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Laura C

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Everything posted by Laura C

  1. Oh awesome, I'm definitely going to try it then. I'll be ordering it today ASAP. I'm so glad you were on here and responded so quickly, thank you so much.
  2. I hear you loud and clear, I'm having a Panic Attack too! LOL. The wax MFGs are trying and have almost succeed in driving us all crazy.
  3. Holy crap, no, no, say it isn't so! Yikes, I can't take it! LOL.
  4. Oh man, I can't believe that about the Coco 83. Well, it does have some issues so maybe it will be better on the next release. This will at least be the 3rd version of it when it does come out. The 1st version being the one I started with about 3 -3.5 yrs ago and that one was awesome. I so hope they bring that version back. This 2nd version we have been dealing with has been hit or miss for me with several issues. I have been testing the Ultra Wax Coconut Blend from General Wax and I really like it except it is a very soft wax. All my container candles have been too soft, specifically for Florida weather and hot weather shipping. I'm playing around with additives and now that I have some pillar and tart waxes I'll mix with those too to see what happens.
  5. I'm thinking about ordering a 5lb bag of the Ecosoya PB to satisfy my curiosity. The more recent reviews on Aztec are really good and LanaH seems to like it. Plus it looks like it's flakes and a single pour wax, I certainly like that. @LanaH and @Sebleo, is this in flake form and is it a single pour? I'd like to avoid rock hard slabs of wax, sink holes and a 2nd pour.
  6. Great, as always, thanks for sharing your knowledge and experience. 👍
  7. Hello @TallTayl, @Nickie, @soshiegirl and others that know about this. I just want to verify that what I'm saying and thinking is correct, I don't want to spread false information. Is it true that you can safely wrap or package scented products in wax paper or glassine bags without compromising their scent throw? Here's another question I have. If you package several different scents together in the same polypro or glassine bag or metal tin, will all the scents be absorbed by the wax so that all the melts end up smelling similar?
  8. Hi @JeremyM. I've been experimenting with the Coco83 wax as have others on here and there are some other posts that discuss this wax. You should do a search. And basically, my take on the wax is that I somewhat like it and I want to like it but I'm having a hard time deciding on a wick. Troubles with tall flames and soot/smoke. The wax is beautiful and easy to work with and the tops after burning are smooth. Besides wicking, my other issue is that the h&c scent throw can be hit or miss with the different batches that I bought. The last time I purchased that wax was about 8 months ago so they may have worked the bugs out of it by now. Regarding your comment about the beeswax, Coco83 doesn't have beeswax as far as I know and have been told. I was told by Candles & Supplies that their Coconut slab wax has some beeswax in it. I have some of that wax too and it is nice but it must have beeswax in it because it has a different smell than other coconut waxes and it makes all my scents smell different than usual. The beeswax smell is changing the outcome of my scents and I don't like that. The scents still smell nice but not the way I want them to.
  9. Very nice @JeremyM, I really like the amber jar and your label design.
  10. Awesome, that's a great trick with the chapstick to avoid glare on the glass. I'll have to remember that.
  11. Oh good, thanks for the info. I order stuff from all the suppliers you mention so I'll have to try their liquid dye next time I place an order.
  12. Hello @quietgirl2004 and welcome back. I just joined last year and have really enjoyed being a member. It gets addictive reading the posts, I want to check them everyday and learn everything I can.
  13. Hi @kandlekrazy, do you mind telling us which companies you buy your liquid dye from? If not, I understand. I haven't tried liquid dye yet but I think I will because it seems like it would be more accurate when weighing. I generally make small batches of candles or wax melts and with my dye blocks I just shave off some wax and sometimes it's not heavy enough to register on my scale so I can't easily duplicate colors.
  14. Yes, great advice was given here. I only wish I had known it or had been able to recognize it on my own 3 years ago (or been on here 3yrs ago). Experience certainly opens your eyes to a lot of things. Things you didn't notice or that didn't make sense at first, finally becomes clear. With a new candle, I don't always expect a full or complete melt pool on the first or even 2nd burn either. Like they always say, test, test and test again. LOL. Speaking from my own experience and using their advice above, this is how I see it. Hope this helps. Regarding Container Candles 1) In general and with straight sided jars/containers - I agree with @Barbara AL - Container Diameter = Hrs. to Burn. So yes, a 4" diameter jar should burn for at least 4 hrs. to either reach a complete melt (or near complete) or at least maximum heat build up (if the melt pool doesn't quite reach to the edges of the jar). - 1/4" - 1/2" deep melt pool should be sufficient to provide great scent throw - As candles get shorter the jars do get hotter so you have to allow for that and make a judgement call on the wick size. As mentioned and my preference is to be a little under wicked rather than over wicked. Over wicking can be dangerous w/the heat and tall flames, not to mention the issues with smoke/soot, mushrooming and frequent trims. 2) With Apothercary jars or jars with necks that trap heat - I agree with @Jcandleattic - I've had it happen several times with apothecary jars. I'd burned a new candle 2-3 times and thought I had found the perfect wick but turns out, during the next several burns, the jar got way to hot. Too hot for my comfort at least. - Since the only apothecary jars I have used have been aprox. 4" in diameter, I double wick and use small sizes. I'm still trying to figure out which wicks burn cooler, which would help too.
  15. Here's another good place for boxes and packaging supplies. And they carry the geami wrappak which I am very interested in trying out in place of plastic bubble wrap. https://www.mrboxonline.com/ https://www.mrboxonline.com/ranpak-packaging-machines-ranpak-geami-wrappak-c-9219_247_9245_9194.html
  16. Hi @nightlight. Are the wicks attached in the test candles or are you inserting wick pieces and testing them? Here's something to consider. Some wicks are directional, if you are changing out the wicks be certain that you are inserting the wicks in the correct direction or you may get unpredictable results. I'm going to have to start over on my wick testing for coconut wax blends as well, I've not been getting the same wick results that I use to. At one time, Premier and Performa wicks worked great for me in coconut waxes but not so much lately. I've had problems with them not burning as hot or excessive smoke/soot and mushroom issues. HTP haven't done too bad.
  17. Hello @wildcraft wares and welcome. You will find lots of good information and helpful people on here. Enjoy. Cheers to a Happy New Year!
  18. Hi @Abbeycatherine and welcome. Congrats on your upcoming May wedding! Making candles is fun and can become addictive. You'll find lots of great information and helpful people on here. Cheers to a Happy New Year!
  19. Thanks for explaining that @TallTayl. Cause that supplier that says to use 200 drops to get that darker color is ridiculous. Why I wouldn't waste my time standing there counting out 200 drops, that's for sure.
  20. Just wanted to say hi and that I checked out several of your websites. Your logo, products and booth displays look real nice. :thumbsup:   I hope to make it there too one day.

