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Everything posted by Carrie

  1. What kind of mica would you use in a shimmer lotion? Or, what color. I don't want a colored product, just a shimmer. Is there a clear or white that would work? Oops, posted in the wrong area, sorry.
  2. Pour out the liquid wax and wipe clean. Throw in a new tart. There was a thread exactly like this within the last couple of weeks...
  3. You can't please everyone. Next, someone will complain about the palm oil and that the natural forest/jungles are being burned to make room for the palm production. If you love lard soap, make lard soap...and make castille for the rest of the complainers...
  4. Didn't she post about some financial problems over on the Dish?
  5. Use paypal shipping. You can still do first class thru paypal. Just FYI
  6. I just looked on the Peak Website and it says up to 10%. Peak 4627 It is almost always easiest to start your research on the suppliers site.
  7. Thank you PA. I have a terrible headache and just wasn't really able to process the conflicting responses.
  8. One person says that 4627 is paraffin and another says it's a para/soy blend. Anyone know for sure? Anyone know what the percentages are, for sure?
  9. She can't post in the classifieds, she is too new to the forum.
  10. TAS is in Boulder, that's pretty close. She would have lots of contacts.
  11. I hadn't seen that, thanks for the picture...
  12. I would do what lovely lathers said and use FO on 1/2 and then swirl in the unscented. It's called a blind swirl. If you wanna see what it looks like, search the gallery for a post by Sara. She showed a beautiful reverse swirl, I think maybe eugenia has posted one also.
  13. Especially the more...sensitive parts...:tiptoe:
  14. The problem I see is that the salt bars are very hard so the part with no salt would wash away faster than the salt part.
  15. I typed liquid candle dye UK into google and the very first response was a company in the UK that sells liquid candle dye... Maybe you could try google.
  16. Wow Stella, a little harsh, don't ya think. She has a right to her opinion, just as you do. I think if a tart has lost it's cold throw it's stale, not cured. I simply do not believe that when the scent is gone it is cured. That is just crazy. If the cold throw were to just go away when it was done curing then I have a couple of pillars from 5 years ago that are still not cured. I can still smell them.
  17. Great, feels good doesn't it? BTW, there is no "L" in Votive.
  18. Do I need to come back to your shop and bring back more...ummm...I mean...scare away those gremlins.
  19. Go search breast milk on the Dish. It's been done many times.
  20. Hmmm, Stainless isn't magnetic... I don't know other than that.
  21. Maybe you could check your spelling and try again.
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