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Everything posted by Carrie

  1. One of the best camping trips I ever went on in college I was drinking everclear and crystal light. At least they told me it was great, I don't really remember...
  2. The black makes great black swirls. The olive green is really ugly when you add too much to your soap.
  3. Ummmm, Yes, it was supposed to read box wine..LOL Looks like you've been imbibing already...
  4. First Box wind and now everclear.... They have programs for people like you..
  5. I just wanna know if your insurance company knows you advocate putting melted candle wax on the skin? Also, I keep seeing the work Natural. You need to stop assuming that the word means wholesome and clean, good for you. Natural is not regulated and can be used for anything.
  6. Creativeexpression is here solely to pick your brain. In other word "I want to open a store, internet store etc and use bases that I neither test nor use in advance so that I can make money off of all of your advise and experience"
  7. Here, I created a site so that you can view the newsletter. Newsletter
  8. I love my regular whipped shea recipe but it is a little hard. I added .5oz of EVOO and that took care of it. It is more like whipped cream now and holds it's shape. I do use IPM and dryflo in mine. Also, make sure that you are just dabbing your finger on the butters when you use it. You will be amazed by what happens when you just use a dab, a pinch, whatever. Make it a glob the size of 1 split pea. That is enough for 1 hand. If you are using the same amount for whipped butters as for lotion or emulsified butter, you bet it's greasy. No one will like it. With the harder butter, I tell people to just rub a finger over the top until it has melted on the finger. That is enough for the back of both hands. HTH
  9. The stuff about bitching about her customers. Well, it was in one of her newsletters. She was talking shit about someone who posted that they didn't like her oils. She went into a tirade in her newsletter about. I doubt that I kept a copy, I know how to hit the "delete" button. As far as the shit she pulled on one of the CT members, that isn't for me to repeat. If the person it happened to wants to go over it again, she can.
  10. Remember to cool it very slowly. It needs lots of time for the molecules to link up into chains to create the beautiful and characteristic patterns.
  11. Actually, I'd never heard of a #10SB but this post got me thinking. I remember seeing citronella wicking at Candlewic. They do have a #10 SB. The problem is you have to buy in bulk. Maybe try triple wicking with a larger size SB wick.
  12. Kinda funny that just about every post you've made outside of the classifieds is in support of Good Ol' Becs. Does she pay you or just give you lots of 1oz freebies?
  13. I read some of her emails but NattyCat is right. They are too long and you can't have a super sale every week, then they are just weekly sales. I got bored with them, then when she ranted and complained and bitched about people in her newsletter, I decided that if she could air her dirty laundry in a newsletter, what in the world could she do to me or with my personal information. Then I read about some real shitty stuff she did to one of our CT members. I would have unsubscribed but the newsletter stopped coming right soon after. I didn't care. I dumped her as a supplier before she dumped me as a customer. IMO she is unstable and I'm better off without her.
  14. Yes, that makes sense. This is a very hard wax and it will make GIANT air pockets inside the candle unless you make and maintain very good relief holes.
  15. I don't use the freezer. Go have a beer and come back and check then another and it should be just about done. That's about the amount of time it takes for mine to get perfectly whipped.
  16. Try TJ MAxx. I'm sure I've seen them there. I think I've also seen them at Tuesday Morning.
  17. Except that you quoted Darwin and her link to square masons and said that TVG sold GLASS and lids to C&S. Then said they were the manufacturer. Maybe you should make yourself more clear next time.
  18. Weight is weight regardless of texture. 1lb is 1lb is 1lb. Do not confuse weight with volume. 1fluid ounce is volume. 1oz is weight. They are only the same when talking about pure water.
  19. Anyone remember that post at I think the whisk but might have been the dish, where the soap made in the pringles can grew out of the can and had a most definite phallic appearance?
  20. I don't fold my corners, I cut them out. If it is really a thin trace, I may get as much as 1/2 teaspoon of leakage. In my log mold, that makes it hard to remove the soap.
  21. I thought Richards Packaging was the manufacturer of square masons? That would be why it says Richards on the jar.
  22. I have the one that is pegged and hinged. I like it. If I pour at a really thin trace to get really delicate swirls, some of the soap can leak out of the corners making it dificult to remove the soap from the mold. With the hinges, I just let down the sides and the soap comes right out.
  23. IMO, the double walled jars make it look like there is more product in the jar. It can also insulate the product a bit in warmer or cooler weather, not much though.
  24. My son's feet used to peel between his toes. I noticed that it stopped when he FINALLY stopped biting his toenails. I think it was the saliva that was irritating his skin.
  25. Correct if I'm wrong, but the word natural is not regulated. Words like Organic are regulated but natural isn't. IMO, legally you could say they were natural but ethically I wouldn't.
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