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Everything posted by Carrie

  1. I use hemp seed oil in my whipped butters because of it's properties, I hadn't thought of soaping it. Grapeseed oil has a short shelf life, I don't use it anymore at all. Cocoa butter is wonderful in soap...and just about everything. SAO is a great oil, I don't use it in soap but I use it in lip balm, whipped butters and sugar scrub. It's very versatile.
  2. Glad you got it.. I use a piece about as big around as a pencil and about an inch long for a 2lb batch. Add it to the water just after you mix the lye in, while it's still white. It will dissolve almost completely within 1/2 hour. I just pour it in the oils anyway and figure the SB will break up the rest of it. I had 2 bars of soap from Meridith, both are the same recipe except one has silk and one doesn't. I was amazed at the difference. I actually noticed the difference and looked at the labels to see what the difference was. It was the silk.
  3. I use lard in all my bars except castille. I love the way it soaps.
  4. Can you make a pusher out of a piece of wood and a dowel?
  5. I have some of Kimberlys whipped Shea and it is wonderful. It is also kinda hard. Not light and airly like whipped cream. More solid. OK, I HAD some of her whipped shea, I remember that I used the last of it.
  6. If you want to double everything, double your ingredients and run it back thru the soap calc. Always run it back thru the soap calc at least twice. It's like measure twice cut once. You don't wanna screw this up. Lye is dangerous when used incorrectly. Always double check, please. Don't forget gloves, goggles and long sleeves, even in summer.
  7. Personally, I believe my CP soap is superior to MP soap. Would I go to those lengths to bash MP? NO! I've been known to make MP soaps too. Is it any different than a soy candle maker saying that their product is superior and healthier than paraffin candles. No, it's no better but no different. It's marketing. Plain and simple.
  8. The easiest way for me to take a percentage recipe and make it into oz is to enter all of the %'s into the calc as ounces. Vegetable shortening 15oz Coconut 15oz Palm Kernal Flakes 15oz Kokum or Shea 5oz Safflower 25oz Olive 25oz That will make a 100oz batch. Then tell the soap calc to resize to 32oz or 48oz or whatever size batch you need. HTH and it's even way easy for the math challenged. Edit to say, if the other batch has been curing for 2 weeks, use it. I test mine within a week. If they are good then, they will just get better.
  9. Have you tried Golden Shea, AKA Painya or Kpangan? I subbed this for my AK unrefined shea in lip balms and for me, it was just what my balms needed.
  10. http://soapsillywholesalesupplies.com/catalog.php?category=1 Here you go.
  11. I would guess, if you used unrefined shea butter, that it's the shea getting grainy. That's why I stopped using shea in my lip balms.
  12. They have to open the clamshell to get to the wax, they will see it even if they ignore it. I don't know that it matters, the warning is a must but doesn't protect you at all.
  13. I was so tired...LOL I want to know if anyone has the KD-7000 and if they are happy with it. There have been some scales from Will Knott that were less than desirable.
  14. http://www.candletech.com/forums/showthread.php?t=21759 Print this out and keep it close when ever you have a preservative question.
  15. OK, I'm looking for a new scale also, but I want a gram scale that will weigh to the 1 gram but up to at least 10lbs. I was looking at the my weigh KD-7000. who has this scale. Will Knott says it replaces the KD-600. Did you see that, I want a gram scale that weighs in pounds...Geez I'm tired, I hope you know what I mean?
  16. I had a lye heavy log of soap, I think it was batch #3. It got white crystals all over it.
  17. LOL, no problem, I'm starting to get low. I don't think I'll sell much more.
  18. http://www.soapcalc.com/calc/soapcalc.asp Try that link to soapcalc or try the calc at MMS HERE I'd run it thru the calc for you but if this is one of your first few batches, IMO, it is very important that you learn to use and read the calcs correctly.
  19. I found that picture, here the link Maryann's silk haired family
  20. Maybe it's only set to display 2 pages but they aren't deleted, just not displayed.
  21. Too late, but I use the lavender fields from MMS and I get great purple every time. First it goes grey but by morning it's purple again.
  22. Watch for co-ops on the Agbanga Karite Shea. I do one at least every six months, others do them also. You'll save $3-$4 per pound.
  23. I think that was Maryann, but that was only 10oz of silk.
  24. I got a sample of that silk, it was very low quality. It is nothing like the Tussah silk I cooped. It had so much debris in it. I saw you post about it at the same time I was researching for the silk coop so I ordered a sample. I don't know that I'd use it. Can I send you a sample of the tussah silk I cooped?
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