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Raggedy Dani

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Everything posted by Raggedy Dani

  1. they're only hour and half from me and i'm in Hartford, which is 40 miles north of milwaukee and they're quick and CHEAP on shipping. Dani
  2. kelly...where are you? in wisconsin cause i buy my soaps from nature bouquets something like that they're BETTER priced than going to BCN Dani
  3. everyone i talked to that make soap..said they geared up from head to toes when making soap for first time...and now they're doing it blind!! like it's nothing....lmbo it's scares me lol some said they get burned from lye...eeek it just takes a lot of guts to do it...and I envy those who can do it. now with me, my boys who's 18 and 16 said "yeah mom" get some lye so we can experiement with it...I DON'T THINK SOOOO! LOL Dani
  4. What are the pros and cons of using M&P?- this is what i do...they're great. just melt and pour!! let your creativity flow. What are the cons of making HP Soap? LYE LYE LYE- Pro on this is they dry faster. that's what I learned on here CT lol What are cons of making CP Soap? LYE LYE LYE...LOL ME SKEER OF THEM!!! THAT'S THE CONS.. PRO ON THEM ARE GREAT CREATIVITY IS BEYOND YOUR IMAGINATION THEY'RE GREAT SOAP!!!! I LOVE THEM.. BUT SCARED TO MAKE THEM LOL I LEAVE THAT TO THE PRO!!! DANI
  5. I only say...Candles is Candles, simple as that...and there's pros and cons for everything out there. no matter what. I am not going aroundd bible pumping candles facts with people. People knows what they want and like. Simple as that. Now...talk about Dollar store candles...now that i bash!! lol buy my candle and it's money well spent rather than stocking up on them cheapy dollar store candles HAHAHAHAHA I"m off my soap box... Dani
  6. I use ky 50/50 blend tart/votive and they're wonderful!!! Dani
  7. Ok Fixed It Turned Out That The Heating Element Band Was Snapped By The Screw...lol Thanks Dani
  8. I may have sniffed way to much daystar oils..but I'm not that high! it's pluged in...lmbo Dani
  9. do'nt heat up anymore??? it's practically brand new. the wire part isn't broken or anything. Dani
  10. wah!!!!!!!!!!! LOL FINE! BE THAT WAY LMBO DANI
  11. I want one!! lol J/K do'nt know what this scent smells like. sure got my curiousity. Dani
  12. She sure is a good supplier, just wish I gotten her before the storm cause I need all those things I wanted last week..lol Dani
  13. I was trying to buy some stuff off her ebay. she emailed me back telling me she's without power right now due to the snowstorm. and I have not heard from her since. So I gave up on her...moved on to another supplier for now, cause I need the stuff now! lol Dani
  14. Looks like you can try it out for 30 days before buying it. sounds kinda neat program!! Dani still to scared to try CP soaps...lol due to LYE!!!!
  15. I've done this several times....I make the chicken feeder lamp. the size of the drill bit you want it to be is ummmmmmmmm 5/8 drill bit. HTH Dani
  16. It's not sitting, it's the whole length. I think it's 6inches sitting. Hope that helps. Dani
  17. Thank you! no they're not hard...just need alot of patiences! Dani
  18. you know...at hobby lobby if you have them in your area they carry rusty tin hearts, star....i think they're like 2 in a bag for 99 cents. they're bout 3inches size. otherwise, there's a place called www.rustytins.com try that..if not, try it without S at the end..lol HTH Dani
  19. I'm more into this for BB products not candles I so love this scent and just couldn't fork out 50 bucks just for perfume not with my spending habit with candle and BB products...lol Gotta have money for classies and my biz. but i'd love to make something to wear. Thanks all for your inputs! Dani
  20. I so love this perfume!!! where can I find this oil?? Thanks so much Dani
  21. That's what Jenny from LiveLoveBath brought it for...her grandma... so cute and sweet. Dani
  22. works wonderful!! and that child, every time i look at it..he brings smiles to me cause he just looks so happy and cute!! Dani
  23. As requested by a customer, LiveLoveBath. and this is my first candle gallery picture...:highfive: This is her son Nicholas. Scented in Blackberry jam butter cookies. What ya think?? I am going to start carrying this on my site. to be added soon. Hugs Dani
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