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Laura C

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Everything posted by Laura C

  1. I'm curious. I don't know what wax or type of FOs you use but since you add your FO at such a low temp, what kind of cold and hot scent throw do you experience? Since you do this process I image your C&H scent throw must be really good. Do you make candles only or also wax melts? I don't think I have ever added my FO at that low of a temp.
  2. When using EcoSoya PB I have basically done the same process as you and used the same temps and poured into clam shells and I do have various degrees of frosting, not really terrible. The tops have been smooth and only slightly dipped in the center. Is that what you mean by dimples? I have been using 8% FO and I poured a dark green one at 140 and had very little frosting. Of course on the clam shells without dye or in pale colors you can't see the frosting. I will probably do some more tests and add some paraffin wax to see what happens.
  3. That's nice you have a connection, I'm sure it comes in handy.
  4. Hi @WendySue I bet if you searched on those waxes you would find additional posts and may even find your answer or get some ideas. I don't use any of those waxes.
  5. I don't even use vybar or stearic and my 4625/4794 blend in wax melts easily pop out of any mold I use. I might have to play around with adding vybar to see if I can improve my Hot Throw.
  6. I was wondering about that. Ah yes, biodegradable glitter and not the plastic. I need to replace my glitter with the biodegradable kind. One more thing to add to my shopping list.
  7. Yes, that's the thing isn't it, so many different variables to deal with.
  8. Wow, that is strange. The same wax sticks to plastic for you but doesn't for me, could have something to do with the humidity, elevation, etc, IDK, obviously. Or fragrance load? I used 6% and 8%. So many things about this hobby baffles me at times, LOL.
  9. 4625 alone poured into clam shells between 150-160 50/50 mix of 4625 and 4794 poured into clam shells around 160 I don't pour these waxes any cooler than that in plastic molds because they start gelling quickly and the corners end up not completely filling in or look puffy and rounded.
  10. Hi @Belinda. I've accumulated some suggestions for good wax melt waxes from this site, and I think that includes some of your posts, @aptommo posts and some others, and I have tested some of them. I have not had the chance to test the Hot Throw for all of them yet, that's still in progress. I can say that all of these waxes or wax blends have been easily popping out of clam shells, silicone molds and metal tart molds for me. And there's more wax combos I want to try but these have been doing really good and cold throw has been great. And of course, there's more waxes that have been raved about on here that I want to eventually test too, LOL. IGI 4794 Votive/Tart Wax IGI 4625 Pillar Wax IGI 4794 Votive/Tart Wax w/IGI 4625 Pillar Wax IGI 4794 Votive/Tart Wax w/GW 444 Soy Wax IGI 4625 Pillar Wax w/GW 444 Soy Wax EcoSoya PB Pillar Blend Soy (I do get various amounts of frosting w/dyed wax even at cool pouring temps so I plan on trying some mixes with the paraffin waxes)
  11. Yes, very exciting, good for her! I'm sure she's so thrilled she can't stand it.
  12. Hello @The Candle Nook and welcome. I've been playing around with making candles for about 3 years now and you are way ahead of me, LOL. I don't sell anything yet, only given products away as gifts to family/friends. Hope you enjoy it here.
  13. LOL, @Forrest and @Quentin there is sci-ency stuff to read here http://candles.org/candle-science/ And I like the engineerguy on YouTube, he has several videos about candles https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RrHnLXMTOWM
  14. Hey @Quentin. These are 2 books that I have and like. I read them in the beginning of my candle hobby adventure. I have not looked at them in a while and maybe I should. I can look at them now with experience under my belt and see things differently. https://www.amazon.com/Candle-Crafting-Science-William-Nussle/dp/0498078639/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1550944500&sr=8-1&keywords=book+candle+crafting+nussle+barnes https://www.amazon.com/Candlemakers-Companion-Complete-Rolling-Decorating/dp/1580173667/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1550944710&sr=8-1&keywords=book+the+candlemaker's+companion
  15. I will post some book info over here under this link you had previously started on this subject. Check it out.
  16. I know, me too. I could use about 2 assistants but I wouldn't be able to pay them. Too bad my kids and grandkids live in another state. LOL
  17. Thank goodness my 4794 has never done that. Yikes!
  18. That's good news. That other stuff looked so weird. LOL. Like rising bread dough.
  19. I've had the same idea. A custom mold would certainly be awesome. A quick and easy option would be to use mica and a rubber stamp with the logo on it or a stencil with the logo on it.
  20. Hi @Gabor Gy Szabo. The first thing that comes to my mind is which wax are you using? If it isn't a container wax then it may have mold release in it so that's why it's pulling away from the mug. Maybe your mug was too cold and the wax was too hot so you got shrinkage. Just some ideas.
  21. It is so easy to do that but don't think you're alone, I'm right there with you. LOL
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