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Everything posted by Carrie

  1. I bought some transparencies today. I was gonna soap tonight but drank a glass of wine while watching top chef and decided not to soap. I'll try tomorrow.
  2. I am not a rebatch expert! I've done 2 batches. I added alot more water than what most people use. I used several ounces instead of a spritz. It made the soap go back to a "medium trace" consistancy. Then I molded it. It came out just fine but needed a little extra time to cure and remove the extra water. Edited to say that I used a cheese grater and it went pretty fast. Make sure you wear gloves, that stuff is really gonna be lye heavy.
  3. Michi, personally, I can't tell the difference between the LLC and Peak Lemon Pound Cake.
  4. I looked on the MMS site and her recipe says 1.8ml of FO to 9oz product.
  5. How would someone make something like that in say...the shape of a mushroom?
  6. Why does an LX 10 burn hotter for me than an LX 12? If you figure it out, will you let me know?
  7. I ordered a couple of samples of that when it first came out. I don't know if they've made changes to it or not. I just added sugar and a few drops of FO. It made my hands red and itchy and terribly dry after it was rinsed off. No help here, sorry.
  8. I beleive they are talking about getting rid of the human stench not the fish stench. Fishermans soap masks the human smell for better fishing.
  9. Have you tried sanding sugar? I use that. It looks just like turbinado sugar but is clear, not brown. It doesn't interfere with coloring your scrubs. I removed the brown sugar and turbinado because of the color. Now I use white granulated and sanding sugar. The sanding sugar is also called crystallizing sugar. Look for it in specialty bakery stores. I get mine at the Safeway bakery. It isn't a retail item, you have to ask if they'll sell it to you.
  10. I'll update this post as I test. CORNSTARCH: I don't notice any effect from the cornstarch. The soap bubbled and lathered just like a good little soap should. There was no dryness and left my skin feeling moisturized. I do have to say that I may have to look into OT FO's. I loved the Frosted Wineberry and have heard some other good things lately. MAYO: This little bar made my skin feel great. I don't know what it was about Mayo but it worked. AVACADO: SOUR CREAM: EGG YOLK: YOGURT: This bar went from bubbles to lather in under a second. Nice feel on the skin. I like this additive. CARROT PUREE: Wow, did this ever bubble. Again there was no dryness, this was a nice soap. CUCUMBER: I was a little worried about the yellow dots. I've never seen DOS (knock on wood) but I just figured it was the cucumber (I hope) Anyway, I thought the bubbles onthe carrot were wonderful...the lather on this bar, wow. It didn't take any work to get the lather started, just rubbed the bar and tons of lather. The scent was very light but nice. It was a good soap but I didn't like the yellow spots.
  11. I use the rounded bottom 4oz white double wall with black dome lid. 50 jars Bayusome with lids $23.37 The Soap Dish with lids $27.00 Wholesale Supplies has 48 jars with lids for $22.60. For the type of jar I use, The Soap Dish is the most expensive.
  12. I guess it would depend on where you live. Bayusome is $.02 cheaper than MMS for my jars but MMS is one state away and Bayusome is across the country. MMS would be cheaper for me with shipping.
  13. I made soap a few weeks ago with RBO and used lavender fields and it is a medium purple. I also used mostly white oils though, that might have something to do with it.
  14. Hey e, what about the heat sealable teabags? You wouldn't need to strain it. If you need some I can throw a few in the mail for you today. Let me know
  15. Sorry to hijack. The closest target is about 40 miles away and the closest kmart is about 5 miles past that. WM on the other hand is 2 miles away. I'd rather have kmart and target.
  16. I use lavender fields from MMS. Perfect every time. http://www.thesage.com/catalog/Colors.html?mmsID=0e405fa3faf8be0e068458c815091da5 Scroll down to Lavender Fields. I mix it with some of the soap with my SB because it is hard to incorporate without the SB.
  17. My buckets have plastic handles. If your buckets have a metal handle, remove it.
  18. I'm back The sticky sugar thing is all in my mind, but it kept me from trying sugar scrubs for a long time. I also don't care for food scents for soap, most of them just smell like something sticky. Can you tell I have a real problem with sweet and sticky stuff? I make an emulsified sugar scrub with lots of butter and oils. I also add 2 different size sugars in my scrubs and sometimes jojoba beads. Hahahaha Carrie, Cari and Kerry. Just about right.
  19. What are the benefits of a sugar scrub? I started with salt scrubs. Picture this: In the shower to get clean. Put sugar on skin, sticky mess, have to clean again. With salt scrub at least I didn't have to think about being dirty again during the shower.
  20. I use soap boxes and you can't go 4 inches long with the boxes without going custom, I beleive. You may want to think about packaging and size. I love my Kelsei mold but the bars are a little smaller than I like. I have a cabinet maker friend that I may ask to make me some of those slab molds with the cutter guides on them. I could have any size bar I want that way.
  21. Did you expect less? Give McKenna my best. I've never been to those places either, I can't wait to see the pictures. I've been to Los Banos though...LMAO
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