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Everything posted by Carrie

  1. http://www.fromnaturewithlove.com/recipe/recipe.asp?recipe_id=566 I found this recipe at FNWL when I googled. I entered acne+calendula+recipe There were several interesting recipes
  2. I bought a bunch of it on the classifieds here, but before that I found it at the local beer making supply store. They charged me $4 a pound.
  3. http://millersoap.com/trouble.html Try that.
  4. You could rebatch it and add the missing crisco or you could chuck it and try again. I think those are your only two options. I rebatched twice. Now, I make sure I don't miss anything cause rebatch was yucky, at least for me.
  5. Luckely I poured it thick in the mold and I just cut the tops off. It was fine underneath. I think I'm going to invest in a soap planer.
  6. I've had soap do that, but only in the oven. I don't know what causes it but I don't OP anymore.
  7. I've been using an old bar of lavender eo soap to brush my teeth for about the last month. A word of warning. DO NOT brush your teeth with soap if you have a hangover. It isn't pretty. My teeth are a tad whiter but they feel wonderful. My gums are doing great and my teeth are smoother. I can't wait to go for a cleaning to find out what they are really like.
  8. I just figure that after they remove all the good stuff to refine it, why use it except for label appeal. Unrefined from Agbanga Karite. I do have to admit that I did buy some refined to play with.
  9. I agree with Crafty. I love the mms colors. I recommend ordering the hobby set. You get one of each and they will last for I'd bet at least 1000 tubes each. It is only 16.50 for the set.
  10. Thank everyone. I overstir everytime. It is pretty. Next time I'll take a pic of the whole slab. Scented, when you get that slab mold you will be awesome at swirling. You have an incredible sense of color and design. Just look at your pillars!
  11. LOL, most of the beauty of the bar is the ash. All of the added color seems to ash with my new recipe. I have just learned to put it to good use. I pour at thin trace, then SB my color into some of the reserved soap. This makes it thicker. Then pour/blob it into the mold from about 18-24 inches above the mold. Then I use the handle for my silicone spatula and run it back and forth side to side then end to end then repeat both. I make sure the handle is touching the bottom of the mold the entire time. It just seems to work. I could never swirl before because I was letting the soap get to medium trace and it would go too fast and the swirls would suck. Oh yeah, that was my first 2 color swirl. Red and Yellow. I think it worked pretty well.
  12. Have you tried that glue for fabric? I use it on new sweaters, to glue the knots so they never come loose. I bet it would work great on your project. It is sold at all fabric stores.
  13. Look what I learned to do!!!!! The swirl goes all the way through!!! WooHoo This is a bar of my Jamaica Me Crazy. I haven't posted any soap porn in a while. Sorry for the poor quality photo. I'm a soaper not a photographer.
  14. If it doesn't specifically say safe for lips, don't use it on lips.
  15. My post office is selling a small postal scale right now. I thinks it's $39.99. It weights in .1oz increments and goes up to 10lbs. I also have the scale from walmart and it only goes up to 3lbs but most of the time it errors at about 2.5lbs. I don't recommend it.
  16. Sherie, I'm sure it's the Roebic that is the good stuff. The one in the yellow can. http://www.candletech.com/forums/showthread.php?t=15045&highlight=roebic Here is a link to the picture of the can. HTh
  17. I just got some of this wax to test and was told that the HTP wicks work well. The chandler I got the wax from uses different jars. I will be testing in the 8oz square mason. I have tried a 4627/soy combo in these jars and got lucky with wicking. Very easy combo to wick, no smoke and great throw on most scents I've tried. HTH I haven't tried the wick-it wicks yet.
  18. I've got to agree wth Christy. Last time I used Ylang it was a couple of drops mixed with 5ml of Lavender and I can't even smell the lavender, just that ylang. Go easy on it if you use it.
  19. For the really big salt crystals go to costco, home depot or lowes and buy the big 40lb bag of Morton solar salt in the blue bag for about $3. Do not buy the yellow bag, it is salt pellets. I use these to put in tub tea bags and also mix fo and mica and use for air freshener. The grains are maybe 3/8th inch across. I'd hate to sit on them in the tub.
  20. I just think it's funny that when you see the thread title it says Curious..............What's wrong with Scented Is there something wrong with you Scented?
  21. I have a friend who raises emu. She sells the meat also. She used to render the fat for emu oil but it was such a hassle she stopped. I haven't tried the meat but heard it tastes like rabbit. OK J/K on the rabbit part...LOL
  22. Some people say that the animal fats clog your pores. I haven't noticed that problem myself.
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