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Posts posted by Rsvlbrat

  1. Years ago I had a candle in a coconut shell. Let it burn all night, forgot about it, was in the bathroom. Well the smoke alarm went off, smoke was bellowing out into the hall. The shell was on fire and flames were licking my shower curtain. Thank God for smoke alarms or we might have all been gone. Maybe some sand or something to put flame out when it gets to the bottom.

    Happy to hear the smoke alarm worked!

    As far as sand, that might look nice with the shell.

  2. If it was me I would treat it like a t-light and put a t-light wick in it. I don't like for any of my candles to spill out like that. Or maybe even make them with a tea light insert so it last a long time and they could still burn it and just replace the t-lights.

    That's a good idea! They will be able to enjoy the candle for a long time!

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