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Laura C

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Everything posted by Laura C

  1. Hey @Sam D, welcome to Craft Server. You'll find lots of information here and helpful, friendly people. Enjoy!
  2. I've recently started playing around with making wax melts myself. That's a good question @Sam D, I have not found a lot of information about this either. Just from looking at pictures and from wax melt recipes I have found, looks like you can use just about anything as long as it's not toxic or flammable. Such as baking decorations like the colored sprinkles, spices, glitters, micas, bath salts, coffee beans, etc. Here's a few recipes and there's a lot more online. https://www.naturesgardencandles.com/rustic-wax-melts-recipe https://www.naturesgardencandles.com/pumpkin-cheesecake-wax-melts-recipe https://www.naturesgardencandles.com/pecan-pie-wax-melts-recipe Here's links to other wax melt discussions:
  3. I'm no help, I don't know anything about them. LOL
  4. Hello @Angelcreations. Welcome and enjoy.
  5. Hi @nightlight. No, that is not common, at least in my experience. I have used Performa wicks from at least 2 different suppliers and generally always have great performance. The suppliers are Atkins & Pearce and Bitter Creek Candle Supplies. They are one of my favorite wicks. At one time I did have dark melt pools with black specs when using ribbon wicks but I believe it was because I was over wicking.
  6. That's exciting, some new adventures for you. Enjoy and I wish you much success.
  7. Ouch, that's hard to look at!
  8. Hello. Your wife is a lucky woman. And those hearts are gorgeous, she'll love them.
  9. LOL, you're welcome @YellowButterfly. That reminds me, I'm running low on my fairy dust. Not sure if I had shared these links for black boxes or not so here they are. https://www.mrboxonline.com/advanced_search_result.php?keywords=black+box&x=0&y=0 https://www.nashvillewraps.com/boxes/black-gold-red-gift-boxes/p-808/hw46bks
  10. Hi. Just want to say I hope you are doing better and getting some rest. I've been keeping you in my prayers.

  11. @Sarah S thanks so much for taking the time to reply. That's exactly what I am afraid of. I just need to keep all my scented wax melts separated, only wrap together the same scent and not get worked up over using additional wrap/packaging when necessary. Right now for my own personal use I'm using wax paper baggies for each scent and then I put them in recycled plastic containers (#5 PP).
  12. Good grief, sure enough, but their facebook page is still there for what that's worth. Hopefully they are just in the middle of improving things all around, including the "hot mess" of a site. LOL. That phrase, "hot mess", cracks me up. Is there going to be anybody we can buy candle wax from? Dang. Taking a pottery class is starting to sound real good about now. The sky is falling, the sky is falling, oh no what do we do???
  13. Oh cool, thanks for letting me know. I was wondering if they would do fine in wax melts, I hope to experiment today.
  14. Wow, that is flabbergasting. Sounds like creativity is MIA in that area. LOL
  15. I did it, I ordered the Ecosoya PB pillar blend. Can't wait to test it and see if I can avoid doing a 2nd pour and achieve great c&h scent throw with my melts.
  16. That's a neat idea, "a self serve "tart bar" and let my customers bag them", that creates excitement and gets the customer more involved.
  17. I've never worked with palm wax but I agree it does look very pretty with the crystal patterns in the wax.
  18. Darn, you're right, I need to stop and think things through sometimes . With more than one scent, the customer would not know which scent is what even with the scent names listed on the outside of the package, unless you color coded them. Blue melt = ocean mist, pink melt = pink sands, etc. Even that may be more of a hassle than it's worth. Once I actually get my hands into packaging product I should be able to figure it out, plus get more sleep. LOL
  19. OMG, that's funny. I was just now searching for posts related to "mica" and "makeup" and found this post. I just happened to be at the Dollar Tree (one of my fav stores) last night and I found those L.A. Colors products with loose mica in them too. I bought several in misc. colors, they're very pretty. I went to L.A. Colors website and they no longer have them. I knew I could probably find some info about them or similar products on here and here ya go. I'm going to play around with them and make some wax melts. Can't wait to see what happens.
  20. Thanks for taking the time to respond, you have answered some of my questions. Yes, it seems like a lot of people use polypro bags, glassine bags, paper bakery bags, etc. and I'm trying to decide what to go with and which one I may like better. I was referring to unwrapped melts in different scents, none being individually wrapped, just stacked together in a bag or container. Reason is, I'm wondering if you can avoid all that individual wrapping/packaging in order to cut costs and waste. But, I would not want to avoid costs if I only end up damaging or contaminating the scents of my melts/tarts.
  21. Here's my thoughts, if anyone cares, LOL. "High End Wax" is simply a marketing buzz phrase in order to justify jacking up the price. "High End Wax" for creating a "High End Candle", rubbish. If you use good quality products and know what you are doing, anyone can make "high end" products, IMO.
  22. I've seen some videos on YouTube that show people using the mica on the outside of the cooled melts and also adding it to the liquid wax. They both look really pretty.
  23. Thanks for the response @aptommo, glad to know it's been working good for you. And Aztec in TN is good for me since I'm in Florida, shipping isn't too bad.
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