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Laura C

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Everything posted by Laura C

  1. LOL, I do love links and photos, they really add excitement and dress up a conversation. Did I mention I l♥️ve to save Bookmarks?
  2. Here's a black one, if it's the size you need. https://www.wellingtonfragrance.com/Matte-Black-Metal-Flat-Lid--P3070.aspx clear and copper http://www.candlesandsupplies.net/Candle-Making/Lids-Caps-Covers
  3. LOL, guess I was vague. Yes, I was referring to the shiny stuff, didn't know if it was just mica or if you had used glitter as well. Thanks for clarifying.
  4. Laura C

    Golden Wax 416

    Don't know yet about frosting or cure time. I just recently started testing out GW/LP 416 Soy Tart Wax. So far I have only made a few loose "wax only melts" with it so I can see how the wax performs. The melts either cracked into pieces when I popped them out of the molds or some had cracks in them. They were a pretty opaque, cream color and I noticed they didn't have sinkholes, very flat, only the ice cubes dipped in the center just a tiny bit. I was pleasantly surprised and that certainly gave me a few ideas. Geez, I can tell in that one picture that I need a manicure. LOL
  5. Hello @Ak Wolf and welcome, you'll find a lot of good information here and helpful people. I make candles and wax melts, for personal use, and I know what you mean about a love hate relationship, LOL.
  6. Ooooh, I like those w/sprinkles and the colors are so pretty. I guess that other stuff is mica?
  7. The pure white opaque wax is IGI 4641 Votive and Gel Embed wax w/163 melt point, no scent and no dye. (aka AstroLite V, I guess) And IGI 4794 Votive/Tart w/128 melt point is a pretty white opaque wax also but has a little bit of a transparent look to it, no scent and no dye. I like to make some plan melts with new waxes so I can see how they look and feel just on their own before I start adding FO and dye to the mix.
  8. If I were selling candles I would certainly try to sell a 16oz candle for $20+, probably more like $28 but I haven't ran the numbers. Off the top of my head, it seems like making at least a $10 profit on a candle would be good. My thoughts are, if you value your product and are proud of it then other people will value it too. This all sounds great but I don't have any experience selling products so I could be way off base.
  9. I have been using these plastic funnel pitchers and plastic pipettes for wax melts and embed molds. Like they say, the wax cools quick when it hits this cool plastic. Not sure how much I can preheat them in the microwave. https://www.amazon.com/Norpro-Measuring-Pitcher-Translucent-Pouring/dp/B01M0MI061/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1550210467&sr=8-4&keywords=funnel+pitchers+plastic https://www.amazon.com/Basic-Essential-Bottles-Disposable-Graduated/dp/B073WLCQWD/ref=sr_1_19?ie=UTF8&qid=1550211422&sr=8-19&keywords=pippettes+plastic+droppers These are interesting gadgets too. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B078T1PYX6/ref=sspa_dk_detail_0?psc=1&pd_rd_i=B078T1PYX6&pd_rd_w=57GpP&pf_rd_p=2bd81721-c115-4b8d-93a3-2ecd17466ded&pd_rd_wg=DuDiL&pf_rd_r=T78AYS40MQGTVVY585WS&pd_rd_r=55bf269c-30e7-11e9-9e0c-9751a1337b94 https://www.amazon.com/Wilton-1904-552-Easy-Pour-Funnel/dp/B001689LD2/ref=sr_1_21?ie=UTF8&qid=1550210599&sr=8-21&keywords=funnel+pitchers+plastic
  10. Thanks for the info. I was just checking out their clamshells, LOL. Recently with the waxes I'm playing around with I've poured between 150-165 in clamshells and they do seem fine and I've gotten rid of the jump lines I was seeing. I do have a pretty, pure white paraffin wax with a high melt point that I may test out.
  11. Thanks for the response. That brings up a good point because I've noticed some clamshells are thicker than others. Also I read somewhere that waxes with melt points at 145 F or lower are better for making melts/tarts. I don't know, I just have to go through trial and error and I'll keep in mind your 180-185 range.
  12. LOL, Ok thanks. I may try pouring real hot the next time I make some clamshells to see what happens.
  13. http://maplestreetcandle.com/Clamshell-Molds_c_31.html http://maplestreetcandle.com/Portion-Cups_c_30.html
  14. What about pouring so hot, 190-200, into plastic clamshells? Won't the plastic warp or melt? I've not tried pouring that hot into plastic to see what happens. With high temp waxes and when making melts, is it best to use metal tart molds?
  15. I'm not good at using a heat gun on plastic clamshells, I melt the wax and plastic. LOL
  16. Those are really cute. Your melts look good enough to eat, LOL.
  17. Laura C

    Golden Wax 416

    That's nice, yes, I'm sure they will enjoy them. It's better than just tossing them in the trash.
  18. LOL, I certainly know what you mean about making candles, I've been dealing with that headache. I'm currently taking a break from candles and playing around with melts. Ok, that makes sense about the tins, would be easier to display, stack, etc. especially if you're limited with booth space. Once you get out there doing stuff, like you're doing, you realize what works and what doesn't. I'm surprised you didn't sell any of the bears at your last fair.
  19. Seems like a good idea to have the "sniffers", LOL. I'm curious, what was your reason for ditching the cute bags and why did you choose tins? Plus you can always make candles in tins too.
  20. Yes, I saw some of those with the fans on Aztec's site. I want to get one and test it, seems like a great idea.
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