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Raggedy Dani

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Everything posted by Raggedy Dani

  1. Thanks so much, So glad you like the labels. It was fun working with you. Dani
  2. Most of us don't think it's a good idea to make massage candles. Be prepared for this one. Dani
  3. WHAT!!?? NEVER HEARD OF THAT!!! $5.60 versus to what was it supposed to be...or was it added $5.60 on top of the cost?? Dani
  4. I can definitely smell cilantro in FOH oil and it's really good with that lime twist. I used it in 50/50 wax tart blend and it's throwing cold so good, can't wait to test it this weekend. Dani
  5. Just got a sample from Fragrance oil heaven on Lime Cilantro. Wow it's good. I can't wait to try it in wax. Will update. But I really like it...super strong true to the scent. Dani
  6. are you looking to make some or to wholesale some?? I make MP soap. Not just Primitive MP soap but reg MP soaps. Just wondering exactly what it is you're looking for? Dani
  7. I agree with Empress, I think lay a way plan would be best way to go. She can pay x amount a month til Christmas and then Order her final order that way it's themed for Christmas and fresh and all. Dani Edit to say....PLUS it'd be MUCH cheaper in shipping to have it ship at one time. rather than paying shipping every month. In long run, it'll be expensive. HTH
  8. For the price of gas driving that far away getting supplies, you're much better off paying for good products and shipping, and more relaxation too. only thing that'll drive ya nuts is waiting for it to arrive at your door lol Try www.wholesalesuppliesplus.com they have alot of stuff, from bath and body supplies to dipping critters supplies. There's alot of places you can order from and not deal with issues with walmart and ppl..lol HTH Dani
  9. With the liquid part, as in combustible item. I would send that by boat that is if it's not allowed on air. I sold couple of linen sprays to Australia and the post master here called to make sure it's allowed, since It had little alcohol in it. Anyhow, It was allowed. Australia have alot of no no to be allowed in their country. Such as plants and rosehips is one of them. Strange. Cause one of my customer wanted fixins and couldn't UNLESS she pays 40-50 dollars for customs to spray debugging stuff all over this poor little 4 dollar bag of fixins...crazy..by the time they're done...it won't smell so good..lol Ask this customer if she's ever had this delivered to her before, that way you'll know that it went thru ok. Just make sure insurance is included when shipping USPS. It's little extra but not alot. HTH Dani
  10. If it's something big. possibly Classie or Ebay would be best shot. Dani
  11. I get mine from specialty bottles. I think that's how it's spelled. lol I know, I used to get them at WSP and then they discontinued it. GRRR Dani
  12. That's what I think...lmao it'll last me a life time. it's just as soft and fluffy as a pillow...dang I could use it as a pillow...lmao It's just to funny..I had my friend over and she's looking at me weird..saying what the hell is that!!! LOL too funny...I just can't get over it at all. But most of all...I did get a good deal on it though...$18.00 for the whole thing when other places charges $10.00 per lb. I even got cocoa butter and Clyco really cheap there too. Fast ship, Great Customer service *they gave me a pen* gotta love that.. and Great prices. They'll get my repeat business...well prolly not on natrosorb since I'm pretty much set for life here hahaha Dani
  13. I wonder..... those USPS global...u know how u can ship 4lbs for 9.50 wonder if you would to take 3 boxes for 28.00 is better than paying for one box at $80.00 I was checking out global shipping, it has to be under 4lbs and it's flat rate of $9.50. not sure if Australia is one that get that privileges. I would contact post office bout it. make sure you get the right boxes and label for them. Dani
  14. I love love getting pens....My dr. always comes in and give me free pens some are so cool like those heavy 10 dollars one you'd find at the stores lol They're usually gone when Breezy gets a hold of it..lol (my daughter) Anyhow, this pen is cool...hehe Now this natrasorb bath..it's so soft i can literately use it as a pillow....lol now..to tackle some project to use them in...lol Dani
  15. NO That's normal....lol I ship all over world and I've seen bizzare prices in Shipping. it's insane!! USPS would be best way to go. But it just take alot longer. Dani
  16. Well, I ordered from them the day I questioned about the company. I just got it today....and I'M SO HAPPY WITH IT..LOL I even got a pen from them too.....yay!!! Lord Knows I need pens since my 5yo takes off with them all the times. Services was great, shipping cost was good, From Texas to Wisconsin. and the products is awesome and cheap I might add. Now mind you...lmao I never had or ordered natrasorb bath powders. and those who do know this products, I ordered 5lbs...I took it out of the box and almost died laughing so hard cause HOLY CRAP I GOT TO MUCH...LOL here's a pic of it...haha I just can't stop laughing..... Dani
  17. If you went there last year, they usually have it in the computer already. All u need is last year info, what ya made and stuff the regular stuff. lol HTH Dani ps. Mom works and supervises H R Block.
  18. I have a scale here in classified I believe it goes up to 35lbs. $20.00 for it. Check it out in Classified. Dani
  19. I was just at Bath and Body Work last weekend and brought myself Breathe Romance...it's says Senserous Amber mryth...oh i so love it!!! Hope they come out with this one too Kimmy, do you have this one up your sleeve???? lol Dani
  20. I tried that mold from flexible, I was bummed on how to have it single wicked hanging tapers but no matter how hard i tried, it just didn't work. so i had to do wick on each side and tie a knot and finished it off with homespun bow where the wick were tied together and put a primitive hang tag to make it look cool! lol oh and I also done it with an old vintage rusty key and hang tag that says Primitive Blessings. etc. HTH Dani
  21. whew....i feel the weight off my shoulder...thank you I was little worried, since I've never tried it anywhere else but my own. lol Thanks again Dani
  22. I wanted to know if you can tell me, what finished shea butter should be like. I just wanted to double check, cause ones I make are great!! not to greasy and all. Smells fabulous! Now as i pack it in the container. What should it be like? Mine's like i wanna say noxema face wash type cream, Know what I mean? When i take a little bit out and put it on, it melts on and all, so it's good. Just wanted to know if i'm on the right page here...for i have never had this product before but my own...lol I just need to be sure of this. Thanks Dani
  23. Definitely Pink Sugar. they're yummy. Dani
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