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Everything posted by Carrie

  1. LOL, those that like patchouli generally like Sandalwood.
  2. Maryann, will you edit again and make the test larger. I can't read it.
  3. It is CP and it floats. If you are a member of the Dish there are tons of threads on whipped soap.
  4. Did you know you can save soapcalc to your computer and use it offline? RobininOr posted that once, I can't remember the instructions but it should be easy like click on file, save as. I'm not sure. HTH
  5. http://www.papermart.com/templates/79-0-30.htm These are close, I'll keep checking
  6. Don't use epsom salts. I can't remember why, I just read not to.
  7. I showed that little purse to my sister and she begged me to find out where Meridith got them. Oooops, I forgot until just now.
  8. You could just call it Hendrix or something like that. It is definately 60's but shouldn't go over any copyright lines.
  9. And this one. http://www.candletech.com/forums/showthread.php?t=28873&highlight=wealth
  10. If 4627 doesn't throw well at 8%, throw away the FO and try a new one. This wax throws really well. You don't need to use 1.5 or 2oz/lb. That is just a waste of money.
  11. I believe that SFIC will email all of that information to you if you ask. I've heard it can take a couple of days.
  12. You don't go posting on an internet forum to complain when you get the wrong change at the grocery, you take it up with the grocery store first. IMO there shouldn't be any difference when you have a problem with an online supplier. Go to the supplier first, if your problem is not resolved to your satisfaction, then seek help and reassurance elsewhere. carol k jumped the gun on this one.
  13. Ack!!!!! Before you order you better ask around about that company!!!!!
  14. I'm burning a soy candle that I bought online. When it got here it looked like it threw up all over itself. It was ugly. Red with a bit of green that seemed to have grown out of it. Ugh. I lit it anyway and it smells really good and throws fairly well. It does have about 1/8 inch of hangup all around the 6oz tin. I've burned it for at least 3 hours each time and now the candle is more than 1/2 gone and the hangup is not catching up. I find that strange in a tin.
  15. I beleive Kangaroo Blue has them. They were on sale a couple weeks ago.
  16. You just seem to have more trouble with suppliers...
  17. I picked up a case of 415 from Peak last time I was in Denver.
  18. RBO is the only thing in my soap that isn't white. My bars come out off white. I use RBO at 40%. IMO, it isn't a white oil.
  19. Containerandpackaging is in Eagle Idaho. When I ordered from them, in larger than case quantity, they were shipped within 2 business days. The transit time cannot be helped. I got mine in two days. Lol, I live in the same state.
  20. Remember in the 60's and 70's when McDonalds had windows looking into the kitchen and benches to sit and watch? I'd love to do that if I had a storefront. I'd have to figure a way to make it look hard and expensive so no one got any ideas.
  21. Use white oils. Lard, tallow, coconut, PKO, castor. All white in, all white out. Keep away from anything even off white. Even my castille isn't white, just off white.
  22. Hmmmm, next year in Boise? I think I could handle that. Anyone else already making plans?
  23. Or try an ISO in the classifieds section of the board.
  24. No, nothing is written in stone regarding those #'s.
  25. http://www.rainbowmeadow.com/infocenter/calc_eoblend/blendselect.php Try this place. You tell it what eo's you have, it will suggest combos. Save this link in your favorites, it's a great site. You could also go to this part of the site and click on an EO. It will give you info, then click on "more info" that there is tons more info on each one. http://www.rainbowmeadow.com/Cart/group.asp?ID=5
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