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Everything posted by Carrie

  1. That's the link to RobininOr's soap tutorial.
  2. If I'm not mistaken that is the batch size not the amount of oils. Don't forget to add in your water when figuring batch size.
  3. I think most people make the balm in a separate mold then transfer to the tin. Find a mold that is just smaller than the diameter of the tin.
  4. Depending on the size of you cupcakes, if you whipped up any butter and frosted the bomb, it might be too much butter, too greasy in the water. Maybe a mixture of mp and some cocoa butter, whipped. Are these made commercially? If so, get your hands on one, it may say on the packaging. You may be able to kinda figure it out just by feel. Is it soft, hard, dry and flaky, oily etc.
  5. Many, many soapers do it that way, it melts the oils. I'm always worried it won't get hot enough to melt the pko so....
  6. I use a high percentage of RBO in my recipe. I also use PKO. I melt the hard oils until they are almost completely melted then add them to my soap pot and stick blend them. This gets it melted and insures they are mixed well. Then I add my liquid, RBO & Castor, and stick blend again. Only when they are completely mixed and melted do I add my hot lye solution. My soap traces pretty fast but I always figured it was because of the hot lye.
  7. Dang, I have tons of those little bottles. If you need more, let me know.
  8. Each fragrance requires it's own testing. There is no "sure fire" fomula. There are no shortcuts in the testing process
  9. Yeah, what she said, IF you are doing CP soap. MP soap is different.
  10. She said in post #1 and also in post #26 that she has been soaping for 3-4 years.
  11. If there's no water in your lotion bar recipe the tins shouldn't rust. I'd like the look of the tins with the clear top, using a slightly smaller mold with a decorative top. Then put a shrink band on the tin.
  12. I don't know. I buy that huge tub of lard at walmart for like $5-$6 (guessing on price but it's cheap). When it's empty it makes a great microwave proof soaping bucket. Maybe you could cut it into chunks, wrap in freezer paper and freeze.
  13. Meridith, try Safeway. That's where I get my powdered buttermilk. You might also try a restaurant supply locally. Do you know anyone that owns a restaurant? They can get alot of stuff in bulk and I'd think milk powders would be one of them.
  14. I think your display looks great. May I suggest the when and if you do make a lavender soap that you use a Bulgarian Lavender EO? I get mine from MMS.
  15. You're welcome. Glad I could help.
  16. I use "sanding sugar" also called "crystalized sugar". It is the size of turbinado but not quite as scrubby and it is clear. My scrubs stay white. You can buy it at any bakery.
  17. The swirls are all the way thru anyway. That's progress. I used lab colors when I made Strawberry Musk. It stayed a nice pink but the uncolored did discolor a bit.
  18. Nope. Sorry, why buy recipes when there are tons of good ones all over the net...FREE!
  19. Good to know, no more worrying about you and your scale...LOL
  20. Did you ever determine if your scale was off? When you weighed the quarter is was double what it should have been. You could just have a superduper superfat and it will never harden up. Please recheck your scale and let us know.
  21. It isn't for candles but I have read that some people use it to cost out candles and for candle inventory. You put your items in inventory then when you make candles, you "use" that inventory.
  22. That happens to me with the lavender color I have. When it is out of the mold the color comes back. Hope your green comes back.
  23. What kind of preservative are you planning to use?
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