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Raggedy Dani

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Everything posted by Raggedy Dani

  1. Pink Grapefruit and sugar cane from Daystar!!! YUM!!! Dani
  2. Give it lots of TLC Sounds like you're on right track. Best luck and Welcome to CT. Dani
  3. There's kycandlesupply that sells soy wax. Good prices on shipping and Customer services. that's to Wisconsin. So i always liked their wax. Dani
  4. Those are very nice. Sure like it!! Dani
  5. oh man....how bout i take a plane trip out by ya...to learn a few from ya lol Dani lip scrub sounds cool, never tried one or heard of it...if ya need a tester hook me up..lmao
  6. wow love all your work and creativity. next????....come help me lol Dani
  7. That's really cute!! i like that. Is it FBB? Dani
  8. Just seen the wholesale prices for them. they're exactly half off from their retails. Not a real good deal!! Sure is a bummer cause there's few that's really cute. Dani
  9. if so, what's your experience with them. i'd like to hear any experiences you had with them. They have natrosorb bath very cheap!! Thanks Dani oh their site is www.texasnaturalsupply.com
  10. I hope that HP helpline will help you, maybe it's the ink or toner or the printer just not doing it right, so possibly it's a faulty one. Mine's not even 2 weeks old and I love it!! only issue I had with it is, the funny printing noises they said it's normal. then when the labels comes out, it's rather hot/warm after printing. must mean HOT OFF THE PRESS LOL anyways, hope everything works out for you. I think this HP2600 is the best laser printer out there for the money. Dani
  11. Sounds like you may have a faulty printer. It really shouldn't be like that to you. Try calibrating your printer on reg. paper here's a tip. before printing on labels...print on reg paper then take that paper and the label sheet and line it up then hold it up to the light and if they all line up then it's good to go. So you're not wasting labels. I know they're spendy. HTH Dani
  12. ahh yes, what diamondk said....must use laser papers also. Dani
  13. Howdy, Just got myself one of them just recently. and I am starting my own printing business along with other things I do. LOL Anyhow, after my million one questions at Office Max...lol They told me that when doing labels, different kinds, you need to change the paper type in properties so that they don't smear, or look blurry or what not. So if you're doing glossy, you need to change it I believe to photo sheet, there's button up there on top where you push the Check button middle one scroll with arrow to find paper type and choose what one you want to use. I hope that helps a little. It's what I was told, Haven't gotten that far yet. But I did play around a bit and did see it there. Dani
  14. oh now that's really unique and cool!! love the theme... Show us some more!!!!! Dani
  15. I so love your Acid Trip!!! gotta get one myself lol Love all your soaps!! Dani
  16. BCGrayson makes pinecone mold... www.scents-n-such.com if it's not on her site, contact her. She makes really nice molds and easy to work with. I agree with Flexiblemolds sometime hard to get out of molds. Dani
  17. I can answer the Tax part. Yes only charge local state residents the tax. Dani
  18. LOL!! BUT IT DOES!! You'll like this scent!!! Dani
  19. I have used Crystal Sunshine and I do love it!! It's so good, It has that sparkly Grapefruit scent to it, that it tickles your nose LOL You will love it!! Dani
  20. Go for it kim!! I'm on a mission looking for some beeswax myself!! lol When u get some ready, email me ok. definitely gonna need some!! Dani
  21. Very nice!! I seen those basket the rectangle ones at dollar tree yesterday in many colors, red, hot pink, blue, lime green, yellow it's really nice. Dani edited to say...oops it's not exactly like yours but same style and it's like thick plastic vinyl materials.. cute for kids baskets etc.
  22. I have quite a few logo sample, if you tell me what you want I'll see what I can whip up Dani
  23. I do custom labels. Just starting a biz in printing. I've been doing it for while. Just thought to add my special services to my biz. I take your logo and fancy it up just the way you want it and print it in my new toy...the HP2600 Laser Printer. Very nice. PM me if you would like, I'll see if I can help ya. Dani
  24. Kimmy from Fragrance oil heaven have this scent and it's REALLY GOOD! DANI
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