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Everything posted by Carrie

  1. I use it in my body butter at about 5%. I add it when the mixture is fairly cool, one of the last ingredients to go in the mixer.
  2. I don't remember seeing borax in a soap recipe, only used to wash/shine the finished soap. I could have just overlooked them. I bought some a while back and have yet to even open the box.
  3. Yes, it's fine You can plane it or you can smooth the plastic wrap down onto the soap to make it smooth. The plastic wrap shouldn't melt from the heat, although I have heard of that happening. Personally, I'd leave the wrap off the soap, heat the oven to 170 then turn it off. Place the soap in there and go to bed. You should have soap in the morning.
  4. 20 Mule Team Borax in the laundry soap aisle of the grocery store.
  5. I had a batch rice just as I was almost done pouring it into individual molds. The last 3 look like crap. Oh well, off to make another batch of something different.
  6. Please do not confuse ounces with fluid ounces. Do you want to know how many ounces are in a pound or how many fluid ounces are in a pound? If you want to know how many fluid ounces, melt 1lb in a measuring cup and see how many fluid ounces you get. I do my MP by weight so I've never checked.
  7. To me, the Vanilla Bean Noel smells like those candies called Sugar Babies or a Sugar Daddy sucker. It is beyond yummy. Aren't you doing the Lavish Laundry in the next pre-buy?
  8. Personal use should be fine, I wouldn't sell it.
  9. They were a PITA for me to wick so I put them on a shelf and never looked at them again except to move them out of the way occasionally. Sorry, no help here.
  10. I have a bar that Meridith made. It is outstanding in CP. The scent holds very well and I didn't notice any discoloratioin. You'll have to ask her about acceleration.
  11. You question has already been answered. Try a search. Go to search at the top, then advanced search, then type in lip+balm+label, then click on bath & body section then click on posts at the bottom. You will find lots of answers. You will probably also learn way more than you were looking for. Good luck
  12. Next time try Bulgarian Lavender from MMS. It is wonderful.
  13. How is Ange? Tell her we miss seeing her gorgeous creations.
  14. Sooz will recalculate your batch size. MMS Calc will also recalculate your batch size.
  15. IMO it just adds some FO to the lower parts of the candle that they don't scent in production...LOL If their candles had better throw no one would need to add additional scent.
  16. The vat took 47 gallons of water? Did you add the wax to the water. You have thoroughly confused me.
  17. I soaped Drakkar from AWE and it's awesome. Well behaved and smells dead on to me. I have some tommy to try next.
  18. All of your questions have already been answered on this board and the archives many times over. All you need to do is read, read, read. All the answers are at your fingertips.
  19. For the puffs, I get them at Dollar tree, a package of 6 for $1. There are 2 yellow, 2 green and 2 lavender.
  20. I don't have the snowflake but I have some others for sale. An oval, a heart and a rectangle, all with decoration on the top. I think I have about 7 of each.
  21. I laughed out loud at that line "Tame your inner Grumpy" The girl I work with calls poop, grumpies. "Someone took a grumpy in the bathroom". LMAO...Thanks for the morning laugh. The site is fun, easy to navigate. I didn't see any misspelling but then I wasn't looking for any.
  22. You should also search the archives. There was quite a bit of information in a thread there.
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