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Everything posted by Carrie

  1. I know what you mean by pushing the color to the side. That's why I only tried ITP swirl once. I didn't care for it much.
  2. I am getting one from a guy on the Dish, Ric. He can make them so they fill flush with the tube top or so that the balm is slightly above the tube. His are reasonably priced on Soapsaver. I'll get mine in a couple of weeks (He has to make it) and I'll post about it. I think he said the 25 tube tray is $22 including shipping.
  3. I took a picture of it after I cut it and put it on the drying rack. It is on my mom's camera so I'll have to try to post it tomorrow. OK, you talked me into it. It isn't as fancy as GG's and the gold mica looks kinda orange in the photo. It is a little oily but when that soaks in I'm gonna lightly brush it with a tad bit more gold mica, just for shimmer. I think it's oily because SW recommends .7oz/lb and I made a 4lb batch in my Misty Creek and dumped the whole 4oz bottle in...LOL
  4. Hey mbrown, My mica swirls came out absolutely gorgeous. I cut it this morning. I don't think I should post a pic because it's for the TSW swap. It should be a suprise...hehehehe
  5. We'll see when I unmold my first ever batch with mica for coloring. It is a two color swirl with black and gold. It was gorgeous when I put the lid on it. We'll see. I mixed the micas with a little bit of glycerine before hand then added the traced soap and stirred well.
  6. She used to be FES, Fragrant Expressions. She had some awesome oils. I don't remember why she was selling thru SNC, maybe time off for baby. Anyway, her oils were very nice.
  7. I say Issey Miyake. It's a man's scent but not masculine at all. I actually have a body spray out of it and I love it. I got mine from SNC but haven't checked to see if AH has it.
  8. I can do 2 colors just fine but 7? GG is good. I watch my soap closely. When I mix the lye and water and it starts to mix there is a color change like adding milk to coffee and stirring. Then, as it is just starting to trace, my soap goes thru another slight color change. That is my signal to watch for trace to begin. I lift the SB out of the soap about every 10 seconds. When the drips leave a slight dimple in the surface, it is at light trace. I always have small bowls ready with the color already added. When the soap is ready I dip out enough soap and add it to the bowls and stir fast. Add the FO to the main batch then pour into the mold. Then take the small bowls and pour it into the mold in a zig zag pattern first from up high, then from close to the soap to make the color go all the way thru. Then the next bowl. I take the handle of my silicone spatula and run it thru the soap back and forth from side to side then from front to back then side to side again. The last thing I do is slam the mold onto the counter a couple of times to make sure any bubbles are out. Cover and don't peak until the next day. I get really good swirls this way. edited: I do not discount water, I add Sodium Lactate and silk to the lye water.
  9. I use a ton of dawn on a sponge and really hot water. It normally gets the job done well.
  10. Have you tried looking on the supplier web site to see if it discolors? You didn't list the supplier so it's impossible for me to answer.
  11. I don't color mine. Saves tons of time and energy...I don't worry about what color to make them. LOL
  12. What Michi said. Also, as far as the greasy feeling. That is the nature of shea. Butters are greasy. Try using less on your skin. My whipped butter is on the firm side so I just rub my fingers across the top and then use the melted stuff that is on my fingers. That is plenty for both hands. Do not use the same amount of butters that you would lotion. Lotion is mostly water so it soaks in/evaporates. Butters don't.
  13. Sorry, I don't know. All I can tell you is that I did 3 CPOP and all 3 came out just like yours. Now I just cover and insulate and no more problems. No more OP for me.
  14. I've used it in my hair. I put a dab on my hands and run it thru my hair about 1/2 hour before my shower. If I do this about 3 days in a row I can see a difference even after washing it. My hair is shiny and soft but not greasy.
  15. LOL...Yes Meridith, it was your soap. I knew there was a difference when I use the silk but I never tried it up against the same recipe without silk. I figured you'd know I was talking about you. Thank you mbrown for posting the link. I've been offline most of the day.
  16. I was lucky enough to have a great soaper send me a couple bars of soap. One bar was what I presume was the regular recipe without silk. It has great bubbles and lathers nicely. (It also smells devine) The second soap was made with silk. This soap bubbles well but lathers incredibly well. It was amazing to see the difference the soaps with and without the silk. Anyone that wonders what the silk does for a bar of soap, try it next to the exact same soap made before you started using silk.
  17. Yeah, like eugenia said. I've never heard of it taking days to trace for 100% OO soap. With my stick blender, 90% OO and 10% Castor I think it was only a matter of minutes until trace.
  18. Personally, I'd buy some muslin or cheesecloth and make new littler creamers. Welcome Loretta, do we know you from the whisk?
  19. I bought mine in one of Shutterbuggs coops.
  20. I've never seen anyone use the word Organic when it wasn't certified organic. (Doesn't mean it doesn't happen I suppose) The word organic is regulated and can only be used when your product is truly organic. Which brings me back to soap. I'm curious, not trying to start anything...If everything in your soap will be certified organic except the lye, will the final bar be able to say certified organic? There will be no more lye present in the soap but it wasn't organic to begin with.
  21. And the lye you will be putting in the soap will be "All Natural"? The word Natural isn't regulated, at least it wasn't last time I checked. You could legally put natural on a bottle of FO and try to sell it. I never use the word natural because it is a useless word in the B&B world, at least to me. It is a great word in the advertizing world, I'm sure you can imagine.
  22. The most reasonable price? Don't forget...you get what you pay for. There are cheap fo's and quality fo's. Which one do you want? Soy wax is made from mostly soy beans and paraffin is a petroleum product. Both have good and bad aspects to them. I'd say read all you can about both and form your own opinion.
  23. Here is an article on SLS. http://www.healthy-communications.com/slsmostdangerousirritant.html I found that searching the archives. The article seems a little over the edge but who knows. It does warrant more research. I've added SLSa to sugar scrub and came out with a product that doesn't bubble but is more lotiony feeling and almost foamy when applied.
  24. I have some of her cocoa butter. It is wonderful.
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