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Everything posted by Grannyscandles

  1. What about Linden Blossom? I have an awesome one!
  2. I think this is the recipe they are talking about. Bohunk(beth) Body Mousse 12 % oils 74% distilled water 5% glycerin 5% emulisifying wax (e-wax) 3% stearic acid 1% phenonip Dump all the above ingredients, except phenonip, coloring and scent, into a microwave proof bowl and zap until all the hard stuff has melted. Now pour it all into the bowl of a counter-top mixer and using the whisk attachment, on about a med/med-low, blend until the mixture has throughly cooled. At this point you can add the phenonip, coloring and scent. Now push the speed up to med-high/high and continue to whisk until the volume has at least doubled or tripled. At this point, it should look like "marshmallow fluff". It will be thin. Pour the mousse into your containers (I like using wide-mouth cosmetic jars), cap and let set. After 24 hours, the lotion will have set to a mousse like texture
  3. I am using the Sqare masons and use a CD 18 in them with success in most scents.
  4. Bunny - Will you share your recipe with us? Please pretty please?
  5. Someone should invite Amanda over here...lol:laugh2:
  6. I print my own. Having them printed is too expensive for my taste and budget. I use Avery Design Pro.
  7. I don't think the CD 12 will work in a bulb jar. If it is wider at the center than at the top you will get hang up in the middle. I would try something larger to start with. For an 8 ounce wide mouth jelly jar I would try a CD 18.
  8. I am getting the 8 oz metro jars from FancyJars.com and am paying 1.50 with shipping.
  9. I use them in my floral scents and they are to die for. I grind them a bit more so they are in smaller pieced but they are so lovely.
  10. What soy are you using? Straight soy can be a real booger for scent throw and liek Bunny said, some scents will never throw in soy. I would consider another scent supplier however. Many places really cater to us soy users.
  11. Why on earth doesn't someone correct the Soap Calculators?
  12. What wax are you using? I have never purchased oils from the place you mentioned.
  13. Here is what I did. When I was making a batch of GM soap, I mixed my lye with half the water called for in the recipe and then used GM at trace for the remaining liquid. In another thread I questioned the cloudiness of the lye solution and the floaties in it. Because I was concerned, I mixed another batch of lye solution at the same strength to see if it happened again (which it did!) Anyhow, now I have this second batch of lye solution ready to go but not enough of the same batch of oils to use it in. I guess what I need help figuring out is the strength of the lye solution I have ready. It has 29 ounces of water and 21.65 ounces of lye in it. I think it is a 74% solution but I need someone to check my figures to be sure. I know at MMS you can put in your lye solution strength and it will tell you how much to use and that is why I am asking this question. Thanks in advance for your help.
  14. I am making a milk soap and want to add the milk at trace, so I have reduced my water amount by 50% and dissolved the lye in it. It appears cloudy, like it is very dense with lye. Is this gonna be ok? It kinda has a scum on the top of it. I have always used frozen milk and dissolved my lye on it but I am going for a lighter goatmilk bar.
  15. If uou like the straight sided look , try the metro jars from fancyjars.com They are terrific!
  16. And be sure to test burn as there may still be air pockets you can't see.
  17. What kind of jar are they using? I have some quart size jars (equivalent to a 26 ounce apothecary) that burn longer than that. But I can't imagine a 10 ounce burning that long. EDITED: Sorry I now see it is a 16 ounce. Very unlikely they burn that long.
  18. Sunflower oil is a great cheap sub for olive oil. I believe the SAP value is the same and sunflower leaves you with a very white bar. I love it.
  19. It is NOT strong in candles. It is great in Bath and Body but not candles. Sorry.
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