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Everything posted by Carrie

  1. I copied this from the Agbanga Karite website. "Shea butter is an important food and cosmetic oil, and shea butter is also deeply embedded in the ceremonial practices of various ethnic groups in central Togo." Shea Culture
  2. I love love love the africa salt scrub. I want that scent!!!!!!!!! The jar is plastic, it just looks like glass. The salt is very very fine and you can sometimes just barely notice it's there. I have a jar in the shower and 2 extras, just in case. The salt scrub is $26 USD. It feels wonderful and smells even better. I'd use my own every day but I love that scent.
  3. Just like a wood planer. It is made to take a very thin layer off the soap. Kangaroo Blue soap beveler It says beveler but it also planes the soap.
  4. The planer from KB is not adjustable.
  5. You might even add a little powdered milk. I think more people have heard of milk bath. I made some for my sister to give out at work and I made lavender buds, milk and salt with lavender eo, and I made rose petals, milk and salt with a little rose FO. She told people how to use them and they loved them. I put them in a large sealable tea bag. She works in the corporate headquarters for a very large retail clothing company and those women she works with can be pretty fussy about the B&B items they use.
  6. I have a postal scale that I bought at the Post Office. It weighs up to 10lbs and is accurate to .1oz. I think I paid $35. I'm looking for a new scale but only because I want a gram scale.
  7. I'm only testing them, I'm not selling them yet. I will however, caution people to burn these on a non flamable surface as they will scorch wood when they are getting down to the bottom. My mom has a nice round scorch mark on her fireplace mantle that she likes to remind me about.
  8. I don't think it's that tins aren't popular, most people are using the 8oz tins, IMO. I'm testing 8oz now with htp's.
  9. It doesn't, natural is an unregulated word with the FDA. You can use it any way you can get away with it. Sad, I know.
  10. This isn't the only forum where she's posted that exact same thing. If you don't like the way they run that "other" board, may I suggest you quit frequenting it. Yeah, a bad experience is a bad experience. I've had bad experiences with suppliers but I didn't go out of my way to make them out to be monsters who don't care. IMO, you are going a little overboard. Did your discussion with Olivia about SW have anything to do with your posting this story here and on the whisk?
  11. You will find it in many foods and other household items. Go read the ingredients on your toothpaste. I'm totally guessing here but just like in soap, once it's mixed in there is a chemical change and it's no longer lye. I would have to assume thats the way it is with the formula.
  12. It was everywhere, in temporary cabinets in the hall, in the kitchen, in the livingroom. There were boxes stacked up in the kitchen and big rubbermaid totes stacked up in the hall. I bought a new house and it has a separate shop. Now the only supplies in the house are ones I've brought in here to package or that were just delivered or dirty soap pots etc. My workshop is pretty organized, so far. I've only had my stuff unpacked for 3 months. The workshop is heated and is 16 x 20.
  13. There are many threads both here and in the archives for bath salts. Try Here And Here
  14. I asked once about the FO and superfatting and Bunny told me that the FO was unsaponafiable (sp) and it didn't add to the superfat. I would only worry that body safe FO is only body safe at certain percentages. If a person uses 1:6 for a dry oil spray then that is 16% FO. In that case 4oz of FO in 3lb soap would be just about 8%. I could be wrong but I'd think that would be safe enough in a rinse off product. As far as ruining the batch with extra liquid, I doubt it but it would depend on the FO.
  15. Did you try a search. I just did and found some good information. I went to search, advanced search. Then typed in arrowroot, clicked on bath&body, then went down to the very bottom and changed the default to posts instead of threads. Arrowroot Search For the bentonite I searched the same way except highlighted both soap and B&B. Bentonite Search You can also try searching in the Archives.
  16. I use the Drakkar. It soaps beautifully, is a true dupe and doesn't discolor. I also love the Cool Water, I don't know if it's a true dupe but throws well in my soy blend.
  17. Your numbers are just fine. I've never tasted a soap within 24 hours, I usually wait at least 3 days. Wait 3 days then just touch the soap with your tongue and see if there's a zap. Sometimes the yucky taste will fool you (me) into thinking it's zap. I always do it twice to make sure. LOL
  18. If you want someone to double check your numbers, post the amounts of oils you used. We'll help to make sure it was within range.
  19. I use double wall jars because I like the look. Aside from that, double wall jars do have a small advantage for insulation in heat or cold. Also, the jar is larger, giving the illusion that there is more product. More for your money, etc.
  20. I've been using 3.5lbs in my 16 bar misty creek mold. I found the 4lb didn't fit in my soap boxes, I had to shave every bar. I use a plastic measuring cup to pull my soap out for a swirl and I use 1 full cup. I pour at light trace and pour in the color from about 18inches above the mold. Then swirl with the handle of a silicone spatula.
  21. I got mine from Kelseis Creations because I was ordering a mold and wanted some of this to try. It is nice and clean.
  22. Thank you Gene, I knew someone would come along who knew what I was talking about.
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