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Posts posted by Rsvlbrat

  1. I've gotten some really nice tins but they also have seams. I would definately put something on the seams. Someone suggested decoupoge/modpodge and that's what I've done.

    I apply the decoupoge to all the seams, let it dry and then pour over it.

    I have burnt candles in these tins without applying anything and low-n-behold, they leaked.


  2. I only clean them if I have a tough time getting the votive out. Then I put them in the oven on a cookie sheet covered with paper towels. I turn the oven to 150, put them in the oven, turn the oven off and let them sit in there for about 15 minutes. Pull them out, wipe em clean and wah - lah! clean votives! HTH

  3. Looks good for a first! However, you could probably axe the vybar103 (known to kill mottling) and the UA (don't believe that helps mottling much either, at least I never had success with it and that wax lol). Adding, on your next mottle attempt, up the FO a bit if you can. 1 oz pp isn't always enough :)

    Yeah, if you WANT mottle, don't use vybar. I like the color combo and am impressed with the 'lack of' bleeding.

    Sharyl - you should be proud of yourself for this attempt! I can't imagine doning something like that for my 1st attempt! Nice job:highfive:

  4. Lotta help you clowns are! :laugh2: :laugh2:

    I'm wondering, maybe I should aim for a wick that would be comparable with a 4" pillar? Though the ball is 5", that is only at the widest point....

    What a pain this big ball is :shocked2:

    I think you are on the right track. Especially since it's only 5" in the middle.

    But I do have to say, this thread made me laugh! A bunch of clowns:p

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