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Posts posted by Darwin

  1. WOW Sue everything looks wonderful. The soap's so pretty and the label on the front takes away from/hides the design, could the label go on the back w/ the soap ingredients?? :)

    I agree, that is they way I package mine. that way the customer can see how beautiful the soap is and still turn it over to see the info that they need to see.

    Otherwise, everything looks FANTASTIC!!

  2. Rena that looks absolutley beautiful. I do like the color also. That is one of my favorite scents too. I don't think I have the patience to do all that cooking. But maybe during my vacation I will have enough free time to try that!

  3. Well, I have oodles of witch hazel that I use to spritz bath bombs, I think I will give that a shot the next time. And if it still don't work, I will get some rubbing alcohol. I am too cheap to go buy some if the witch hazel will work. Thanks everyone for helping me figure this out. I was getting really frustrated.

  4. If get a suspension base and pour it in the bottom of your mold, then get a reguar base (like I use WSP ULTRA WHITE) then pour that on the top and use a big stick to swirl it together. You have to pour both while they are still very hot the suspension base will suspend the swirls of the other base.

    Does that make sense?

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