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Everything posted by Carrie

  1. I've seen both good and bad posts about shea butter in the hair. I think most of the posts were about afro type hair. Some love what it does for the hair but I've seen complaints about the build up that is hard to get out. There was a major discussion about it at the Dish about a year ago. When it comes up you might want to check it out.
  2. By superfatting to 8% or 9% is that the same as soaping the coconut at the lower SAP? Does it work out the same?
  3. I did that, only it was a great swirl in a slab mold. It is a gorgeous soap so I have been offering it to the men. Until I made Draakar soap. Now they want that instead of the unscented.
  4. I finally broke down and ordered the dang tool but that was 10 days ago and I don't have it yet and I don't have a shipping confirmation either. I emailed the company on Monday asking but they haven't answered me yet....Waiting impatiently. It was 100 degrees yesterday and 26% humidity. I thought I would die. I guess that was better than 100* and 90% humitity.
  5. There are tons of article out there on cleaning your face with oils. There are even threads here on CT. It is called OCM, or Oil Cleansing Method. You might try putting that in the search box or google. HTH
  6. I think the ones on tv are called soothers, aren't they. I've tried them in the shower and wasn't impressed. It was a fake menthol scent. I'm sure a home made one would be better smelling. I take a 10 minute shower and it was just about gone at the end of the shower. I would say it wouldn't need any oils either. Just to disolve and dissipate the menthol and/or eucalyptus into the air.
  7. You know, they say that you shouldn't give honey to children under the age of 12 months because of botulism. Doesn't answer your question but it's good to know...LOL
  8. To me, it smells like scented toilet paper. Notice there is no 's on scented.
  9. Robin says you're right and I'll take her word for it. I always thought that it was called emulsified because it took oils and combined/emulsified them into a more solid form. I thought the e-wax that I was adding kept the oils from seeping out.
  10. There's a guy named Ric that sells them on Soapsaver at The Dish. They are $22.
  11. My DS got one of those in the childrens swap, I believe. I can't remember who did it.
  12. Isopropyl Myristate. Anyone know a brand name for Heyxlene Glycol?
  13. I have a partial bar of commercial soap left over from a year ago when I started soaping. I don't use it but can't throw away a soap...LOL Right now, the soap in my shower is a castille from Mysticglow that I got in a swap. I love this bar of soap and it made me finally try my own castille. I made the castille a week ago and it is already very hard. It is harder than most of my other soaps that are much older.
  14. I use a tealight mold that I bought from Flexiblemolds. It has nails that fit in it, like wick pins. It makes perfect tealights every time. Don't forget people, that this board is for learning, not teaching. If you learn to do a search you will be able to learn that much more. One good tip for searching is, in the show results box on the advance search, mark the button for show results as posts. That will only return posts that have the keyword and you don't have to search an entire thread for the keyword. This will make your searching so much more productive.
  15. Here's a picture tutorial for laundry soap making from the whisk. http://www.the-whisk.us/forum/viewtopic.php?t=12474 I'm pretty sure you have to be a member to see it, sorry.
  16. The AK unrefined shea does not whip up white. It will be kind of an ivory color, at least mine is.
  17. Always, always, always re-run all recipes thru the calc.
  18. Grumpy Chill Pills The big Grumpy (LMAO, sounds like a turd) Grumpy pills for all your ills!
  19. Don't forget the faq sections. Here is a link to a link that Bunny posted. http://www.candletech.com/forums/showthread.php?t=21760
  20. Can you put it in the fridge to shrink, or freezer? Maybe heat it up a bit with a blow dryer to dry up and shrink. Thanks for posting this, I'll keep that in mind when I get mine made. Do not store with the dowel in the pipe.
  21. When you're mixing it, or when she uses the products? I just ordered some and wonder if I should have DS upstairs when I'm mixing.
  22. LOL, too funny G-Girl. What's the dark stuff between the layers?
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