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Everything posted by Carrie

  1. With shea butters, a tiny tiny bit goes a long way. If it is greasy, try using less. Mine is only greasy when I apply too much. I only rub my fingers over the top until some melts on my fingers. That is enough for the backs of both of my hands. Very moisturizing and non-greasy.
  2. You do not use the water softener pellets. The pellets are in a yellow bag. The solar salt that people are using lookes like rock salt without the dirty grey bits. It is from Morton and is in a blue bag. 40# bag at Costco is about $3.
  3. WD-40 is recommended by the Crayola company for removing wax from painted surfaces. Spray it on, wipe if off then finish with something to remove the oily residue, windex or 409. I've tried it and it works wonders.
  4. That loofah is hard enough to cut when there isn't slippery soap on it. The two times I've tried it, I cut the loofah first, soaked overnight then used. HTH
  5. Hey Mitch, try this link for sooz qualities. It took me forever to notice the tabs at the top of the sooz page. This is the soap qualities tab. I refer to this page often when formulating. http://www.soapcalc.com/soapqualities.asp HTH
  6. Another newbie here... The only times my soap had a mottled look was when I poured at a thicker trace. When I actually time it right and pour sooner I don't get that look. As far as the rough edges...I don't know. Some one will come along soon.
  7. You said it was an abstract company. Do they do title work etc. If so, put a lien on them. Is it a small town? There are any number of things you can do in a small town to embarrass them into paying while still making yourself look like the victim.
  8. Someone at the Dish was nice enough to find this for me, as I suck at searching there. Anyway, this is an FYI to those of you that make bath salts. http://www.soapdishforum.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=23585&hl=glue
  9. I tried to find the post at the Soap Dish where they talk about the woman that got stuck to the bottom of the tub from using bath salts that had oils added. It seems that when they were put in the water it became like super glue and she couldn't get out. I seriously suck at searching the Dish, can someone find a link to that article?
  10. There is one in Portland that I'm considering. It is a one day drive. I also have a timeshare in Seaside for afterward. Could be a nice trip. I really want to go to Ohio. I just don't know if I can swing it. I just got my taxes back from the accountant today, I owe, I owe, It off to work I go!!!
  11. You mean it was a good idea. Usually I just never type what the voices say. They were right this time?
  12. I was at kmart on Wednesday and saw an ice cube tray that made tiny, round ice cubes. 1/2 inch wide maybe 3/4 in deep. They were actually bullet shaped, rounded on one end. Why couldn't someone come up with a bath bomb recipe that had extra color and pack them into one of those? It probably made 50 or so ice cubes.
  13. Then they'd have to do CBS and SDS. It would just get to complicated...LMAO CBS=Cabana Boy Shipping SDS=Sugar Daddy Shipping
  14. I get really afraid of lye once I start to drink wine. I might as well not use gloves or goggles.
  15. Are you a member at the Dish. It is back up now and has tons of information. Also, there was just a thread about this here on CT within the last week. You may want to search the soap section using the word salt bar or something similar.
  16. I know I saw them yesterday. Maybe they sold. Sorry to get you hopes up.
  17. I've been using Liquapar Optima for mine. It can be used in products with no water, like whipped shea. I always add preservative to shea because it is applied with the hands and little germies will get in it no matter what.
  18. Sorry, not enough coffee. When you say pillmaker, are you referring to someone or something?
  19. If someone really wants the bottle I'll go look at it and see what kind. I think it's just ylang ylang from MMS.
  20. Someone has milk jugs for sale in the classified section right now. HTH
  21. Want some of my ylang. I can use one drop of that crap and an ounce of lavender and all I smell is ylang. Blech!!! (ok, not really but almost:D )
  22. Ahh, now there is the problem I don't happen to have a DH/BF. Can I borrow yours?
  23. I got that bag at Costco a few months ago for about $3-$4 for 50 pounds.
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