy as melts. I certainly want to order some more of their Ultra FOs to test further. https://www.candlemakingsupplies.net/displayScents.php?category_id=231 Maybe someone has tried the Ultra FOs from Northstar and will respond.
  21. Thanks for the reply @strugglebrother.
  22. That's awesome @CandleRush, it's nice to hear some good candle making news! Sounds like you are making some nice candles. After hearing your story and others that are having success, it's making me excited again to get back at it. The last few years, I have had a terrible time making a nice, safe candle that I was pleased with while using various soy and coconut waxes and blends. I truly got burned out and finally gave up and started making loose and clamshell wax melts with success. It's been a lot of fun and I have learned so much about other waxes and how they perform. I feel like I will have a fresh set of eyes and more tools in my belt when I do start back to candle making.
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