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Raggedy Dani

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Everything posted by Raggedy Dani

  1. all i can think of when cake in bed...lol :undecided is CRUMBS!!!! PINEAPPLE CRUMB CAKE IS A GOOD ONE.
  2. at micheal's....with 40% coupon....u can get kraft or white paper bags bulk i believe 12 or more....for like 7.99 and use your coupon with it.... which makes it down to what....$5 something?? HTH Dani
  3. what bout crumb cake?? tropical crumb cake?? cause it does have pineapple scent to it. Dani
  4. i do mine in dark amber like spice pumpkin mix with dark brown. Dani
  5. Oh And I Forgot....anything Like Home Sweet Home And Amish Quilt They Have Cinnamon Scent And Man O Man Does My Face Burn From Pouring Them!!! It's Horrible. Dani
  6. Bcgrayson Here On Forum Does Wonder On Grubby Molds!!!! She Has An Ebay Site Too.... Bcgrayson Is Her Ebay Id Name...go To Her..she's Fab And Uses Easy To Use Silcone Molds!! I Have Her Molds And She's Wonderful!! Dani Pm Me If U Need More Info.
  7. Delish from Just Scent- totally made me sick for the day! Roses,Baby powder,LOVESPELL...UGHHHH DANI
  8. hand it over lady!!! lol glad you love them all....and enjoy pouring them....i'm addicted to Daystar oils!!! Hugs Dani
  9. Just came home today!! and BROKE...LMBO DAMN VEGAS!!! LOL THEY STOLE ALL MY $$$$$$$ getting back in gear! DANI
  10. I agree, it's very crisp clean laundry scent....almost like...ummmmmmmm rich fabric softener/crisp clean.... I can't really pin point it. It's really different and very refreshing. Dani HTH LOL
  11. Ile Flottante-ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS!! TRUE TRUE SCENT LOVE IT!!! Buttercream Frosting-DA BOMB!! TOTALLY TRUE BUTTERCREAM FROSTING!!! YUMMY!!!! Chocolate Silk-TO DIE FOR...I LOVE LOVE THIS AND I'M NOT FOND OF CHOCOLATE SCENT!!! But this one is definately a keeper and very different!!! Stone-Wash Cotton-I'M NOT FOND OF CLEAN SCENT BUT THIS ONE IS REALLY GOOD!!! TRUE SCENT White Chocolate Macadamia Nut Cookie-I SO WANTED TO DRINK THIS...IT'S GOOD!!!! Hugs Dani
  12. I ditto this one too!!! I have all her other bakery ones to and they're super great in soy wax and 50/50 tart/votive blend. Dani
  13. I would use a heat gun... use them sponge paintbrush and help smooth it out while heat gun on it....kinda help soak up the drips....etc.... happened to me with my grubby mold electric candle...my mold had little specks holes and all that...soo i heat gun it and brush that sponge paintbrush over areas and heat over again..etc. just play round with it hope that helps?? Dani
  14. yup lovespell does the same to me....lots of requests for it....i swore i was pouring so many lovespells when I first started my business and I got sick from it and SICK OF IT!!!! so I no longer carry it...lol Dani
  15. I asked my website host to make me a wholesale access and gateway. Where my customers who request wholesale get login and password. They are then sent to wholesale pages. It's great! Ask your website provider if they offer this for you. It works wonderfully for my customers and Me. Makes it much easier. HTH Dani
  16. That is beautiful!!! I honestly don't know bout picture taking etc. But in my opinion you took the picture yourself and you're allowed to do whatever you wish to do with it. I do know that we can't take someone's artistry pictures and put it on products etc. unless you buy it...lol Show us more of those...they're really pretty! Dani
  17. ok I posted on Classifieds, looking for 50/50 parasoy tart blend.... sooooooooo here I am, I need help here.... I have a box of bluegrass container soy wax..... I have a box of astrolite wax meant for tart/votive I have no time to test...eeeeeeeeeek since i'm leavin for trip on Thrusday and I have yet to finish few orders....soooooo can anyone give me an idea how to mix these up into something like 50/50 wax. I did one batch this am, with 1lb of soy and 8oz parafin...and my tart frosted...me NO likey!!!! can someone help me formulate this?? Thanks Dani
  18. I also know, well at least i think soo..lol that beewax helps with the burning process...last longer.... don't shoot me if i'm wrong...haha I haven't done candles for while, just do alot of speciality tarts. Dani
  19. BTW where in Wisconsin are you Kelly? Dani I'm in Hartford Wisconsin
  20. I would put a tsp in lb of soy...it don't effect wicking or anything. it just helps provide smooth finish top. HTH Dani
  21. oh you're gonna love the chocolate silk one!!! YUM!!! got all them except melonberry tea, leilai(spelling) and volumptious(spelling) but all the rest are DA BOMB!!!!! DANI
  22. This might be something i'm lookin for as in Body Moouse whip type RIGHT?????????? I do not like thin lotions, want to make this in a jar... hmm off to do some researches! Dani
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