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Posts posted by Rsvlbrat

  1. I'm really not into the bears, but that is awfully darn cute.

    I would caution you about using the name Red Hat Society,though . It is trademarked and protected.

    I made some red and purple pillars for my show recently. Made them in Passionate Kisses - called it Hugs & Kisses. They were one of the first to sell. Red Hat ladies are 50 and over and one of their sayings is, "It's never too late to have a happy childhood". Please don't think old ladies in the lavendar, lilac sense.

    Make it cinnamon and call it "Hot Flashes" - they will love it! :D

    LOL - what a great idea!!:laugh2:

  2. One way you can get different shapes is to pur the wax on a cookie sheet (like mentioned above), give it about 25-30 minutes to set, then press the cookie cutters into the warm wax to create the shapes. Pull them out of the cookie sheet and place on wax paper to cool. (with the left over wax, you can either remelt it or cut that into chunks.

    HTH - ;)

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