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Everything posted by Carrie

  1. I made a few funky cuts that first time I used my misty creek mold. Yes, the cut lines are bigger than the blade, I think it just takes practice.
  2. No, I wasn't talking about the misty creek knife. There was a link at the Dish for a cutter that had a handle on both ends. I'll see if I can find it. Hot damn, I've never found anything I've searched for at the Dish until now. Here you go, scroll down until you see the knife. http://goplanetearth.com/molds_slab_misc.html
  3. I would try soapwizards before I'd try Ellensessentials. I just bought that press from her. It was 2 weeks from date of order before it was shipped and she wouldn't answer any emails. I'll never order from elensessentials.com again! I like the press but the customer service left a lot to be desired. Also, on my confirmation I was charged I think $9.95 for shipping (no handling) when I got the package shipping was only $7.??. The shipping amount was on the label.
  4. I never soap after more than 1 beer. Lye is too dangerous to mess with when intoxicated.
  5. I also add IPM (Isopropyl Myristate) to mine. It helps with glide and makes it feel less greasy. I also add some liquapar Optima because you use so little that it can easily get contaminated with so many uses.
  6. Carrie


    LOL Scented. That strawberry musk swirl that was about 5 shades of pink... That was one shade of pink and the ash on the swirl made all different colors as the ash affected each part of the swirl differently. Unless of course you got a bar with no ash, I think I made a batch in the kelsei and that one just doesn't ash as well. You may have gotten one of those. I keep mine covered in two towels for 24 hours before I unmold. I don't peek.
  7. Carrie


    Hey Scented, I only get ash when I use my slab molds and I only get it around the center bar and barely on the insides of the outside bars when I use my kelsei 9 bar mold. When I use the wooden slab molds it ashes really well. Now that I swirl most soaps, it only seems to enhance the swirls. I have also found that the colder the basement the more it ashes. HTH
  8. I had a log of soap that was lye heavy. I used citrus eo's and colored it yellow but put in too much yellow and it came out a really ugly orangey color. It also had lye crystals forming all over the outside of it and it ashed. I didn't take a picture, it was just too hideous.
  9. I make very little MP but always mix color outside the mold. I have one of those flexible molds with the letters, I use a pippette to put the soap in and an embroidery needle to get the letters out.
  10. Try this one http://www.teachsoap.com/shaving.html I add bentonite clay, cocoa powder for color and a tsp of ground cinnamon.
  11. Here is the link to the first shaving soap I made. http://www.teachsoap.com/shaving.html I also added 1tsp of ground cinnamon to the recipe and one tablespoon of cocoa and scented it chocolate. The cinnamon is said to irritate the skin just enough to raise the hair, then you get a closer shave. This was a great recipe with the add ons. The only drawbacks are number 1 everyone said how great they smelled and they wanted to eat it and number 2 I was told that the cinnamon will dull the razor. I haven't noticed the razor getting dull myself.
  12. You would need to contact the manufacturer to find out if you can add anything and how much. You might need to add additional preservative if you add aloe gel to it.
  13. Lets see 1. Yes, you can melt and re-whip as many times as you want. 2. If it is too hard, add more oils. I would recommend FCO as it is a dry oil. 3. I add 1tbs of dry-flo (a cornstarch product) to 11oz of butters and oils. I would say start with a tsp and work your way up. 4. Make sure you are only using a tad bit of butters when you use them. If you use the same amount of butters as lotion it will be grossly greasy. 5. I've never used the freezer for whipped butters, I'm no help there.
  14. Mercury is in retrograde. That could be a lot of the problem.
  15. I can't remember the name of the supplier where I got them but you can get them at Qosmedix for .035 cents each. http://www.qosmedix.com/catalog/part.asp?partno=29215 HTH IMO, 3 cents isn't worth digging thru a bin to find the right pipette. I've only used about 200 of the 1000 in the past year.
  16. I don't re-use mine. IMO, they are cheap. I bought 1000 for $30. That's .03 cents each.
  17. Try it. You'll never know if you like it until you try it. If you don't like it, you may try the grocery, I get fine sea salt at the grocery store in the bulk food aisle.
  18. Personally, I love what ash does to a swirl. Most of my swirl soaps ash and I like it. For some reason, my solid color soaps rarely ash. Nice swirls, congrats on your soaps.
  19. The logo is cute and the name is even cuter. The only thing I would change is to remove the drips between the legs. I've looked at it several times and it still looks like pee...LOL
  20. So is it the "other board" that you have the problem with or the supplier?
  21. Make ice cream! I've never heard of anyone using rock salt. It isn't very clean.
  22. You can. Some add them at trace, hoping that less of that ingredient will saponify and add more of it's "raw" qualities to the soap.
  23. I use .7 to .8. I like my lavender eo soap very strong. Straight lavender tends to fade a bit.
  24. I would go to any site that sells wood soap molds and see what they say is the inside dimensions of the mold. Look at several sites and get the size that is right for you.
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