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Laura C

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Everything posted by Laura C

  1. My sentiments exactly @TallTayl. And regarding the early versions (2015-2016) of the coconut wax, Coconut 83 from Accu-Blend particularly, I did not have the soot/smoke problems with it, ever. It "Was" A Wonderful Wax, so unfortunate that it no longer exists. I loved that Original Coconut 83 wax either alone or mixed with a little USWA to firm it up more and increase scent throw. Every time I made candles with it they were pretty much perfect. Always great jar adhesion, strong C&H scent throw no matter what scent I used, would usually have to do 2nd pours for level tops and the Premier, Performa, Cotttonwood and Ribbon wicks all performed beautifully. Sadly and so, so disappointingly, it is my Unicorn wax that can't be found and no longer exists. It really bums me out. I called Accu-Blend and asked them to bring back the original blend and they acted like they didn't know what I was talking about, like I was crazy or delusional. They said the wax had not changed. I even told them I would buy the recipe for that wax since they were no longer going to use it. Of course that didn't happen, but I had to ask. So my search for the "perfect" wax continues. (I don't know why this entry posted twice?)
  2. I speak for myself, I'm at the point that I don't believe anything a wax manufacture or supplier tells me anymore, LOL. I have been flat out lied to by them, and I didn't appreciate that. The ingredients and the story is always changing, depending on which day you call, so to give them the benefit of the doubt, hummm, they may not always know what's going on or have control of what ingredients they can get. Who knows?
  3. That's a neat and easy way to make a Mystery Candle.
  4. Hi @Trappeur. I don't even think that exists anymore, LOL. If it does, I want to find it too, LOL. Just off the top of my head, the wax that has given me the best and most constant strong c&h scent throw is the Ultra Coconut Wax blend from General Wax. But and this is a big but (heehee), it's a very soft wax. I stopped playing with it because of that but I was going to try adding paraffin with it to see if that would harden it up. I have not tested that yet. General Wax recommended that I add a Micro wax to it or a wax hardener and I did but it didn't work, wax was still too soft. So, it's easy to work with and a great throwing wax, or at least it was several months ago, but very soft.
  5. Hi @Darbla. Besides what they mentioned above, if you have Microsoft Word, it has label and other design templates. https://www.onlinelabels.com/ https://www.zazzle.com/ Canva has some free options https://www.canva.com/ And I believe Avery and Vista Print both have the options to print your own labels. https://www.avery.com/ https://www.vistaprint.com/
  6. I'll have to visit ICS and see what they have, never shopped there. I like to see the different stuff that other suppliers have.
  7. I like tree scents so I really like the Redwood & Cedar. I recently used Vanilla Bean Noel BBW from Aztec and it smells really good. I wasn't sure about it at first but the more I smell it, the more I like it. To me is seems to have some notes of musk in it, and I love musk.
  8. Wow, wow! That's a scary story, she has no idea what she has gotten herself into. It's funny and yet kinda sad, LOL. Give it some time and she will be begging you to make her candles again or will be too ashamed to face you and find someone else to make them for her. You're exactly right, I wouldn't tell her anything either. You'll have to keep us posted on what happens, LOL.
  9. Since your wax melts look so cute and you like the EcoSoya PB so much, I ordered some to test out. LOL And I believe you had said in another post that it's in flake or bead form.
  10. @GailC your custom Farmhouse Market fragrance blend sounds wonderful, I bet they will like it. I'm curious to know what your client will think about it. I think custom fragrance blending is a lot of fun. 🍝
  11. Hi @Vee, I checked out your crackle & burn facebook page and everything is so nice and beautiful. Very impressive, not only with your lovely candles but also with your photography, packaging, branding, etc. I imagine you hire out those tasks so you can be free to make products? Those people know what they are doing and it shows. Well done, well done. I'm curious, is that gold mica and do you use stencils to apply it to the outside of the candles? Looks so pretty.
  12. I too have been going by touch and my gut feeling on the jar temps like @Chefmom. And I think I will continue to do that but at least now with an infrared thermometer I should be able to check the jar temps and get an idea of the temp range I feel comfortable with. 🔺 Oh, yes, I need to try that. LOL @Lori, if you have an infrared thermometer, try it and see what temps you get.
  13. I forgot to mention liquid dye vapors. I just recently started using liquid dye and man, they are strong smelling. Definitely need a mask or respirator when working with all this stuff.
  14. I can only speak from my experience, I've not researched this particular issue to get any solid facts. I have started using a mask when making candles and melts because it is a safe practice, I feel protected and I turn on the stove exhaust fan and crack open windows, I use synthetic FOs, by the way. I have a history of migraine headaches and sinus problems so sometimes I can not tolerate any scents at all. I have to put off making candles if my sinuses are in an uproar. Anyway, with that said, certain scents can certainly trigger migraines and irritate sinus cavities which is what happens to me at times. I have noticed that there are certain scents, can't remember specifics and haven't nailed down a common denominator, that when I smell them it feels like my sinus cavities are raw, on fire or being scraped with a metal rake. Of course, I have to avoid them entirely or risk suffering a painful migraine. Because of my sinus issues, sometimes I have to rely on my husband's opinion on scent throw but that's another issue, LOL. To avoid migraines, I take vitamin B-2 and magnesium oxide daily and it has worked like a charm and has changed my life, it's really been incredible because I use to get some form of a headache or another almost daily. I do have to increase the magnesium dosage during menstruation to avoid migraines. Don't know if this would be as helpful for a regular headache or not. I am almost migraine free now except for direct contact with a trigger such as a disagreeable FO. Anyway, I know I kinda rambled but maybe I can help you or someone else with this info.
  15. Here's a few transparent look melts I made with the IGI 4625 Pillar Wax Blend.
  16. Yes, I was going to suggest Canva and I believe Avery and Vistaprint let's you print yourself or purchase from them. Oh and Adobe Spark https://spark.adobe.com/make/label-maker/
  17. I know, I hate that too when instructions are not included or things aren't even labeled. If you buy additives from The Candle Makers Store, they include instructions on the bags. Even if you don't buy from them you can go to their site and zoom up on the product picture and may be able to read the instructions or download a copy of the picture and read it. https://thecandlemakersstore.com/candle-making/candle-making-additives/uv-inhibitor-additive.html https://thecandlemakersstore.com/candle-making/candle-making-additives/vybar-103.html https://thecandlemakersstore.com/candle-making/candle-making-additives/vybar-260.html
  18. Hi @Vee, I can't speak about the embeds or flowers but I do know from experience that the IGI 4625 Pillar Wax Blend is a very translucent or clearish paraffin wax. It should be perfect for that type of thing. I bet there are other paraffin waxes that look translucent but that is the only one I know of for sure.
  19. FYI @Quentin, don't use the kind of plastic bags that will degrade the scent throw. And stay away from polyethylene. There's several posts that discuss this.
  20. @ThisLittleLightOfMine take a look at this post too. Mica makes things so pretty when the wax is solid and when it's melting.
  21. I wonder if adding a little vybar to the mix would boost the scent throw when using scents that smell great but aren't very strong? I've been meaning to try that and see if it makes a difference. Have you ever tried that?
  22. You got that right, LOL. As just a regular candle consumer, I had no idea what all went into making a great candle until I started making candles myself. I have a lot of respect for people that have been doing this successfully and for a long time.
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