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Everything posted by Carrie

  1. I'm the odd duck here. I was tired of the lye jumping around and the dryer sheets just didn't do a very good job so I started to weigh my lye directly into the water. I put the container on the scale and weigh out the water, then tare the scale and weigh out the lye. I am very careful not to go over and I don't have to worry about the lye jumping around anymore.
  2. There was a link posted not too long ago for a company that sells those. They are not shea nuts, they are some type of goard or something that is tightly packed with shea. Many people pass them off as shea nuts at local markets. Maybe someone with the link will post it again. Click on the link in soycrazy's post. You will see a shea nut in that person's palm.
  3. I tried used Peak Sunflower. It's been a week and no discoloration and soaped with no acceleration even though I soaped on the hot side.
  4. Are you adding the sugar when your mixture is warm? I know some of the sugar will melt but it seems very little of it actually does.
  5. Did you send them an email? Did you call. Calling rates to Canada aren't bad.
  6. Meridith has a great scrub, just FYI.
  7. Now that you mention it, I do remeber a product like that. I am no help though, I don't remember what it was called or where it came from.
  8. Three guesses why Urea smells a little like ammonia...
  9. LOL, back on topic. You could also try turbinado sugar. It is like raw sugar but not as scratchy. I don't like the brown colors in my scrubs so I use crystal sugar. I get it at the bakery. It looks just like turbinado but is clear.
  10. I have a slab mold from that company. It is good quality.
  11. LOL...That's why I said as thinly traced as I can. I always try for thin. Sometimes I SB the color into the soap and that speeds things right along, if you know what I mean.
  12. I pour my color at as thin of trace as I can. It swirls best that way.
  13. Try it on your hands in about a week. If it makes them itch or sting throw it away.
  14. Some people make a type of pusher with a piece of wood and a long dowel. I've also seen people line the pvc with freezer paper.
  15. This was originally post in 2005, I think she's still gone. Yup, just checked her profile and she hasn't signed on with that name since August.
  16. Yeah, I've done that before too. This one was already in the box and covered with towels. I wasn't gonna mess with it. Maybe I'll use it in the next unscented swap...LOL
  17. It's ugly, I'm not posting a picture. I put it in the gel box then added two more layers of soaps in the box. It got too hot and looks all ugly. Just as well that it's unscented. I'll shave the tops, they'll be fine. I'll be making a new batch tonight with FO.
  18. I think it's label appeal. I buy mine in the bulk foods section at the grocery store. It's $.59/lb with no shipping. Yeah!
  19. Thanks Lorrie, When it comes out of the gel box tomorrow I'll take pics.
  20. When you said foam inserts I thought you were talking about the mold liner in your TOG mold. Hahahaha Then I figured out what you were talking about...LOL What are you going to do about the mold liner, Paul is moving?
  21. I have another batch of unscented soap with gorgeous swirls. Dangit! I forgot the FO in my swap soap. By the time I noticed it was already in bed in my gel box. I'm so sick of unscented soap. I just got done cleaning up my soaping stuff and I'm off to make another batch. BTW, I need a bigger mold. I have an 8 bar log mold, a 16 bar misty creek, another slab mold I don't use, I think it makes 12 bars, a bunch of tonys molds and some 2" rounds. If I keep joining swaps that require 19-20 bars I need a bigger mold. Hmmm, I'd be in soapers heaven if misty creek made a 24 bar mold. Do they do custom orders?
  22. I think it's a mixture of some kind of straight paraffin and mineral oil.
  23. Can salt bars be rebatched? I don't know. If it were me, I'd toss it. The oils used to make salt bars, ie coconut, is inexpensive and can be found locally. I'd just go get more and try again.
  24. I say pour a bunch of sugar into a bunch of castille base and take it to the shower. I'd pour in the sugar until it is just the consistancy that you like. Make sure you measure so you can duplicate it if you like it.
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