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Laura C

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Everything posted by Laura C

  1. Oh yeah @Candybee, those sound perfect.
  2. That was an interesting read, thanks for sharing.
  3. I've only recently started making wax melts in clamshells and as loose melts. So far I have used these waxes with great success, IGI 4625 Pillar Blend, IGI 4794 and GW 444 Soy and someone on here told me about them (and thanks to that person again). I have used the 2 IGI waxes by themselves, mixed 50/50 and also mixed each IGI wax with 20-25% 444 Soy. I've used different amounts of scent, from 6% - 10%, 10% seems to make the melts a little greasy unless it's the Soy doing that. Seems like they have all had great C&H scent throw. In my opinion, all the wax melts have turned out great. Except, I have been dealing with sink holes, not a deal breaker, and the 2 IGI waxes state they require a 2nd pour for level tops. But I don't like that the IGI waxes come in slab form and are hard as rocks. In summary, the waxes perform great but are difficult to work with. I prefer to deal with flake or pellet waxes like the 444. I ended up busting those slabs up into 2 - 3 pieces and slowly heating them in the oven on cookie sheets. Can't heat them quickly, they turn into mush or liquid. Once they were soft enough I chopped them up into small cubes with a soap cutter (from the Dollar Tree, LOL, works great). The cutter sliced through them like butter. This turned out great and the wax is now easy to work with but it was a time consuming and boring process. In the future, I'm hoping to find a good wax alternative that is in flakes.
  4. Hi @Allyson and welcome to Craft Server. This is a great place for a serious crafter.
  5. All those scents you all are mentioning sound like they would smell great. One of my favorites is Sage.
  6. I agree, wicking down and/or single wicking may solve the problem. You can also have problems if you didn't get the wax and vybar hot enough to mix properly. Make sure everything gets as hot as it's suppose to and mix thoroughly. Are you using vybar 260 which is made for container candles?
  7. Hmmm... that's interesting, I live right near the beach in FL. I haven't really considered the humidity while making candles. I'll have to keep that in mind. I have noticed I get different hot throw results as the humidity changes. What problem or problems did the use of the dehumidifier solve for you? Is it just to have less moisture in your wax as you are making candles?
  8. I switched to an infrared thermometer and haven't looked back, I love it. You can quickly take the temp of anything and not have to wipe it off when using multiple pots of colors and scents.
  9. Hi @rurales. I have not done specific experiments for this but I just generally put the lids on after they have hardened and are cool to the touch. My candles usually turn out great and have great c&h scent throw. I wonder if putting lids on while they are still liquid and warm would prevent sink holes and avoid a 2nd pour. I've been meaning to try that. It will be interesting to see the responses you get.
  10. Hi @NightLight, I've never used one but that's a nice piece of equipment. I don't have enough experience to know how it could be used safely to make candles. But like you said, if you could use it as a double boiler, that would be nice. Looks like you would have to have some really tall pouring pots to use in it. It will be interesting to see the responses you get. I like your idea of using your presto pot as a double boiler, I have one so I'm going to try that. I have not used my presto pot yet but I can see where it could give you a more even, steady temp over using the stove top double boiler. Using the stove top is a slow, irritating process for me especially since I'm currently dealing with small batches of paraffin wax blends with multiple colors and scents.
  11. Thanks @Belinda. I'm not sure which plastic PVC is made of but after my recent wax melt clamshell searches I was able to find out that a lot if not all of those type clamshells are made with PVC. Just putting this out there, so it seems that PVC is ok to use and it won't degrade scented products. I haven't heard of anyone complaining that their wax melt clamshells have "sucked the scent out" of their products. Anyone got additional info to share on this topic?
  12. Hi @sebleo, no problem. My PB wax has arrived but I haven't had the chance to try it yet. Thanks for letting me know that you like it too.
  13. Oh thank you, you're so sweet. That picture is about 4 years old, I do have my hair blond again but it's a little longer, for right now but I do love short hair. I change my hair all the time and I love red hair but my husband likes my hair blond.
  14. Well it's a great glamour shots picture, you look beautiful and you are a beautiful lady inside and out. I hope the chemo does it's job but that it isn't too rough on you. Stay strong.
  15. @Trappeur your pets are lucky to have you as their Mommy. I noticed you changed your profile pic, it's a great picture.
  16. Those pillar candles are very pretty.
  17. I know this is an old post but the cats and the Valentines candles are so cute and I saw the possum, LOL.
  18. We all say hi back to you. Glad to hear you are doing good. Your cabin and fire place looks nice and cozy, enjoy.
  19. Hi @trappeur. Good to see you on here, hope you're doing good. I'm keeping you in my prayers.
  20. Who and where? I don't know Stacy and when I look up DayStar it doesn't have anything to do with crafts.
  21. Hello. I noticed this post and I'm wondering what type of plastic the wax melt clamshells are made of? Anybody know or should I contact the company and ask? They don't always state in the product description what type of plastic they are. Since they are so popular for scented wax then you would think they are made of safe plastic or the type of plastic that doesn't suck the scent out of the product. Speaking of PVC, and the example above with the body spray, is that why nobody uses these clear plastic boxes for their scented products? These boxes are cute and would display product perfectly. https://www.bathessential.com/proddetail.php?prod=ClearBox-4 I'm looking for box type packaging, preferably clear, for my loose wax tart shapes. Thanks for any advice on this.
  22. Hello @BettyCrikey and welcome to Craft Server. Your profile pic is cute. There's a lot of good info here and a lot of nice and helpful people too. Enjoy!
  23. Nice idea, that's a beautiful example.
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