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Everything posted by Carrie

  1. I got a tip once to add 3% beeswax for appearance. It works for me. I use the GB415 and get nice smooth shiny tops. Any more than 3% and you will need to wick up. HTH
  2. Just gorgeous Meridith. That Satsuma is one of my top 5 faves of all time. It also throws like mad in my wax combo.
  3. I didn't know Linda sold tea, I thought it was just coffee and fixin's. I was going to say SBS but I haven't seen her around in so long I don't even know if she's still in business.
  4. I make both. Both are easy to follow the recipe and both are hard to perfect. It's like sewing and baking. I can follow a recipe/pattern for both but they won't be perfect when I'm done. Neither are hard to do but both require practice to get a good looking/safe outcome.
  5. How about on risers. Then all the scents and colors can be seen. If you want a cardboard riser, let me know. I'll figure out how to get one to you.
  6. I sent an email about a year ago asking if they couple be mailed flat rate and never heard back. I finally broke down and bought a couple of fo's to make the shipping easier to handle.
  7. You can read the forum without signing up, you just can't read the members only section. That section has the Off Topic, swaps etc. You can still read the soaping, B&B and candle sections.
  8. Actually, anyone see that episode of Dirty Jobs when the guy made biodiesel out of old grease from a mexican restaurant? He added several things but one was lye. Can't remember if it was Sodium Hydroxide or Potassiun Hydroxide. I see lye and fat mixed together.
  9. Try out that sliver all over your body in the shower. If you still can't feel it after using it all over...Well, what Meridith said...
  10. Soapmaker is a soap calculator program but it also keeps track of inventory, saves all your recipes for soap and other B&B. It's about $60 USD unless on sale. http://www.soapmaker.ca/
  11. I think the website is very nice, the candles look quite nice also. The problem I see is that they will notice a huge number of people accessing their website from CandleTech and will come to investigate. They will see that you have posted this, they will be made aware of other candlemakers in the mix, and they will now know what types of wax you use and many other things you may not want a competitor knowing. If I were you, I'd hurry and edit that link and make it non-clickable.
  12. Thank you. I'm learning the program as I get time. I had a recipe that I always used and it was rock hard. Then I lowered the coconut 5% and upped the babassu 5% and started using soapmaker. Now, those bars are still soft after 2 months. I can put a dent in them with my finger. They have been stored in my shop between 55-70 degrees for 2 months. I will try to change the numbers, if it still doesn't look right, I'll email Crawford. Thank you both for your help.
  13. I downloaded Soapmaker and entered my standard recipe. It is much softer than when I used Sooz. I had read somewhere, I think, that Soapmaker is set to SF at a higher percentage. Can someone tell me how to set the SF to 5% and the lye at 33%?
  14. When I make salt bars now, I use my Tony's molds. After I take them out of the mold, I rub the bars with a wet terry cloth towel. It smooths the edges. Then I let them cure for at least 4 weeks. I actually like them better after 2 months or more. More bubbles and no dryness.
  15. Soap is inherently clean. Germs that are on the soap will get washed away with the soap. IMO
  16. I believe it is Italian, not Spanish. Maybe Portuguese, I don't speak either but it definately isn't Spanish.
  17. Do not forget it's hot and pick it up by the barrel. Thank goodness for emu oil, no scars.
  18. You actually were able to wait 2 weeks. Dang woman, you have some mighty will power.
  19. I don't have any problem wicking it. It takes the same wick as 95% of my scents. Do not overwick this oil.
  20. I loved the bar of Bonsai that you sent to me, Meridith. I had to soap it. I used a full ounce per pound. It's smells yummy.
  21. I used 1/4 teaspoon of ripe tomato in 1 cup of soap for the swirl and got a nice pink. That's OK. It was Love Spell and it's just fine Pink. Thanks for the clip idea, e. This is in my new 24 bar mold with slots like a misty creek. Only the slots are narrower so there is no play with the blade and I get straight cuts every time. The pink swirl is TNC Love Spell and the blue green is OT Bonsai. I used a skewer to swirl the one on the bottom and I'm not very happy with it.
  22. I used to use palm wax. I would make relief holes with a wooden spoon handle, then kept them open. I would then do a repour and almost fill the holes. Then, when that was cool, I'd pour some more over the bottom of the pillar and spread out the wax with a skewer just to the edges. By taking enough time and being careful to make and maintain the relief holes you can make some great palm pillars without air cavities.
  23. Thank you. I was trying to pull up the tradewinds page and go from there. The selectshades link worked, thanks.
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