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Laura C

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Everything posted by Laura C

  1. @strugglebrother that's neat that you have used Wicks Unlimited wick testing service, I'm very glad you shared this info. So were you pleased with the service and test results? Do you recommend it, would you use the service again? I have considered using their service so many times but just have not done it. I've called and talked to a person there and I can even drop my test candles off to them since I only live a few miles away. I still have this on the back burner for now.
  2. Without looking at my notes this comes to mind and it's also what @strugglebrother said, "It soots easily, mushrooms easily and very easily burn too hot. Especially after burning it for a few hours." Don't remember which wicks I was using. But don't get discouraged because certain things don't work for others, it may work for you. Sounds like you are doing some good tests.
  3. I know what you mean and I don't get it either. I'm very concerned about safety too. I have a tall, skinny 12oz Yankee container candle. In the beginning I trimmed the wick the usual 1/4" and it would reach a full melt pool pretty quick. After several burns I noticed the jar getting real hot and the flame too tall, would have to trim frequently. Now that the candle is in the lower portion of the jar I have to keep the wick trimmed to almost a nub in order to avoid a tall flame and an extremely hot jar. I don't like to have to do this and a lot of users wouldn't do this or even know that they need to do this. I guess it just boils down to what you, as a candle maker, are comfortable with selling and having your name on. What really irks me are these people, so-called or self proclaimed "candle experts" and reviewers or whoever they are that don't actually know jack about what they are talking about. Some of them don't even possess the correct technical knowledge about candles to give a proper review yet they may talk trash about products that may actually be very good if used correctly. A lot of candle reviews and videos I have seen are disturbing, LOL.
  4. Glad you mentioned that. Yes, after making paraffin wax melts in silicone molds, I too have noticed that white, powdery film on the inside and outside of the molds. Don't really care about the outside. For the inside I usually have to wash them twice with hot soapy water and a soft sponge or a soft bristle brush. I've not noticed any scent transfer from any lingering scents in the molds.
  5. That's good info to know and thanks for calling and posting @strugglebrother. I meant to call them and forgot, that's what happens if I don't put tasks on my list. LOL. But I'm really disappointed that it's not a new and improved formula. I'm not going to bother ordering any for now.
  6. This is a pretty rainbow colored soap too but still time consuming. How to Make Rainbow Heart Soap by the Soap Queen at Bramble Berry https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=2&v=oVP2XWN_aRk
  7. Awesome. Keep us updated if you think of it.
  8. They all look so pretty and I'm trying to imagine how they smell. A few things that came to mind for the name of the third soap is Sweet & Sour or Citrus Sugar but I guess it's easier to name a custom scent if you can actually smell it, LOL.
  9. On CS website for "IGI 6046 COCONUT/PARAFFIN BLEND WAX" it says " This wax was previously named IGI 6570." So I wonder if it was a name change only or if they also reformulated it? Has anyone called CS and asked them or has anyone compared the two waxes? I think I may have a little bit of my IGI 6570 left. I just may order some of the 6046 to see how it compares. I'm real curious to know because I was not impressed with the 6570 for container candles, except that it was a pretty white wax. Just off the top of my head seems like it had jar adhesion issues, soot issues and made some of my scents smell weird. It would be an answer to my prayers if 6046 is an improved version of 6570. Aztec is still calling it 6570 https://www.candlemaking.com/igi-6570-vegetable-based-coconut-container-wax-blend-25lb-sample.html.html Candles and Supplies has it http://www.candlesandsupplies.net/IGI-ParaCoco-Container-Wax-blend-per-case?sc=7&category=333096
  10. Hello @Jane mitchell and welcome to Craft Server. You should find lots of great information here for both soap and candle making. Cheers!
  11. While looking around The CandleMakers Store I noticed Easter Flowers FO has great reviews. https://www.candlemaking.com/easter-flowers.html
  12. Aztec's Pink Lilac and Willow https://www.candlemaking.com/pink-lilac-willow.html NG's Easter FOs https://www.naturesgardencandles.com/search/easter/results/1.html?&r=5c98ff8c
  13. Hey @Trappeur, like @Jcandleattic and maybe some others on here, I have been testing out IGI 4625 and IGI 4794 waxes and so far I like both of them. I have used the waxes separately and as a 50/50 blend and used dye and 6-10% FO. I have made both loose melts and clamshell melts. I'm still currently testing my melts and I need to organize my notes on performance and scent throw but overall I've been really pleased. I'm still trying to figure out exactly which wax or combination gives the strongest c&h scent throw. Making melts is so much fun.
  14. I can't help you with this but just wanted to say that it's so pretty. That design looks like it would take a lot of work.
  15. Hi Rodriguez and welcome to Craft Server. You should find lots of helpful information and friendly folks here. You certainly have a busy schedule, enjoy your candle making.
  16. Hi @mereander and welcome to Craft Server. Do some searching and you should find lots of good info to help you. Plus there are a lot of friendly and helpful crafters on here.
  17. Good morning @ga2daru and welcome to craft server.
  18. Hello @michelley and welcome to craft server.
  19. That's very interesting @TallTayl thanks for sharing your test. The last Ultra Coconut Wax I bought from General Wax was in 2018 and it made very soft almost mushy candles. I had to add stuff to it to harden it up. It looks like the Ultra Wax you tested is not as soft as the lot I had received last year.
  20. This is off topic but @TallTayl looks like you use the Bitmoji app too? It's neat software.
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