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Laura C

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Everything posted by Laura C

  1. Thanks for the reply @Birdies making scents. I certainly need to get some wax markers and try them out too.
  2. She does have a unique brand and nice packaging.
  3. @TallTayl thanks for taking the time to share your words of wisdom and experience with us. I have light bulbs turning on, LOL.
  4. I love those cut glass jars, so beautiful. Wish I was in a position to go in on the order.
  5. Oh they're a lot of fun. Here's some links to ones in GA. https://www.everfest.com/e/georgia-renaissance-festival-fairburn-ga https://www.atlanta.net/events/georgia-renaissance-festival/ https://www.garenfest.com/
  6. Thanks so much for your response. That's awesome info and makes a lot of sense and I enjoyed reading your story. Good for you, good for sticking with it. It's funny you brought up the Renaissance Festival because I love going to them, I love the costumes, especially the fairies and all that fun, magical stuff. Our festival opens this weekend and my daughter and grand-daughter are coming in town so I hope they will want to go.
  7. Laura C

    Fire Starters

    Thank you. I got a little carried away with mine. It was my first time making them and I was all excited to see what I could do.
  8. You know, I've been thinking about what you said and you bring up some good points. Since you have experience with this can you please provide some more insight? What's the cues to know when to raise your prices and what's the advantage of not putting your products "on sale"? Here's my guess and I've touched on this before, the perception of quality and value. So if you value your products and price them accordingly then customers will value them too and be willing to pay a good price for them. And that would also mean not to have "sales" as well because it looks like you are devaluing your products. Am I close? I also need to do some more reading and research on this matter, I find it interesting.
  9. Yes, actually an upscale beachy/Florida line of candles and wax melts is something I have been thinking about. Key West is a fun place, the Casa Marina is very nice but we haven't stayed there in a long time. As you know, things can get real expensive real fast down there, LOL. That's neat that you bought a candle from a shop down there.
  10. Thanks for bringing these things up. Those are all great questions and not always easy to answer. And you make a good point above about the craft show. This is all stuff I'm going to have to seriously consider and research. I'm not doing shows right now, I'm not even selling anything right now, LOL, but they are in my future plans. In my area, West Palm Beach to the FL Keys, there's tons of arts & craft shows, farmers markets, etc. all year long, particularly in the fall and winter when tourists and seasonal residents are escaping the cold weather up north. I've been wanting to get out there and be a vendor instead of a customer. http://www.sunshineartist.com/events/eventlisting http://www.craftsfaironline.com/
  11. Are those matches in your pocket or ...? LOL
  12. Business coasters could be another nice add-on item for candles or wax melts. Set a candle or wax melter on the coaster. http://promotionalmatches.com/coasters/full-color-round-or-square-coasters/
  13. If I'm using matches to light candles, I prefer the long wood matches. http://promotionalmatches.com/matchboxes/capri-fireplace-bbq-standard-matchbox/
  14. That brings up a question. You can't make candles in them because they are not seamless, correct? Could you put a plastic liner in it and use with a plant or as a vase? Wrap them with kraft paper or wrapping paper, line the inside with wax paper and put baked goodies in them. I like the other ideas posted too.
  15. Congrats on the new account and that label is cute. To answer your question, I like the label with the paw print by the scent name, I think it shows up better and makes more of a statement. I also like the idea of incorporating the paw print with the "pet seal of approval" and having it by the scent name.
  16. I also just saw some edible paint for baking and wonder how that would work on candles and melts? I need to get some of that too and play around with it. Would it adhere well? Would it be safe? Would it cause an odor when heated? Anybody have any experience with this?
  17. Not to change the subject but just wanted to mention this about these store bought melts. They don't say they are Soy Melts but they sure look and feel like it. Some of them have slight frosting and they look and feel slightly creamy. The scents smell great and have strong cold and hot scent throw, I'm really impressed by them. I want my melts to be like theirs, LOL. I don't know how I could compete with their dirt cheap prices. I bought them to compare to my melts and I'm glad I did, now I have more to go by for figuring out what I want to do.
  18. Hi. I'm curious as to how the wax pens worked out for you? And did you try the acrylic paint mixed with the acrylic paint medium for wax?
  19. Hello @jujubiee and welcome. I don't sell anything either, yet, but hope to soon. I make container candles, wax melts and fire starters. Lots of great information and helpful people on this site, enjoy.
  20. Well what do you know, @ChadM you're not the only one having the rippled, dimpled wax issues, the big companies are too, just FYI. I took these pics at either Michael's or JoAnn's craft stores today. When I saw them, it reminded me of this post so of course I had to whip out my phone and take pics, LOL.
  21. I just encountered this rippled surface on wax with some wax melts at JoAnn's craft store. I guess this is what you are referring to?
  22. Well dang, sounds like I need some of that Simple Green stuff.
  23. Oh yea, that looks very nice and professional. Your people are doing something right, LOL
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