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Posts posted by Darwin

  1. I have never done CP; I do not have the patience to wait for it to cure. I like my HP where when it it is done cooking and cooling I can use a hunk of it right away...no waiting...and no zap test. LOL. Is it hard to belive that I have never made CP?

  2. This is an amazing formula! I was hesitant because it shows up as somewhat cleansing in soapcalc, and formulas that do usually dry my skin. But Darwin, my dear, THIS ONE DOES NOT DRY MY SKIN! Great to have a reasonable, simple formula I can work with!

    Glad to hear it! Did you do it HP or CP?

  3. I have never done CP but I have put brown sugar in MP and HP. If you want the sugar to cook or melt, then add it inthe beginning. If you want it to act as a scrubby, or add texture to the soap, add it closer to the end. (This is what I do for HP.) As far as the amount, I don't know LOL. When I do it, I just toss some in.

  4. Could cocoa butter be subbed for shea? I put in the soap calc using cocoa butter. How much does this make I'm not sure the mold I have will hold this much? Is there a way to determine how much the mold will hold? lol

    When you put it in the saop calc you can make it for how ever big of a batch that you want. I usually just do 1 or 2 lb batches. I suppose you can use cocoa butter, but put it in the soap calc first to make sure that it will still be a good bar.

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