    1. Velma


      Thanks so much!  I'm really fortunate to have a graphic designer in my extended family who works for an ad/marketing company - there is no way I could have paid her going rate for my stuff!   My best advice to you is to list out qualities about who you are and what you want to present to the world with your products. I literally sat with a notebook and jotted stuff down.  My brand is  tongue in cheek, fun, irreverent yet accessible to those who do not necessarily  get the joke or pun.You will get there eventually! 

    2. Laura C

      Laura C

      Sweet, yes, that is nice to have a graphic designer in the family. She's doing a great job. Thanks for the advice, there's a lot to do and consider when starting up a craft business. 


      Cheers to a Happy New Year! :)

  21. As far as scent loss in scented products and their packaging, I realized from reading info on here (and they mention this above) that you should use a certain plastic in order to avoid scent loss. If using plastic for packaging, the wise crafters on here say to use PP #5 Polypropylene plastic. I didn't know that or even realize that certain plastics could be a problem. Luckily there are lots of packaging products out there that are made with #5 plastic and I recycle my yogurt and dip plastic containers (#5) to store my wax melts in. From the info on here it also appears that you can safely wrap or package scented products in wax paper or glassine bags without compromising their scent throw. I'm so glad I found out about this stuff from the people and info on here, I had no idea. Some links about plastics: http://www.babygreenthumb.com/p-122-safe-plastic-numbers-guide.aspx https://www.livestrong.com/article/168503-which-plastics-are-safe-to-reuse/ https://www.cellobags.com/Biodegradable-NatureFlex-Cello-Bags-s/68.htm https://www.webstaurantstore.com/323/plastic-bags.html?filter=material:polypropylene
  22. They look nice and I like the smell of rootbeer, good job. Learning how to make soap is on my To Do List for 2019. I didn't know that there are different types of soaps you can make. I'll have to figure that out too and do my research.
  23. Hi @Garf, what kind of wick is that. It has 4 prongs. Or did you stick 4 wicks in it? I noticed you're in Miami, I'm in Pompano Beach.
  24. Hello @CandleLover325 and welcome. This is a great site full of helpful information and nice people. Merry Christmas! 🌲
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