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Everything posted by Carrie

  1. LOL, I didn't even look to see where you are located. That would be a bit too far for a Sunday drive wouldn't it? Sorry, but I would get it when you get a chance. Until then you might want to try a sunbeam mixer or similar.
  2. Go get the Kitchenaid! Like Elizabeth said, they rock! I just picked up a professional model for less than the basic model, brand new.
  3. The only thing I use e-wax for is my sugar scrub, so far.
  4. Yes, I did that with chamomile tea. The tea was still warm and I poured the lye too fast. I brewed more tea and cooled it, then poured the lye slow. No more volcano...LOL
  5. I have some yaley molds. I wouldn't say they are substandard. I have a bunch of votive molds and a couple of 3x6 pillar molds. I can't tell the difference between any of them and the molds from other companies. I've tried the colors and they were fine but too expensive when compared with blocks or liquid online. The scents are just yucky, IMO, whether they are wax chips or liquid.
  6. When it says 2oz it means weight. When it says 2 fluid oz it means volume. 2oz and 2 fluid oz are only the same when measuring water. Anything else and they are not equal. HTH
  7. SNC Fresh Cut Tulips (Now available at RE) Sandlewood Vanilla Cybilla Violet Those come to mind first.
  8. INS - A measure of the physical qualities of the soap based on the SAP and iodine value. Experience has proven a range of 145 - 165 will gennerally be acceptable. Closely related to Hardness and Iodine values. Found this here. SOOZ I love this page. It is the sooz calc, at the top check out each of the tabs. Tons of information.
  9. Try putting it in the freezer for about 5 minutes or so then try whipping again. Sometimes it just needs to cool a little before it'll whip right. I've never used apricot kernel so I don't know if that could be the problem.
  10. When I got my babassu, I replaced 5% of the coconut with it. Love love love it. I kept the castor in the recipe. I've always used castor so don't know what my soap is like without it...LOL
  11. IMHO...You can use the search button to find all the opinions you want and that way you won't have to be such an A$$ to all the valued members of this board. You really should go find George, I think the two of you would get along beautifully.
  12. Also, when you cut a log with botanicals on the top, turn the log over so that the botanicals are on the bottom. That way you don't get the scratches from dragging the botanicals thru the soap. I like the color, someone said terra cotta. I Agree.
  13. Not Bunny. Maybe you could google for suppliers, then read on the supplier site the recommended uses and recipes. I don't use the stuff so I don't know where to buy it.
  14. Hey Elizabeth, where've you been? Hanging out with Tanya? Both of you have been shy lately. Those aren't my results, they came from Becky at JS.
  15. I say break down and make CP soap. isn't that swap supposed to be something new to perfect. You know you want to!
  16. Coconut oil can be found at Walmart. In my store it is just to the left of the liquid cooking oils.
  17. I found transparency film at Kmart but you can get it at any office supply store. My first batches of soap were made in wooden Jewlry boxes. I found them in an antique store (brand new) and they wanted $2.50 each. They were unfinished, ready to decorate. They held 1lb each and made bars 3" long and 2" tall.
  18. I use lard in every soap recipe I have. Even my unscented bars don't smell like "piggy". None of my soaps are sticky either.
  19. I made some. It was way too hard. I melted it down and added another tbs of glycerine and it is still too hard. It smells good and DS likes it. I guess I'll play with it some more tomorrow.
  20. Can someone tell me what the ph of Monoi is. Also, for those that use it in your hair. Can you please tell me what kind of hair you have. Mine is fine and straight. Easily damaged. I'd hate to put a product on my hair that wouldn't be good for it.
  21. Majestic Mountain Sage. MMS Also known as The Sage. http://www.thesage.com
  22. My first thought was "Sedona Sunset" Very nice.
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